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El Viaje de Toda una Vida: Lecciones Aprendidas de 15 Años como CEO de la Compañía Walt Disney Book Summary preview
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Durante casi un siglo, la compañía Walt Disney ha experimentado cambios sísmicos y ha mantenido su estatus como la compañía de medios más exitosa del mundo.

Robert Iger, presidente y CEO de esta marca legendaria y veterano de 45 años en la industria del entretenimiento, ahora cuenta su historia y expone los principios que nutren lo bueno y manejan lo malo.

Lea El Viaje de Toda una Vida: Lecciones Aprendidas de 15 Años como CEO de la Compañía Walt Disney para aprender cómo abrazar simultáneamente el cambio y operar con integridad, y fomentar una cultura de confianza, creatividad y toma de riesgos pragmática.

Los 20 mejores insights

  1. Tom Murphy y Dan Burke, quienes compraron ABC en 1985, enseñaron a Robert Iger que la verdadera integridad, ser guiado por tu claro sentido de lo correcto e incorrecto, puede ser un arma secreta en un negocio competitivo. En palabras de Iger: "La forma en que haces cualquier cosa es la forma en que haces todo".
  2. Iger todavía tiene una nota que Dan Burke le entregó al principio de su carrera: "Evita entrar en el negocio de fabricar aceite de trombón... ¡el mundo solo consume unos pocos litros de aceite de trombón al año!" En otras palabras, solo invierte en construir cosas que la gente necesita.
  3. Cuando la junta de Disney estaba considerando a Iger para ser el nuevo CEO, cuestionaron cómo se podía confiar en él cuando había sido el número dos de Michael Eisner durante varias decisiones empresariales pobres. Iger se negó a rehash el pasado y decidió centrarse en el futuro: "Quieres saber a dónde voy a llevar esta empresa, no a dónde ha estado. Aquí está mi plan".
  4. Las relaciones en la cima importan. El ex CEO Michael Eisner y el presidente de la compañía Michael Ovitz chocaban constantemente. Esto socavó la confianza y la moral de sus empleados.
  5. Ni Eisner ni Ovitz se detuvieron nunca a preguntar cómo funcionaría la introducción de Ovitz en el equipo en el día a día. Un líder debe mirar más allá del problema a corto plazo y preguntarse, "¿Qué estoy realmente tratando de resolver, y tiene sentido esta solución?"
  6. Cuando Roseanne Barr tuiteó un comentario ofensivo sobre un ex funcionario de la administración en 2018, Iger canceló inmediatamente su programa y anunció a la junta: "Tenemos que hacer lo que es correcto. No lo que es políticamente correcto, y no lo que es comercialmente correcto. Simplemente lo que es correcto".
  7. Las exitosas adquisiciones de Pixar y Marvel se basaron en la realización de que el valor de las empresas radicaba en su gente. Los acuerdos se estructuraron para garantizar que Disney protegiera sus culturas corporativas únicas.
  8. Cuando Disney adquirió Marvel en 2009, reunieron un dossier de miles de personajes de Marvel que podrían explotar. Esto incluía a Black Panther, que se convirtió en la cuarta película de superhéroes con mayor recaudación de todos los tiempos.
  9. La adquisición de Lucasfilm requirió meses de cuidadosa discusión con George Lucas. Disney estaba negociando para ser el guardián del legado de Star Wars, con la misma persona que tenía el control creativo sobre la saga.
  10. Las tres prioridades estratégicas de Iger una vez que asumió como CEO fueron: 1) dedicar tiempo y capital a la creación de contenido de marca de alta calidad, 2) abrazar la tecnología al máximo y tratarla como una oportunidad en lugar de una amenaza, y 3) convertirse en una empresa verdaderamente global.
  11. Cuando Roy Disney se opuso públicamente a la ascensión de Iger como CEO, Iger tuvo que dejar de lado su ego y detener los ataques disruptivos para averiguar qué molestaba a Roy y cómo apaciguarlo. Llegó a la conclusión de que Roy solo necesitaba sentirse validado.
  12. Abraza el concepto japonés de shokunin, la búsqueda interminable de la perfección para un bien mayor. Para Iger, esto significa tener un inmenso orgullo en el trabajo que creas, tener el instinto de empujar hacia la perfección y la ética de trabajo para seguir adelante con el objetivo.
  13. Siempre hazlo genial. Cuando la primera película de Star Wars hecha por Disney luchó por cumplir con su fecha de lanzamiento en mayo de 2015, Iger la retrasó hasta diciembre. Creía que el costo financiero de un retraso era mejor que una película que no alcanza su potencial.
  14. En cuanto a la innovación y la burocracia, Iger comenta: "Las empresas no innovan debido a la tradición; genera tanta fricción, en cada paso del camino".
  15. En 2016, Iger se retiró de un acuerdo para adquirir Twitter. Creía que problemas como el discurso de odio, las cuentas falsas y los mensajes políticos podrían ser corrosivos para la marca Disney. Como Tom Murphy había dicho años antes, "Si algo no te parece bien, probablemente no sea lo correcto para ti".
  16. Confía en tu gente. Por ejemplo, las personas que trabajan en Hong Kong son las más indicadas para decidir cuestiones como los precios a nivel local, no los trajes en la sede corporativa.
  17. Para 2017, estaba claro que Disney necesitaba reinventarse una vez más. Esto culminó en el audaz paso de lanzar Disney+, un servicio de streaming directo al consumidor.
  18. Aunque la introducción de Disney+ infligió daños a corto plazo en los resultados finales de la empresa, ya que la empresa competía efectivamente consigo misma en sus negocios tradicionales, era necesario asumir pérdidas a corto plazo para ganar crecimiento a largo plazo.
  19. El ex CEO Michael Eisner solía decir: "El microgestión está subestimada". Pero él podía llevarlo al extremo y finalmente parecía mezquino y de mentalidad estrecha.
  20. Aquellos que permanecen en el poder demasiado tiempo pueden volverse fácilmente demasiado confiados y descartar las opiniones de otras personas. Iger advierte que cuando empiezas a creer demasiado en tu poder e importancia, pierdes el rumbo.


