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Mudança Pelo Design - Capa do Livro Chapter preview

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O líder de uma das empresas de design mais bem-sucedidas, Tim Brown, CEO da IDEO, compartilha o que aprendeu sobre como fazer "mudança por design". Tim extrai de seus anos de experiência para apresentar os princípios fundamentais do processo de design, da ideia à realização. Esses princípios se aplicam não apenas a produtos, mas a serviços, procedimentos e praticamente qualquer outro tipo de problema.

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'Change by design' can be measured or evaluated by assessing the impact of the implemented design solutions on the problem they were intended to solve. This could involve measuring improvements in efficiency, effectiveness, user satisfaction, or other relevant metrics. It could also involve assessing whether the design solutions have led to innovation or transformation in the area they were applied to.

There are several case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of 'change by design'. One such example is the work of IDEO, a global design company. They have used this approach in various projects, from designing innovative products to improving services and procedures. Another example is the redesign of the patient experience at the Mayo Clinic, where a design thinking approach led to significant improvements in patient satisfaction. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of 'change by design' can vary depending on the context and the specific challenges at hand.

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Change By Design não é um livro "como fazer", mas sim uma introdução e explicação dos métodos usados com sucesso por pensadores de design. Esses métodos não são apenas para criativos e designers. Os princípios aqui são maneiras práticas de pensar para qualquer pessoa que precise de soluções para problemas.


"O pensamento de design aproveita capacidades que todos nós temos, mas que são negligenciadas por práticas de resolução de problemas mais convencionais. Não é apenas centrado no ser humano; é profundamente humano em si mesmo."

Pensamento de design

Quando a maioria das pessoas pensa em "design", elas pensam em tipos criativos trabalhando febrilmente em um estúdio fazendo esboços, desenhos e protótipos. Esses criativos parecem ter algum dom inato, ou talento, para ideias inovadoras e para dar vida a essas ideias. Este livro foi projetado para mudar esse pensamento, explicando como o design é um processo que se aplica a muitas áreas nos negócios e na vida. O processo de design é relevante para processos, questões sociais e formulação de políticas, não apenas para produtos ou serviços inovadores.

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One common misconception is that creativity in design is solely about creating aesthetically pleasing products or services. In reality, creativity in design is also about problem-solving and innovation. It's about finding new ways to meet user needs and improve functionality. Another misconception is that creativity is an innate talent that some people have and others don't. In fact, creativity can be learned and developed, and everyone has the potential to be creative. Finally, there's a misconception that creativity is only relevant in certain fields, like art or advertising. In truth, creativity is crucial in many areas, including business, social issues, and policy making.

The design process can be used to tackle societal challenges by applying its principles to processes, social issues, and policy making. It involves identifying a problem, brainstorming solutions, creating prototypes, testing, and refining. This process can be used to address societal issues by creating innovative solutions and policies that meet the needs of the community.

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"O pensamento de design depende de nossa capacidade de ser intuitivo, de reconhecer padrões, de construir ideias que tenham significado emocional, bem como funcionalidade, de nos expressar em meios que não sejam palavras ou símbolos."

Ao ver o design como a capacidade de entender o panorama geral, tira-se um pouco do mistério do conceito de design. Este novo entendimento transforma o pensamento de design em uma ferramenta prática para ajudar a resolver problemas. O design inovador não é reservado apenas para os mais perspicazes e criativos; é um processo que pode ser usado por quase qualquer pessoa. Desde as questões cotidianas que a maioria das pessoas enfrenta nos negócios até questões mais complexas, o pensamento de design é um processo que ajuda a criar soluções eficazes.

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Design thinking contributes to change by design by providing a practical tool to solve problems. It allows for a broader understanding of the overall picture, which can demystify the concept of design. This process is not limited to the most insightful and creative individuals, but can be utilized by almost anyone. It can address both common business issues and more complex problems, leading to effective solutions.

To effectively use design thinking, one needs to have skills such as empathy, problem-solving, creativity, innovative thinking, and the ability to understand the big picture. It's also important to be open-minded and adaptable to new ideas and approaches.

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"Quanto mais rápido tornarmos nossas ideias tangíveis, mais cedo poderemos avaliá-las, refiná-las e focar na melhor solução."

A inovação, seja ela usada para resolver o aquecimento global ou encontrar uma estrutura de distribuição melhor, pode vir de qualquer ambiente. Contanto que as pessoas tenham a liberdade de explorar, experimentar e correr riscos, elas podem projetar soluções eficazes para quase qualquer problema. Por meio de histórias e exemplos, o livro apresenta diretrizes sobre como criar o ambiente certo para o design e a inovação.

