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Il Balanced Scorecard Book Summary preview
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Il Balanced Scorecard crede che i leader aziendali spesso non riescano a collegare la strategia necessaria con l'azione o la tattica appropriata. Il libro tratta di come la visione e la strategia di un'azienda possano essere tradotte in un insieme coerente di misure di performance. Gli autori ritengono che quando un'azienda ha un "punteggio equilibrato" è più facile raggiungere gli obiettivi e proseguire nel percorso verso il successo.

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The Balanced Scorecard helps to turn strategy into action by providing a framework that aligns business activities with the vision and strategy of the organization. It does this by translating the organization's strategy into four perspectives: Financial, Customer, Internal Process, and Learning and Growth.

For each perspective, the Balanced Scorecard helps to identify strategic objectives, measures (or key performance indicators), targets, and initiatives. This ensures that all parts of the organization are working towards the same strategic goals, and that progress can be measured and monitored.

By providing a clear line of sight between strategic objectives and day-to-day actions, the Balanced Scorecard helps to ensure that strategy is translated into action.

The key takeaways from "The Balanced Scorecard" that entrepreneurs or managers can apply to their businesses are:

1. The importance of aligning business activities with the vision and strategy of the organization.

2. The need for a balanced approach to organizational performance measurement. This means not only focusing on financial outcomes but also considering other aspects like customer satisfaction, internal processes, and learning and growth.

3. The concept of the Balanced Scorecard itself, which is a strategic planning and management system that organizations can use to align business activities to the vision and strategy, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals.

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Nel corso del libro, gli autori illustrano le innovative pratiche di misurazione di molte aziende. L'uso comprensivo della tecnica del Balanced Scorecard è esemplificato attraverso studi di caso di aziende che sono state seguite da vicino per oltre tre anni.


Il Balanced Scorecard traduce la visione e la strategia di un'azienda in un insieme coerente di misure di performance. Gli studi di caso includono aziende come: Rockwater, Metro Bank, Pioneer Petroleum, National Insurance e Kenyon Stores.

Le aziende devono prima imparare come costruire il punteggio, e poi anche capire come farlo funzionare per tutti i coinvolti.Il libro copre quattro prospettive di base:

    Prospettiva Finanziaria[/bold] — Questa è misurata dal ritorno sull'investimento e dal valore economico che viene aggiunto[/item] Prospettiva del Cliente[/bold] — Questa copre la soddisfazione del cliente, la ritenzione, la quota di mercato e di conto[/item] Prospettiva Interna[/bold] — Qui l'azienda misurerà il tempo di risposta, il controllo della qualità, i costi e i lanci di nuovi prodotti[/item] Prospettiva di Apprendimento e Crescita[/bold] — Quest'area si concentra sulla soddisfazione dei dipendenti e sulla disponibilità del sistema informativo[/item]

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The Balanced Scorecard provides insights into how corporate strategies can be influenced by performance measures through its four perspectives: Financial, Customer, Internal, and Learning and Growth. Each perspective focuses on different aspects of the business. The Financial Perspective measures return on investment and economic value added, influencing financial strategies. The Customer Perspective covers customer satisfaction, retention, and market share, influencing customer-related strategies. The Internal Perspective measures response time, quality control, costs, and new product launches, influencing operational strategies. Lastly, the Learning and Growth Perspective focuses on employee satisfaction and information system availability, influencing strategies related to employee development and technological advancement.

A retail company can apply the Balanced Scorecard's innovative approach to measuring success by implementing its four perspectives: Financial, Customer, Internal, and Learning and Growth. Financially, the company can measure success by return on investment and added economic value. From a customer perspective, it can focus on customer satisfaction, retention, and market share. Internally, the company can measure success by response time, quality control, costs, and new product launches. Lastly, from a learning and growth perspective, the company can focus on employee satisfaction and information system availability.

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Il Capitolo Tre copre in dettaglio come dovrebbe operare la Prospettiva Finanziaria. Al lettore viene suggerito di collegare i loro obiettivi finanziari alla pianificazione strategica dell'azienda. Il punteggio dovrebbe raccontare la storia della strategia, iniziando dagli obiettivi finanziari a lungo termine, e collegandoli alla sequenza di azioni che devono essere intraprese con i processi finanziari, i clienti, i processi interni, e infine, i dipendenti e i sistemi per fornire le prestazioni economiche desiderate a lungo termine.

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A small business can use the key topics covered in "The Balanced Scorecard" to improve their financial planning and strategic alignment by implementing the principles of the Balanced Scorecard. This involves translating the company's vision and strategy into a coherent set of performance measures. The scorecard should tell the story of the strategy, starting with the long-term financial objectives, and linking them to the sequence of actions that must be taken with financial processes, customers, internal processes, and finally, employees and systems to deliver the desired long-run economic performance. This approach ensures that all aspects of the business are aligned with the overall strategy and objectives, leading to improved financial planning and strategic alignment.

A manufacturing company can apply the financial perspective of the Balanced Scorecard by linking their financial objectives to their strategic planning. This involves setting long-term financial goals and identifying the necessary actions to achieve these goals. These actions could include improving financial processes, enhancing customer relationships, optimizing internal processes, and developing employees and systems. By doing so, the company can ensure that all aspects of the business are aligned with the financial objectives, leading to improved economic performance in the long run.

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Il Capitolo Quattro copre la Prospettiva del Cliente, e il lettore è sfidato a scoprire veramente chi sono i loro clienti, e dove si collocano nel settore di mercato che l'azienda ha scelto di competere.Per ottenere e mantenere un Punteggio Equilibrato nell'area della Prospettiva del Cliente, i manager e gli esecutivi devono andare oltre i metodi usuali di tentare di soddisfare e deliziare i clienti. Questo è il punto in cui molte aziende falliscono nel tentativo di essere "tutto per tutti", che nella maggior parte dei casi, si traduce in essere nulla per nessuno". È fondamentale per i manager identificare i segmenti di mercato nelle loro popolazioni di clienti esistenti e potenziali e poi concentrarsi su ciò che serve per conquistarli e mantenerli come clienti a lungo termine.

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A retail company can apply the customer perspective strategies discussed in The Balanced Scorecard by first identifying their target market segments among their existing and potential customers. Once identified, the company should focus on understanding the needs and preferences of these segments. This understanding will enable the company to tailor their products, services, and customer experiences to meet these needs and preferences, thereby winning over these customers and retaining them in the long term. The company should avoid trying to be "everything for everyone", as this often results in being nothing for anyone". Instead, the company should strive to excel in the areas that matter most to their target market segments.

The Balanced Scorecard provides a framework that can be used to improve customer retention. It emphasizes the importance of understanding who your customers are and where they fall in the market sector. To improve customer retention, managers and executives should go beyond the usual methods of trying to satisfy and delight customers. Instead, they should focus on identifying the market segments in their existing and potential customer populations and then concentrate on what it takes to win them over and keep them as long-term customers. This approach helps to avoid the pitfall of trying to be 'everything for everyone', which often results in being 'nothing for anyone'.

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Il Balanced Scorecard contiene una ricchezza di informazioni che beneficeranno la leadership senior e i loro team. Una volta che tutti hanno abbracciato il concetto e le idee dietro l'aver un Punteggio Equilibrato, un'azienda sarà sulla via veloce per realizzare la loro dichiarazione di missione e godere del successo.

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