A lo largo de su larga y a menudo tumultuosa carrera, Robert Iger ha desarrollado un conjunto de principios guía para el liderazgo. Uno de los más importantes es la búsqueda incansable de la perfección, pero esto debe equilibrarse con la equidad para que los empleados no tengan miedo de cometer errores. Junto a esto está su enfoque en la integridad, el arma secreta en un negocio competitivo. A través de las adquisiciones de Pixar y Marvel, Iger aprendió que las apuestas largas no son tan largas si haces tu tarea, y que las adquisiciones realmente se tratan de las personas en lugar del producto. Cuando los tiempos se ponen difíciles, concéntrate en el futuro y las habilidades de tu gente, y siempre esté dispuesto a controlar tu ego como líder. En última instancia, esté listo para innovar o morir. Y durante ese proceso, esté preparado para sufrir ahora para ganar más tarde.

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Robert Iger's leadership principles greatly influenced his approach to innovation. His relentless pursuit of perfection, balanced with fairness, encouraged a culture where employees were not afraid to make mistakes, fostering an environment conducive to innovation. His focus on integrity helped him gain a competitive edge. Through the acquisitions of Pixar and Marvel, he learned the importance of thorough research and the value of people over product, which influenced his innovative strategies. His ability to focus on the future and the abilities of his people, and his willingness to curb his ego, allowed him to drive innovation. His readiness to innovate or face failure, and his preparedness to endure short-term difficulties for long-term success, also shaped his innovative approach.

Robert Iger achieved several key successes as CEO of Disney. He developed a set of guiding principles for leadership, focusing on the relentless pursuit of perfection, fairness, and integrity. He also successfully acquired Pixar and Marvel, demonstrating his belief that long shots are not so long if you do your homework, and that acquisitions are really about the people rather than the product. He emphasized the importance of focusing on the future and the abilities of your people during tough times, and always being willing to curb your ego as a leader. He also stressed the need to innovate or die, and to be prepared to suffer now in order to win later.

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Búsqueda de la perfección

Robert Iger se unió a ABC como supervisor de televisión de estudio en 1974 y pronto se trasladó a ABC Sports, entonces dirigido por Roone Arledge. Arledge tenía un mantra simple, pero que tuvo un impacto profundo en Iger: Haz lo que necesites para hacerlo mejor. Este mantra se convirtió en la base de lo que Iger identifica como una de las cualidades clave del liderazgo, la búsqueda incansable de la perfección.

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Robert Iger's leadership contributed to the Walt Disney Company's success through his relentless pursuit of perfection. This was a key quality he identified in leadership, which he learned from his time at ABC Sports under Roone Arledge. His mantra of doing what you need to do to make it better had a profound impact on his leadership style and ultimately on the success of the Walt Disney Company.

The specific challenges and opportunities faced by Robert Iger during his tenure as CEO of the Walt Disney Company are not detailed in the provided content. However, based on his mantra of relentless pursuit of perfection, it can be inferred that he likely faced challenges related to maintaining high standards and continuously improving the company. Opportunities may have included leveraging new technologies or markets to expand the company's reach and influence.

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La búsqueda de la perfección es menos un conjunto de reglas y más una mentalidad. En lugar de esforzarse por el perfeccionismo a toda costa, Iger ve la búsqueda de la perfección como la creación de un ambiente en el que te niegas a aceptar la mediocridad y nunca te excusas por algo que es "suficientemente bueno". Nunca digas, "No tengo el tiempo o la energía para hacer X". Si estás en el negocio de hacer cosas, entonces haz cosas geniales.

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The question is broad and can have multiple answers depending on the industry and the definition of 'perfection'. However, some companies that are often cited for their high-quality products or services include Apple for its innovative and user-friendly technology products, Four Seasons for its exceptional hospitality services, and Toyota for its reliable and efficient vehicles. These companies have consistently strived for excellence and have set high standards in their respective industries.

Businesses can balance the pursuit of perfection with the need to meet deadlines and targets by creating an environment that refuses to accept mediocrity and never makes excuses for something being 'good enough'. They should never say, 'I don't have the time or the energy to do X.' If they are in the business of making things, then they should strive to make things great.

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En 2013, mientras estaba en Tokio, Iger conoció al maestro sushi chef Jiro Ono. Incluso en sus 80s, Ono dijo que todavía estaba trabajando en perfeccionar su arte. El maestro chef encarnaba el concepto japonés de shokunin, la búsqueda interminable de la perfección para un bien mayor. Para Iger, esto significa tener un inmenso orgullo en el trabajo que creas, tener el instinto de empujar para hacerlo mejor, y la ética de trabajo para seguir adelante con el objetivo.

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The case study of master sushi chef Jiro Ono in the book "The Ride of a Lifetime" by Robert Iger is used to illustrate the concept of shokunin, a Japanese term for the endless pursuit of perfection for some greater good. Ono, even in his 80s, was still striving to perfect his art of sushi making. This dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence is a trait that Iger admired and saw as a valuable principle in any field, not just sushi making. The broader implication is that, regardless of the industry or profession, taking immense pride in one's work, constantly striving to improve, and having the work ethic to follow through on goals is the key to success and fulfillment.

A startup can use the concept of shokunin to grow by embracing the endless pursuit of perfection for some greater good. This means taking immense pride in the work they create, having the instinct to push to make it better, and the work ethic to follow through on the goal. This relentless pursuit of perfection can lead to continuous improvement, innovation, and ultimately, growth.

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Permitir el fracaso

Sin embargo, puede haber un inconveniente en la búsqueda de la perfección. Aquellos que trabajaban para Arledge se esforzaban por cumplir con sus exigentes estándares, pero él no tenía paciencia para las excusas y rápidamente se volvía contra las personas que sentía que se quedaban cortas. Iger cree que hay un delicado equilibrio entre exigir a tu gente que rinda al máximo versus paralizarlos por el constante miedo al fracaso.

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In Robert Iger's book, the concept of 'exacting standards' refers to a high level of expectation or requirement that one sets for others, particularly in a work environment. It's about demanding the best performance from your team. However, Iger also highlights the potential downside of this approach. While it can drive people to strive for perfection, it can also create a fear of failure if not managed properly. The key is to find a balance between pushing people to achieve their best and not creating an environment where they are paralyzed by the fear of not meeting the standards.

The concept of balance between demanding performance and fear of failure challenges existing paradigms in leadership by introducing the idea that leaders can push their teams to perform at their best without instilling a paralyzing fear of failure. Traditional leadership models often emphasize high performance standards, sometimes creating a culture of fear around failure. This new paradigm suggests that leaders can foster a more supportive environment where team members are encouraged to take risks and learn from their mistakes, rather than being punished for them. This can lead to more innovation, resilience, and overall growth within the organization.