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The book illustrates the process of solving problems through design by presenting stories and examples. It provides guidelines on how to create the right environment for design and innovation. It emphasizes the importance of freedom to explore, experiment, and take risks in designing effective solutions for nearly any problem.

The right environment for design and innovation is one where people have the freedom to explore, experiment, and take risks. This could be a physical space like a lab or workshop, or a cultural environment that encourages creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. It could also be a collaborative environment where diverse perspectives are valued and integrated into the design process.

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A história de Kristian Simsarian, designer da IDEO, ilustra como o pensamento de design funciona na vida real. Simsarian foi encarregado de redesenhar a experiência da sala de emergência do hospital. Sua abordagem foi se registrar como paciente e gravar a experiência. Os resultados de sua operação secreta forneceram insights de um ponto de vista único, mas prático. Simsarian lembra-se de passar muito tempo deitado de costas em uma maca olhando para o teto. Ele descreve os sentimentos de ansiedade e incerteza que o faziam se sentir fora de controle e impotente.

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'Change By Design' addresses contemporary issues and debates in the field of design by presenting a unique approach to problem-solving known as design thinking. The book, written by Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO, one of the most successful design companies, shares insights and principles of the design process from his years of experience. The book illustrates how design thinking can be applied to various scenarios, such as redesigning the hospital emergency room experience, as demonstrated by IDEO designer Kristian Simsarian. This approach involves understanding the user's perspective, which can lead to innovative solutions that address the user's needs and challenges. Thus, the book contributes to the ongoing debates in the field of design about the role of user experience and empathy in design.

Yes, there are several companies that have successfully implemented the design thinking process as outlined in 'Change By Design'. One notable example is the design company IDEO. In the book, the story of Kristian Simsarian, an IDEO designer, is highlighted. He was assigned the task of redesigning the hospital emergency room experience. His approach was to check in as a patient and videotape the experience, providing insights from a unique, but practical, viewpoint. This is a clear example of the design thinking process in action.

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"Quer nos encontremos no papel de cliente ou passageiro, paciente ou passageiro, não estamos mais contentes em ser consumidores passivos no extremo final da economia industrial."

Os insights deste experimento iniciaram uma série de discussões que levaram a esforços para melhorar a experiência geral da sala de emergência. O resultado foi um plano para tratar os pacientes menos como commodities e mais como seres humanos em uma posição vulnerável. Esta abordagem única ajudou a redefinir a logística da sala de emergência, criando um ambiente menos estressante para os pacientes. Ao se colocar na posição de experimentar o que um paciente típico encontra, Simsarian foi capaz de ajudar a projetar soluções que tiveram um impacto positivo na experiência do paciente.

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'Change By Design' challenges existing practices in patient care and service design by advocating for a more human-centered approach. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the patient's perspective and experiences. This approach led to the redesign of the emergency room experience, focusing on treating patients less like commodities and more like human beings in a vulnerable position. The book suggests that by putting ourselves in the patient's position, we can design solutions that significantly improve the patient experience.

The lessons from "Change By Design" can be applied to improve patient experiences in other areas of healthcare by adopting a human-centered approach. This involves understanding the patient's perspective, identifying their needs and concerns, and designing solutions that address these issues. For instance, healthcare providers can redesign their processes to reduce waiting times, improve communication, and create a more comfortable and less stressful environment. This approach can lead to improved patient satisfaction and better health outcomes.

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Colocando as pessoas em primeiro lugar

"A evolução do design para o pensamento de design é a história da evolução da criação de produtos para a análise da relação entre pessoas e produtos, e daí para a relação entre pessoas e pessoas."

No final, inovação e design são mais sobre pessoas do que sobre ideias ou coisas. O conceito de colocar as pessoas em primeiro lugar é que as soluções para qualquer problema precisam ser projetadas com foco no elemento humano. É difícil descobrir exatamente o que as pessoas precisam porque elas se adaptam às suas situações tão prontamente, muitas vezes sem entender o que realmente precisam. Esta adaptabilidade natural impede as pessoas de perceberem que um problema existe porque simplesmente se adaptam e seguem em frente.

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Identifying the needs of people in the design process presents several challenges. Firstly, people often adapt to their situations readily, which can make it difficult to discern their actual needs. This natural adaptability can prevent people from realizing a problem exists because they simply adapt and move on. Secondly, people may not fully understand their own needs, making it challenging for designers to identify and address these needs effectively. Lastly, there can be a gap between what people say they need and what they actually need, which can further complicate the design process.