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Un paso hacia este equilibrio es reconocer que todos se equivocan a veces, y asumir tus propios errores. Al dar el ejemplo de que está bien equivocarse si aprendes de tus errores, infundes confianza y aliento en los demás. La excelencia y la equidad no tienen que ser mutuamente excluyentes.

Hazlo genial

Hasta el día de hoy, Iger se adhiere a la búsqueda de la perfección, incluso cuando las apuestas son altas. Los estudios de cine pueden quedar atrapados en las fechas de lanzamiento y dejar que eso tenga un impacto en las decisiones creativas. Disney adquirió Lucasfilm a finales de 2012 y planeaba lanzar la primera de sus películas Star Wars en mayo de 2015. Pero los primeros retrasos en el guión y otros problemas de producción significaron que el rodaje ni siquiera comenzó hasta la primavera de 2014.

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The themes of Robert Iger's book are highly relevant to contemporary issues in the entertainment industry. Iger's experiences and lessons learned as the CEO of the Walt Disney Company provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in the industry. His emphasis on embracing change, operating with integrity, and striving for perfection are particularly pertinent in today's rapidly evolving entertainment landscape. Furthermore, his experiences with acquisitions, such as that of Lucasfilm, highlight the complexities of managing creative processes and timelines in the industry.

Robert Iger's approach to managing Disney has significantly influenced strategies in the entertainment industry. His pursuit of perfection, even under high stakes, has set a new standard. He has shown that it's crucial not to let external factors, like release dates, compromise the quality of the content. This approach was evident when Disney acquired Lucasfilm and faced production delays for the first Star Wars movie. Instead of rushing, they prioritized quality, setting a precedent in the industry.

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En lugar de comprometer la calidad de la película, Iger retrasó la fecha de lanzamiento hasta diciembre, a pesar de que el retraso representaba un golpe para los resultados finales del estudio.

Integridad, siempre

En 1985, ABC fue vendida a Capital Cities Communications. Sus dueños, Tom Murphy y Dan Burke, habían creado una cultura de decencia. Bajo su tutela, Iger aprendió que la verdadera integridad, que significa ser guiado por tu claro sentido de lo correcto y lo incorrecto, puede ser un arma secreta en un negocio competitivo.

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Para Iger, el éxito depende de establecer un alto estándar ético para todo: "La forma en que haces cualquier cosa es la forma en que haces todo". Este estándar va más allá de tratar bien a las personas para incluir la contratación para bien.Esto significa contratar personas con el mismo fuerte compás ético, no solo aquellas que son buenas en lo que hacen profesionalmente.

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The lessons from "The Ride of a Lifetime" can be applied in today's business environment in several ways. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of setting high ethical standards in all aspects of business. This includes not only treating people well but also hiring individuals with a strong ethical compass. Secondly, it highlights the need to embrace change and operate with integrity, which are crucial in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. Lastly, it underscores the value of resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges and uncertainties.

'The Ride of a Lifetime' by Robert Iger has influenced corporate strategies and business models by emphasizing the importance of setting high ethical standards in all aspects of business. The book suggests that the way a company does anything is indicative of how it does everything. This principle has guided many businesses to focus on hiring individuals with a strong ethical compass, not just those who are good at what they do professionally. This approach has led to a shift in hiring strategies and overall business models, placing a greater emphasis on ethics and integrity.

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No hay segundas oportunidades

La integridad debe impregnar cada parte del negocio, y a veces esto significa tomar decisiones difíciles de manera rápida y decisiva. En 2017, ABC trajo de vuelta al horario estelar de televisión el programa Roseanne, que recibió rápidamente altos índices de audiencia. La franca protagonista del programa, Roseanne Barr, comenzó a hacer ciertos comentarios controvertidos. A finales de mayo de 2018, tuiteó un comentario ofensivo sobre un exfuncionario de la administración. La reacción de Iger fue rápida: "Tenemos que hacer lo correcto. No lo que es políticamente correcto, ni lo que es comercialmente correcto. Simplemente lo que es correcto". Inmediatamente exigió a Roseanne que se disculpara e informó que ABC estaría anunciando la cancelación del programa.

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The principle of integrity challenges existing paradigms or practices in the field of business by demanding honesty and transparency in all operations, even when it's not commercially or politically beneficial. It requires businesses to make tough decisions that uphold their core values, even if it means sacrificing short-term gains. For instance, a company with high integrity would not hesitate to cancel a highly-rated show if its star makes offensive remarks, as it prioritizes doing what's right over commercial success.

The case of Roseanne Barr is a prime example of how business decisions can be influenced by ethical considerations. When Roseanne Barr, the star of the show 'Roseanne', made offensive remarks, the CEO of Walt Disney Company, Robert Iger, made a swift decision to cancel the show, despite its high ratings. This decision, although not commercially beneficial, was made to uphold the integrity of the company. It sends a strong message that businesses should not compromise their values for commercial success. This case also highlights the importance of swift and decisive action when dealing with controversies. It shows that businesses should be prepared to make tough decisions when their values are at stake.

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Iger no se dejó intimidar por las posibles repercusiones financieras. En su correo electrónico a la junta de Disney esa misma mañana, Iger declaró: "Exigir calidad e integridad de todas nuestras personas y de todos nuestros productos es primordial, y no hay lugar para segundas oportunidades, ni para la tolerancia cuando se trata de una transgresión flagrante que desacredita a la empresa de cualquier manera".

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Companies might face several obstacles when applying Robert Iger's principles. One potential obstacle could be resistance to change. Iger's principles emphasize embracing change, which can be challenging for companies with a traditional mindset. To overcome this, companies can foster a culture of adaptability and continuous learning. Another obstacle could be maintaining quality and integrity, as Iger's principles demand high standards. Companies might struggle with this due to resource constraints or lack of expertise. To overcome this, companies can invest in training and development, and implement robust quality control mechanisms. Lastly, companies might face financial repercussions, as Iger was undeterred by them. Companies can mitigate this by having a strong financial plan and risk management strategies in place.

In 'The Ride of a Lifetime', Robert Iger presents several innovative ideas. One of the most surprising is his emphasis on the importance of quality and integrity. He believes that there should be no room for second chances or tolerance when it comes to any transgression that discredits the company. This shows his commitment to maintaining the reputation and credibility of the company. Another innovative idea is his approach to embracing change. He was not deterred by potential financial repercussions, demonstrating his willingness to take risks for the betterment of the company.

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Despide de manera justa

Este enfoque en la equidad debe extenderse incluso al despido de personas, una de las cosas más difíciles de hacer como jefe. No existe un buen manual sobre cómo despedir a alguien, pero Iger ha desarrollado un conjunto interno de reglas, basado en la noción de integridad.

Siempre hazlo en persona, no por teléfono o por correo electrónico, y no delegues la tarea a otra persona. Debes tener la honestidad de mirar a alguien a los ojos y decirle las razones por las que estás tomando esta decisión sobre él. Explica clara y concisamente qué no está funcionando y por qué no crees que cambiará. No hay forma de evitar que la conversación sea dolorosa, pero lo mejor que puedes hacer es que sea honesta.

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The Ride of a Lifetime" by Robert Iger has significantly influenced corporate strategies and business models by emphasizing the importance of embracing change, operating with integrity, and leading with courage. Iger's leadership at Disney, as detailed in the book, showcases how these principles can guide a company through major shifts and challenges. However, the specific influence on individual companies would vary based on how they apply these lessons.

Companies in traditional sectors like manufacturing or retail can apply the innovative approaches discussed in "The Ride of a Lifetime" by embracing change and operating with integrity. They can learn from the experiences of Robert Iger, the CEO of Walt Disney Company, and apply his principles to their own businesses. For instance, they can focus on honest communication, especially during difficult decisions, and explain their reasons clearly and concisely. They can also strive to anticipate and adapt to changes in their industry, rather than resisting or ignoring them.

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"No fabriques aceite para trombones"

En 1988, Murphy y Burke nombraron a Iger presidente de ABC Entertainment. Para Iger, esto se sintió como dar un gran salto sin paracaídas. Reconoció que no puedes fingir lo que no sabes, especialmente en una industria creativa, y decidió ser honesto con aquellos que le reportaban. Dio sus frutos: en los meses siguientes, subió rápidamente por una empinada curva de aprendizaje.

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Small businesses can apply the principles from Iger's book in several ways. Firstly, embracing change is crucial for growth. This involves being open to new ideas and being willing to adapt business strategies as needed. Secondly, operating with integrity is key. This means being honest, transparent, and ethical in all business dealings. Lastly, Iger's journey highlights the importance of continuous learning. Small businesses should strive to learn from their experiences and use this knowledge to improve and grow.

Robert Iger's leadership has significantly influenced Disney's corporate strategies and business models. His approach to leadership, which includes embracing change, operating with integrity, and being honest with his team, has guided Disney through various shifts in the industry. Iger's willingness to take risks, as evidenced by his promotion to president of ABC Entertainment, has also played a crucial role in shaping Disney's strategies. His leadership style has fostered a culture of innovation and adaptability within the company, enabling Disney to remain a dominant player in the entertainment industry.

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Al principio, Burke le entregó a Iger una nota que decía: "Evita entrar en el negocio de fabricar aceite para trombones... ¡el mundo solo consume unos pocos litros de aceite para trombones al año!" En otras palabras, no inviertas mucha energía y tiempo en proyectos que no te darán mucho a cambio. Iger todavía tiene ese pedazo de papel.

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The phrase 'avoiding manufacturing trombone oil' is a metaphor used by Robert Iger, the CEO of the Walt Disney Company. It means to avoid investing time and energy into projects that won't yield significant returns. Many successful companies implement this practice by focusing on high-impact projects. For instance, Apple Inc. is known for its selective product line, focusing on a few products but ensuring they are of high quality and high impact. Similarly, Google's '80/20' rule allows employees to spend 80% of their time on core projects and 20% on innovative ideas, ensuring they focus on high-impact projects while still fostering innovation.

A small business can use the principle of avoiding 'manufacturing trombone oil' to grow by focusing on projects that have a high potential for return on investment. This principle suggests that businesses should avoid investing time and resources into projects that will not yield significant returns. Instead, they should identify and pursue opportunities that are likely to be profitable and contribute to business growth. This could involve conducting market research to understand customer needs, developing innovative products or services, or improving operational efficiency.

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Tener la confianza de jefes como Murphy y Burke pronto le dio a Iger el valor para tomar riesgos. Aprendió que si haces tu tarea, las apuestas a largo plazo no suelen ser tan largas como parecen.

No es la idea más loca

A mediados de la década de 1990, Disney tenía un acuerdo de coproducción y distribución con Pixar, pero la tensión entre el entonces CEO de Disney, Michael Eisner, y Steve Jobs en Pixar llevó a que las dos compañías se separaran de manera acrimoniosa en 2004. Una vez que se anunció a principios de 2005 que Iger sería el próximo CEO de Disney, decidió que una de sus primeras tareas sería reparar la relación con Pixar, lo que significaba construir una nueva relación con Steve Jobs.

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Robert Iger's pragmatic risk-taking played a significant role in his success as CEO of Disney. One of the key examples of this was his decision to repair the relationship with Pixar after taking over as CEO. Despite the previous tension between Disney and Pixar, Iger recognized the value of Pixar's creative output and the potential benefits of a strong partnership. This decision was a risk, given the acrimonious history, but it was a calculated one, based on a clear understanding of the potential rewards. This approach to risk-taking, which combines boldness with careful analysis and planning, was a hallmark of Iger's tenure at Disney and a key factor in his success.

Yes, there are several examples of companies that have successfully repaired strained business relationships. One such example is Apple and IBM. In the 1980s, Apple ran an ad campaign portraying IBM as the enemy. However, in 2014, they announced a partnership to create business apps for iPhones and iPads. Another example is Microsoft and Sun Microsystems. They had a decade-long dispute over Java, a programming language developed by Sun. In 2004, they settled their differences and announced a collaboration to make their products work better together.

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Iger tuvo la idea de que el cambio tecnológico significaba que, tarde o temprano, la gente querría ver televisión en sus computadoras. Por lo tanto, tomó un riesgo y le presentó la idea a Jobs, quien resultó haber estado experimentando con la misma idea. Cinco meses después, Iger subió al escenario con Jobs en el lanzamiento del iPod de video de Apple, anunciando que cinco programas de Disney estarían disponibles para descargar en iTunes. La rapidez con la que esto sucedió ayudó a convencer a Jobs de que Disney se estaba convirtiendo en una empresa con visión de futuro.