The concept of putting people first significantly influences the innovation and design process. It emphasizes the need to design solutions with a focus on the human element. This approach acknowledges that people are naturally adaptable and often do not realize what they actually need because they adapt to their situations so readily. Therefore, by putting people first, designers can better understand and cater to the real needs of the users, leading to more effective and innovative solutions.

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O livro apresenta três chaves para entender essas necessidades não realizadas, focando nos elementos humanos no design de soluções: insight, observação e empatia.

1. Insight

Insights únicos são descobertos ao aprender com as experiências de vida real de outras pessoas. Quando as pessoas simplesmente não conseguem perceber suas necessidades, observar seus comportamentos fornece pistas sobre o que realmente está acontecendo. Embora longe de ser uma abordagem científica ou baseada em dados, "observar pessoas" muitas vezes revela insights que não são encontrados com uma análise típica usando dados concretos. Observar como as pessoas se comportam pode ser o melhor recurso para realmente entender seus problemas.

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A startup can use the principles of "Change By Design" to better understand their customers and grow their business by adopting a design thinking approach. This involves observing and learning from the real-life experiences of their customers to gain unique insights. Instead of relying solely on hard data, they should also observe customer behaviors to understand their needs and problems. This can lead to innovative solutions that meet customer needs and drive business growth.

'Change By Design' by Tim Brown emphasizes the importance of observational approaches in understanding people's needs and behaviors. This approach often reveals insights that aren't found with a typical analysis using hard data. In the context of contemporary debates about data-driven versus observational approaches, the book suggests that while data-driven approaches have their merits, they may not always capture the full picture. Observational approaches, on the other hand, can provide a deeper understanding of people's behaviors and needs, which can be crucial in designing solutions that truly address their problems.

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"Bons pensadores de design observam. Grandes pensadores de design observam o ordinário."

2. Observação

Uma observação aguçada requer mais do que apenas observar como as pessoas se comportam. Às vezes, os insights mais profundos vêm do que as pessoas não fazem. As coisas não ditas podem ser tão importantes quanto as coisas que as pessoas dizem. Ao desempenhar o papel de detetive, um observador pode encontrar informações valiosas nas atividades e situações do dia a dia. Quando a simples pergunta "por quê" é feita repetidamente, os insights muitas vezes ocultos vêm à luz para um entendimento mais profundo.

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'Change By Design' by Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO, emphasizes the importance of keen observation and understanding in business. It suggests that observation is not just about watching people's behavior, but also about noticing what they don't do or say. This approach can reveal valuable insights from everyday activities and situations. The book encourages asking 'why' repeatedly to uncover hidden insights for a deeper understanding. This aligns with contemporary debates about the need for businesses to be more observant and understanding of their customers' needs and behaviors.

In "Change By Design", Tim Brown presents innovative ideas about keen observation. He emphasizes that observation is more than just watching people's behavior. It involves understanding what people don't do and the things left unsaid, which can be as important as the things people say. By playing detective, an observer can find valuable information in day-to-day activities and situations. Asking the simple question "why" repeatedly can bring often hidden insights to light for a deeper understanding.

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3. Empatia

Assim como no exemplo do designer da IDEO, Kristian Simsarian, ao experimentar em primeira mão o que alguém está sentindo, surge um entendimento mais profundo. Ao se colocar no lugar do cliente ou de qualquer outra pessoa, as soluções resultantes são moldadas pelos efeitos que têm nas pessoas. Quando alguém sente que uma solução, produto ou serviço foi criado com um elemento humano evidente, é mais provável que aceite a ideia.

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The case study of IDEO designer Kristian Simsarian emphasizes the importance of empathy in the design process. By experiencing firsthand what someone is feeling, a deeper understanding emerges. This understanding then shapes the resulting solutions, making them more human-centric. When a solution, product, or service is created with an obviously human element, it is more likely to be accepted by people. The broader implication of this case study is the validation of the empathetic approach in design thinking. It suggests that for a design to be successful, it should be rooted in the understanding of the user's needs and emotions.

The lessons from "Change By Design" can be applied in today's business environment by incorporating empathy into the design process. This involves understanding the needs and feelings of the customer, which can lead to solutions that are more likely to be accepted because they have a human element. Additionally, businesses can adopt a design thinking approach, which encourages experimentation, prototyping, and iteration to arrive at innovative solutions.

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"A empatia é o hábito mental que nos leva além de pensar nas pessoas como ratos de laboratório ou desvios padrão."

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