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Startups can utilize Robert Iger's principles of pragmatic risk-taking and forward-looking strategies by embracing technological changes and being open to innovative ideas. They can take calculated risks to implement new technologies or strategies that align with future trends. This involves being proactive and not being afraid to pitch new ideas, as Iger did with Steve Jobs. It's also important to act swiftly when opportunities arise, as this can help convince stakeholders that the startup is forward-thinking and adaptable.

Entrepreneurs can learn several key lessons from Robert Iger's approach. Firstly, it's important to anticipate and embrace technological change, rather than resist it. Iger foresaw that people would want to watch TV on their computers, and acted on this insight. Secondly, taking calculated risks is crucial. Iger pitched his idea to Steve Jobs, despite the risk of rejection. Lastly, speed is key in implementing new ideas. Iger's quick action in making Disney shows available on iTunes convinced Jobs of Disney's forward-thinking approach.

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Después de asumir formalmente como CEO, Iger le dijo a la junta que Disney Animation, el corazón de la marca Disney, estaba en problemas. Tenían tres opciones: intentar darle la vuelta bajo su actual dirección, o traer nuevos talentos para darle la vuelta, o comprar Pixar. Muchos miembros de la junta se oponían profundamente a la idea de comprar Pixar, pero Iger ganó suficiente apoyo para explorar la idea. Cuando lo planteó con el jefe de Pixar, Jobs dijo: "Sabes, esa no es la idea más loca del mundo".

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Iger's approach to change and integrity played a significant role in his success as CEO of Disney. He was not afraid to make bold decisions, such as the potential acquisition of Pixar, despite opposition. He recognized the need for change within Disney Animation and took steps to address it. His integrity was evident in his transparent communication with the board about the challenges and potential solutions. This approach allowed him to gain the trust and support necessary to explore innovative solutions and ultimately guide Disney through significant shifts.

Pragmatic risk-taking, as demonstrated by Iger's decision to buy Pixar, can have several implications. Firstly, it can lead to significant growth and innovation. In this case, the acquisition of Pixar revitalized Disney Animation, which was struggling at the time. Secondly, it can lead to the acquisition of new talent and resources, as Pixar brought with it a team of skilled animators and a wealth of intellectual property. Lastly, it can also lead to increased market share and competitiveness in the industry. However, it's important to note that such decisions also come with potential downsides, such as financial risk and the challenge of integrating different corporate cultures.

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Sellaron el trato en 2006. Iger había hecho su tarea. No solo reconoció cómo ambas marcas se beneficiarían, sino que también construyó una relación con Jobs y lo convenció de que Disney podría proteger la cultura de Pixar.

Mantén el valor

La adquisición de Pixar fue el primer paso para reconstruir Disney. El negocio del entretenimiento continuó transformándose rápidamente, y era esencial seguir tomando riesgos y mantenerse al día con los tiempos. El siguiente objetivo de Disney fue Marvel, una empresa mucho más "arriesgada" cuyos fans podrían horrorizarse con un vínculo con Disney. Iger reconoció que preservar la cultura de Marvel sería primordial para su éxito y lealtad de marca.

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The principle of embracing change and taking pragmatic risks was pivotal to Disney's success under Robert Iger's leadership. This was evident in the acquisition of Pixar, which was a significant step in rebuilding Disney. The entertainment industry was rapidly transforming, and it was crucial for Disney to keep up with the times and take calculated risks. Another example was the acquisition of Marvel, an 'edgier' company. Iger understood the importance of preserving the Marvel culture for its success and brand loyalty, demonstrating his willingness to take risks and adapt to change.

Some key lessons from Robert Iger's tenure as CEO of Disney that can be applied by other business leaders include:

1. Embrace change: The entertainment industry, like many others, is constantly evolving. Iger's willingness to adapt and evolve with it was a key factor in Disney's success.

2. Operate with integrity: Iger's commitment to integrity helped to build trust and loyalty among Disney's stakeholders.

3. Take calculated risks: Iger's decision to acquire Pixar and Marvel, despite potential backlash, shows the importance of taking calculated risks in business.

4. Preserve culture: When acquiring new companies, Iger made it a priority to preserve their unique cultures, recognizing that this was key to their success and brand loyalty.

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La misma conciencia entró en juego cuando Iger se acercó a George Lucas para comprar Lucasfilm. Disney estaba negociando para ser el guardián del legado de Star Wars, con la misma persona que tenía el control creativo sobre la saga. Finalmente firmaron el acuerdo en octubre de 2012 después de muchos meses de cuidadosa negociación.

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Encontrando Wakanda

En el momento de la compra de Marvel, otros estudios poseían los derechos de personajes como Spiderman. Sin embargo, el equipo de Disney había hecho su investigación y había reunido un dossier de miles de personajes de Marvel que podría explotar, incluyendo Black Panther, que se convirtió en la cuarta película de superhéroes con mayor recaudación de todos los tiempos.

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Disney's acquisition of Marvel was a strategic move that expanded Disney's portfolio of intellectual properties. This acquisition allowed Disney to leverage Marvel's vast array of characters, many of which were not well-known at the time, and turn them into successful franchises. This strategy has broader implications in the business world, demonstrating the value of intellectual property and the potential for success when a company can effectively leverage these assets. It also shows the importance of strategic acquisitions in expanding a company's reach and capabilities.

Some key takeaways from "The Ride of a Lifetime" that entrepreneurs or managers could apply to their own business strategies include:

1. Embrace change: The book emphasizes the importance of being open to change and being able to adapt to new situations. This is crucial in the business world where the landscape is constantly evolving.

2. Operate with integrity: Robert Iger stresses the importance of operating with integrity. This means being honest, transparent, and ethical in all business dealings.

3. Do your research: The book highlights the importance of thorough research before making major business decisions. This is evident from the example of Disney's acquisition of Marvel, where they had done extensive research on the characters they could use.

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Las demandas del liderazgo

Hay muchos aspectos para un liderazgo fuerte y efectivo. Uno de los más importantes es darse cuenta de que las relaciones en la cima importan. En 1995, el entonces CEO Michael Eisner trajo a Michael Ovitz para ser el presidente de The Walt Disney Company, y rápidamente se hizo evidente que esto fue un error. Ovitz todavía actuaba como un agente independiente, no como alguien que operaba una diversa colección de negocios dentro de una gran corporación.

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Companies might face several obstacles when applying the leadership concepts from "The Ride of a Lifetime". One potential obstacle could be resistance to change. Leaders might find it challenging to implement new strategies or concepts if their teams are resistant to change. This can be overcome by fostering a culture of openness and adaptability, and by clearly communicating the benefits of the new leadership concepts. Another obstacle could be a lack of alignment between the leadership and the rest of the organization. This can be overcome by ensuring that the leadership concepts are clearly communicated and understood at all levels of the organization. Finally, companies might struggle with maintaining integrity while pursuing growth and success. This can be overcome by establishing and adhering to strong ethical standards.

Yes, there are several companies that have successfully implemented the leadership practices outlined in "The Ride of a Lifetime". One notable example is the Walt Disney Company itself. Under the leadership of Robert Iger, the company embraced change, operated with integrity, and prioritized relationships at the top. This approach helped the company navigate through significant shifts in the industry and maintain its position as a leading entertainment company. Another example is Apple Inc., which has also demonstrated a commitment to these principles, particularly in its approach to innovation and its emphasis on integrity.

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Los dos hombres chocaban constantemente, socavando la confianza y la moral de aquellos que trabajaban para ellos. Nunca se detuvieron a hacer las preguntas difíciles sobre cómo funcionaría esta configuración para empezar. Un líder tiene que mirar más allá del problema a corto plazo y preguntar, "¿Qué estoy tratando de resolver realmente, y tiene sentido esta solución?"

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The leadership ideas presented in "The Ride of a Lifetime" have significant potential for real-world implementation. The book provides valuable insights into the leadership style of Robert Iger, who successfully guided the Walt Disney Company through major changes. His principles, such as embracing change, operating with integrity, and asking hard questions to solve problems, are universally applicable. Leaders in any industry can apply these principles to navigate their organizations through challenges and change. However, the effectiveness of these principles would depend on the specific context and the leader's ability to adapt them to their unique situation.

A startup can use the leadership principles covered in The Ride of a Lifetime to grow by embracing change, operating with integrity, and asking the hard questions. These principles can guide decision-making and strategy. Embracing change can help the startup to adapt and innovate in a fast-paced business environment. Operating with integrity builds trust with customers, employees, and stakeholders. Asking the hard questions helps to identify the real problems and find effective solutions.

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Enfoque hacia adelante

El liderazgo efectivo también significa no ceder al pesimismo, que es ruinoso para la moral. Temer la calamidad no es una buena manera de motivar a las personas. Es mucho mejor abrazar el optimismo, no decir que todo está bien cuando no lo está, sino más bien dejar claro que crees que tu equipo es capaz de dirigirse hacia el mejor resultado. El optimismo es una especie de entusiasmo pragmático por lo que las personas pueden lograr.

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A small business can use the key topics of optimism and pragmatic enthusiasm to grow by fostering a positive and proactive work environment. Optimism, as described in the book, is not about ignoring problems but believing in the team's ability to navigate towards the best outcome. This can motivate employees to strive for success, boosting morale and productivity. Pragmatic enthusiasm, on the other hand, encourages realistic yet passionate pursuit of goals. It allows the team to remain grounded while enthusiastically working towards their objectives. Both these attitudes can help a small business to effectively manage challenges and seize opportunities for growth.

'The Ride of a Lifetime' by Robert Iger has influenced corporate strategies and business models in several ways. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of optimism in leadership, which can positively impact team morale and productivity. Secondly, it encourages embracing change, which is crucial in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. Lastly, it advocates for operating with integrity, which can enhance a company's reputation and customer trust. These principles can be incorporated into corporate strategies and business models to drive success.

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Una manifestación de esto es centrarse en el futuro. Cuando Iger estaba siendo considerado para suceder a Eisner, la junta preguntó repetidamente por qué deberían confiar en él cuando había sido el número dos de Eisner a través de varias decisiones empresariales pobres. Iger le dijo a la junta que no podía hacer nada sobre el pasado; "Quieren saber a dónde voy a llevar esta empresa, no a dónde ha estado. Aquí está mi plan".

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1. Embrace change: The book emphasizes the importance of being open to change and not being stuck in past practices. This is crucial for entrepreneurs and managers as they need to adapt to the ever-changing business environment.

2. Operate with integrity: The author stresses the importance of integrity in business operations. This is a key takeaway for entrepreneurs and managers as it builds trust and credibility.

3. Focus on the future: The book highlights the need to focus on the future rather than dwelling on past mistakes. This is particularly relevant for entrepreneurs and managers as they need to strategize and plan for the future.

Iger's approach challenges existing business paradigms by shifting the focus from past performance and decisions to future plans and visions. This approach encourages innovation and forward-thinking, rather than dwelling on past mistakes or successes. It promotes a culture of continuous improvement and growth, which can be disruptive to traditional business models that focus on maintaining the status quo.

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Controla el ego

Como líder, no puedes dejar que tu ego se interponga en el camino de tomar las mejores decisiones posibles. El miembro de la junta, Roy Disney, sobrino de Walt Disney, se había opuesto públicamente y vehementemente a que Iger asumiera como CEO. Una vez nombrado, Iger tuvo que dejar a un lado su ego y averiguar qué estaba haciendo que Roy estuviera tan enojado y cómo apaciguarlo, o de lo contrario los ataques disruptivos continuarían. Llegó a la conclusión de que Roy necesitaba sentirse validado, por lo que lo hizo miembro emérito de la junta con privilegios especiales para eventos.

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A company in a traditional sector can apply the leadership approaches discussed in 'The Ride of a Lifetime' by embracing change, operating with integrity, and putting ego aside when making decisions. This involves understanding the concerns and needs of all stakeholders, including those who may initially oppose certain decisions. Leaders should strive to validate these concerns and find ways to appease them, thereby preventing disruptive attacks. Additionally, leaders should be open to innovation and new ideas, even if they challenge the status quo.

A small business can apply the leadership principles discussed in "The Ride of a Lifetime" to facilitate growth by embracing change, operating with integrity, and putting ego aside when making decisions. These principles can guide a small business through challenges and changes. For instance, a leader should be open to new ideas and be willing to adapt to changing market conditions. Operating with integrity means being honest and transparent in all business dealings, which can build trust with customers and employees. Lastly, a leader should not let their ego interfere with decision-making. They should be willing to listen to others and consider different perspectives to make the best possible decisions for the business.

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Saber cuándo irse

La clave final para un liderazgo efectivo es no aferrarse durante demasiado tiempo. Cuando una persona tiene mucho poder, se vuelve más difícil controlar cómo ejerce ese poder. La sobreconfianza se convierte en un pasivo cuando empiezas a desestimar las opiniones de los demás. Cuando empiezas a confiar demasiado en tu propio poder e importancia, pierdes el rumbo.

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The leadership ideas in "The Ride of a Lifetime" have significant potential to be implemented in real-world scenarios. The book provides valuable insights into effective leadership, such as the importance of not holding onto power for too long, and the dangers of over-confidence and dismissiveness. These principles can be applied in various contexts, from corporate management to team leadership in any field. However, the implementation of these ideas would require self-awareness, humility, and a willingness to adapt and change.

The book 'The Ride of a Lifetime' does not provide specific case studies or examples. Instead, it offers insights and lessons learned from Robert Iger's tenure as CEO of the Walt Disney Company. One of the key lessons is about the dangers of holding onto power for too long. Overconfidence can lead to dismissiveness of others' opinions and an over-reliance on personal power and importance, which can ultimately lead to a loss of direction. This lesson has broader implications for leadership in any context, emphasizing the importance of humility, openness to feedback, and knowing when to step aside.

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Valora a las personas

La gestión efectiva comienza reconociendo que el verdadero valor de un negocio, especialmente uno en la industria creativa, son sus personas.

No adivinaciones

La cultura de la empresa está compuesta por muchos aspectos, pero puede ser moldeada de manera más efectiva por un liderazgo que transmite las prioridades de manera clara y repetida. Un gran gerente elimina las adivinaciones del día a día al ser claro acerca de las prioridades: aquí es donde queremos estar, y así es como llegamos allí.

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A small business can use the principle of clear communication of priorities to shape its company culture and grow by ensuring that the leadership conveys the company's priorities clearly and repeatedly. This removes any guesswork from the employees' day-to-day tasks and provides a clear direction towards the company's goals. It helps in creating a culture where everyone is aligned and working towards the same objectives, thus fostering growth.

In 'The Ride of a Lifetime', Robert Iger presents several innovative ideas about shaping company culture. One of the key ideas is the importance of clear and consistent communication from leadership about the company's priorities. This helps to eliminate guesswork from employees' day-to-day tasks and provides a clear direction for the company. Iger also emphasizes the need for integrity in leadership, and the importance of embracing change in order to stay relevant and successful in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

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Las tres prioridades estratégicas de Iger una vez que asumió como CEO fueron: 1) dedicar tiempo y capital a la creación de contenido de marca de alta calidad, 2) abrazar la tecnología al máximo, viéndola como una oportunidad, no como una amenaza, y 3) convertirse en una empresa verdaderamente global.

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No seas mezquino

Está bien preocuparse por los detalles hasta cierto punto. Eisner solía decir: "La microgestión está subestimada". Puede mostrar cuánto te importa, y la excelencia a menudo es una colección de pequeñas cosas. Pero cuando se lleva a los extremos, como cuando Eisner señaló con orgullo que él había elegido los tipos de lámparas utilizadas en el vestíbulo de un hotel, puede parecer mezquino y de mentalidad estrecha.

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Eisner's approach to micromanagement, as described in the context, suggests that attention to detail can demonstrate a leader's commitment and can contribute to overall excellence. However, when taken to extremes, it can be perceived as petty and small-minded. This approach can have broader implications in business leadership. On the positive side, it can lead to high-quality outcomes as no detail is overlooked. On the negative side, it can stifle creativity and autonomy of the team, leading to a lack of innovation and growth. It's a delicate balance that leaders must manage.

One of the most prominent examples of a company that has successfully applied the principle of 'excellence is a collection of small things' is Apple Inc. Apple's attention to detail in product design, user interface, and customer experience is legendary. Every small aspect of their products and services is meticulously crafted and refined, contributing to the overall excellence of the brand. Another example is the Walt Disney Company. From the intricate details in their theme parks to the careful crafting of their stories and characters, Disney's commitment to excellence in every small thing has made it one of the most beloved brands in the world.

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Hong Kong puede resolverlo

Un buen gerente también confía en su gente.A principios de su mandato como CEO, Iger fue invitado a una reunión sobre la fijación de precios de las entradas en el parque temático que pronto se abriría en Hong Kong. Canceló la reunión, diciendo que las personas que realmente estaban trabajando en Hong Kong no necesitaban que la sede les dijera cómo poner los precios, deberían ser capaces de averiguarlo por sí mismos. Y si no podían, entonces no deberían estar en este trabajo.

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The case study of ticket pricing at the Hong Kong theme park underlines the importance of trust in management practices. The CEO, Robert Iger, demonstrated trust in his team's ability to make decisions about ticket pricing without interference from headquarters. This approach implies that managers should empower their teams to make decisions, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility. It also suggests that if a team is not capable of making such decisions, they may not be the right fit for the job. This case study broadly implies that effective management involves trust, empowerment, and the right team selection.

Robert Iger's approach to trusting his employees can be implemented in real-world scenarios outside of the Walt Disney Company by empowering employees to make decisions. This can be done by providing them with the necessary tools and information, and then trusting them to make the right decisions. This approach not only fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility among employees, but also encourages them to think critically and independently. It's important to note that this approach requires a culture of trust and open communication, where employees feel safe to make decisions and learn from their mistakes.

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Innovar o morir

Con el cambio de siglo, la industria del entretenimiento estaba cambiando a una velocidad vertiginosa, y todas las empresas de medios tradicionales operaban más por miedo que por valentía, tratando de construir muros para proteger las viejas formas de hacer las cosas. Disney realizó una serie de adquisiciones audaces, pero para 2017, estaba claro que la empresa necesitaba reinventarse una vez más. Se trataba de innovar para sobrevivir. ¿Podrían los productos de alta calidad y con marca seguir siendo valiosos en un mercado cambiante? ¿Podría Disney adaptarse a los nuevos hábitos de consumo de entretenimiento y utilizar la nueva tecnología como una herramienta para el crecimiento?

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Disney adapted to the rapid changes in the entertainment industry at the turn of the century by making a series of bold acquisitions and reinventing itself. The company recognized the need for innovation for survival. It questioned whether high-quality, branded products could still be valuable in a changing marketplace and whether it could adapt to new habits of entertainment consumption. Disney also considered using new technology as a tool for growth.

Yes, there are several companies that have successfully adapted to the new habits of entertainment consumption and used new technology as a tool for growth. Netflix is a prime example. It started as a DVD rental service and then transitioned into a streaming service, capitalizing on the shift towards digital consumption of media. Amazon is another example. It expanded from an online marketplace to a major player in the entertainment industry with Amazon Prime Video. Spotify, a music streaming platform, has also adapted to the digital consumption of music and podcasts, and has seen significant growth.

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A mediados de 2017, los jefes de cada uno de los negocios de la empresa hicieron presentaciones a la junta describiendo el nivel de disrupción al que se enfrentaban, culminando en una recomendación para comprar una participación mayoritaria en la empresa de tecnología de streaming BAMTech, y utilizarla para lanzar Disney+. Este fue un gran paso, ya que Disney se convertiría en un distribuidor de su propio contenido, directamente a los consumidores sin intermediarios.

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The strategy of becoming a distributor of one's own content challenges existing practices in the media industry by disrupting traditional distribution channels. Traditionally, media companies have relied on third-party distributors to get their content to consumers. By becoming a distributor of its own content, a company can bypass these intermediaries, giving it more control over its content and potentially increasing its profit margins. However, this strategy also comes with its own set of challenges, such as the need to invest in and maintain a distribution platform, and the risk of alienating third-party distributors.

The strategies outlined in "The Ride of a Lifetime" have significant potential to be implemented in other industries. The book emphasizes the importance of embracing change, operating with integrity, and being willing to take calculated risks. These principles are universally applicable and can be beneficial in any industry. For instance, the strategy of becoming a distributor of its own content, as Disney did with Disney+, can be applied in industries like publishing or music where companies traditionally rely on intermediaries. However, the specific implementation would depend on the unique characteristics and challenges of each industry.

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Sufrir ahora, ganar después

Lanzar un nuevo servicio de streaming como Disney+ era un riesgo importante. Iger tuvo que explicar a Wall Street que este era un proyecto costoso desde el principio, con más de 25 nuevas series y 10 películas originales programadas para salir solo en el primer año. Pero también infligiría daños a corto plazo en los resultados finales, ya que Disney competiría efectivamente consigo misma en sus negocios tradicionales.

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A small business can use the principles laid out in The Ride of a Lifetime to embrace change and succeed through pragmatic risk-taking by firstly, being open to change and innovation. This could mean exploring new business models or technologies that could enhance the business. Secondly, they should be willing to take calculated risks. This involves assessing the potential benefits and drawbacks of a decision and taking action if the potential benefits outweigh the risks. Lastly, they should be patient and persistent. Success may not come immediately, but with perseverance and a clear vision, it can be achieved.

'The Ride of a Lifetime' by Robert Iger provides valuable insights into the strategic decisions that have shaped the Walt Disney Company. In the context of launching new services like Disney+, the book highlights the importance of taking calculated risks. Iger's decision to launch Disney+ was a major risk, as it involved significant upfront costs and potential short-term damage to the company's bottom line. However, it was a strategic move to adapt to the changing media landscape and meet the growing demand for streaming services. This approach of embracing change and taking bold steps to innovate is a key lesson from the book that can influence corporate strategies.

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Asumir pérdidas a corto plazo con la esperanza de lograr un crecimiento a largo plazo es un gran riesgo y requiere mucho valor. Para crear contenido original para Disney+, Iger decidió no crear un estudio completamente nuevo, sino encargar a los estudios existentes, incluyendo Pixar, Marvel y Star Wars, la creación de nuevos productos además de sus actuales demandas de negocio. Todo se ve afectado, incluyendo los modelos y prácticas de negocio existentes, las rutinas y prioridades, los trabajos y responsabilidades. Iger incluso vinculó la compensación ejecutiva a si las personas estaban dando un paso adelante para hacer que la nueva iniciativa fuera exitosa.

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Pragmatic risk-taking, as explained in "The Ride of a Lifetime", refers to the strategic decision to intentionally take on short-term losses with the hope of achieving long-term growth. This concept is exemplified in the book through Robert Iger's decision to task existing studios like Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars with creating original content for Disney+, despite the disruption it would cause to existing business models and practices. This was a calculated risk, as it involved potential short-term losses and upheaval, but with the aim of long-term growth and success for Disney+. Iger's approach also included tying executive compensation to the success of this new initiative, further emphasizing the importance of taking calculated, strategic risks for long-term growth.

The concept of "everything gets disrupted" challenges existing paradigms in business by forcing companies to adapt to new technologies, market trends, and customer behaviors. This disruption can lead to changes in business models, practices, routines, and priorities. It can also affect jobs and responsibilities within the organization. For instance, in the case of Disney, the company had to take on short-term losses to achieve long-term growth by creating original content for Disney+. This required existing studios to take on additional tasks, disrupting their normal operations. This concept encourages businesses to be flexible, innovative, and ready to embrace change.

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¿Se siente bien?

A veces, el valor también puede significar alejarse de una idea. En el verano de 2016, Disney expresó su interés en adquirir Twitter, y para octubre, ambos consejos habían aprobado un acuerdo. La plataforma podría funcionar como una forma de entregar contenido directamente a los consumidores. Sin embargo, Iger estaba preocupado por la gestión del discurso de odio, que incluía tomar decisiones difíciles sobre la libertad de expresión, las cuentas falsas y los mensajes políticos. Abordar tales problemas podría ser corrosivo para la marca Disney. Como resultado, Iger decidió escuchar a sus instintos y canceló el acuerdo.

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Small businesses can apply the principle of listening to one's instincts by carefully considering the potential impacts of their decisions, just as demonstrated in the Twitter deal case. It's important to evaluate not only the potential benefits but also the potential risks and challenges. If something doesn't feel right, it might be worth reconsidering or even calling off the deal. This principle can be applied in various aspects of business, from strategic decisions to daily operations. Trusting your instincts can help protect the integrity and reputation of your business.

The case study of the Twitter deal reflects on the broader theme of operating with integrity in the way that Disney, under the leadership of Robert Iger, prioritized its brand image and values over a potentially profitable acquisition. Despite the potential benefits of acquiring Twitter, Iger was concerned about the platform's management of hate speech and the potential negative impact on Disney's brand. This decision to turn away from the deal, despite its potential profitability, demonstrates a commitment to operating with integrity and prioritizing ethical considerations over financial gain.

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Como Tom Murphy había dicho años antes, "Si algo no te parece bien a ti, probablemente no sea lo correcto para ti."

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