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Sell or Be Sold Book Summary preview
Sell or Be Sold - Book Cover Chapter preview

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In Sell or Be Sold, sales expert Grant Cardone starts from the premise that everything in life is a sale. Understanding the principles of selling is therefore vital for success in life, whether at work or in personal relationships. Cardone asserts that the primary reason that businesses fail is an inability to sell enough, whether that means selling ideas, products, or services. Combining the theory of a motivational book with the practical steps found in a how-to manual, the book lays out the steps needed to master the art of selling. This includes recognizing that selling is a way of life; that a successful sale is almost never about price; and that the customer is always right. The overarching theme throughout the book is that it is essential to take responsibility for the sale and for your own success in life. Ultimately, it is the job of the salesperson to identify the customer's needs and to determine how best to fulfill that need.

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In 'Sell or Be Sold', Grant Cardone provides numerous examples to illustrate his points. One key example is the concept that selling is a way of life. This is not just about selling products or services, but also ideas and oneself in personal relationships. The broader implication is that everyone is a salesperson in some way, and mastering the art of selling can lead to success in various aspects of life. Another example is the idea that a successful sale is almost never about price. This implies that value and perceived benefits often outweigh cost considerations in the decision-making process. Lastly, the assertion that the customer is always right emphasizes the importance of customer satisfaction and tailoring solutions to meet customer needs. These examples collectively suggest that effective selling requires a customer-centric approach, strong communication skills, and a deep understanding of the value proposition.

The ideas in 'Sell or Be Sold' can be implemented in real-world scenarios by applying the principles of selling in everyday life. This includes recognizing that selling is a way of life and not just a job. It's about identifying the needs of others (be it a customer, a colleague, or a friend) and determining how best to fulfill that need. It's also about taking responsibility for your own success in life. For instance, if you're in a business, you could focus on selling your ideas, products, or services more effectively. If you're in a relationship, you could work on 'selling' your thoughts and feelings to your partner in a way that they understand and appreciate. Remember, a successful sale is almost never about price; it's about value. And always remember, the customer is always right.

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Selling is a way of life

To succeed, a person must be able to sell. Every person needs to be able to sell others on their ideas to advance their goals and their own life. Salespeople make the world go round and drive entire economies. Indeed, all professions rely to some extent on sales.

"...the only people that are getting promoted in life are those that are able to most successfully sell their ideas to others."

Sell yourself

The greatest sale of all is to sell yourself. Conviction is the make-or-break point in any transaction. Without conviction, the sale will not happen.

"Customers do not stop sales. It is salespeople who stop sales from happening. You, not the customer, are the barrier to the closed deal."

Commitment is essential to making a firm decision; it allows the salesperson to stop wondering and to follow through with actions.

The price myth

Price is almost never the stumbling block to a sale. If a buyer hesitates over the price, they are not saying "this is too much money for me to spend," they are saying "this is too much money for this particular product." If the customer really wants the product, then money will be no object. In this situation, it is better to try to sell a more expensive product and judge the customer's response. In other words, always move up, rather than move down. Once a customer discovers a product that s/he loves, the price will not be a barrier.

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The principles from 'Sell or Be Sold' can be applied in various real-world scenarios. For instance, in a sales negotiation, instead of lowering the price, one could try to sell a more expensive product and gauge the customer's response. This principle can also be applied in personal relationships where one needs to 'sell' their ideas or perspectives to others. In a job interview, one could 'sell' their skills and abilities to the potential employer. In essence, any situation that requires persuasion or influence can benefit from the principles in 'Sell or Be Sold'.

The theme of 'Sell or Be Sold' is highly relevant to contemporary debates about sales strategies. It emphasizes the importance of selling in all aspects of life, not just in business. This aligns with modern sales strategies that focus on building relationships and understanding customer needs rather than just pushing a product. The book also suggests that if a customer hesitates over the price, it's not about the money but the perceived value of the product. This is a common topic in contemporary sales debates, where the focus is on creating and communicating value to overcome price objections.

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"When I can't close a sale, I'll always try to move the buyer up to a bigger or more expensive product as the first solution to price objection."

It is also important to bear in mind that Second Money is easier than First Money. In other words, once a customer has already committed to spending something, they are more likely to return to spend again on further products. It is likely, too, that at the end of the day the more they spend, the better they will feel.

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One of the most innovative ideas presented in 'Sell or Be Sold' related to customer spending habits is the concept of 'Second Money'. This idea suggests that once a customer has already committed to spending something, they are more likely to return to spend again on further products. This is because the initial barrier to spending has been overcome, making subsequent purchases easier. Another surprising idea is that the more customers spend, the better they feel. This could be due to the perceived value they get from their purchases.

Potential obstacles companies might face when applying the "Second Money is easier than First Money" concept could include customer retention, product quality, and customer trust. To overcome these obstacles, companies could focus on improving customer service, ensuring high product quality, and building strong relationships with customers to gain their trust. Additionally, companies could implement loyalty programs or offer discounts on future purchases to encourage repeat business.

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Always agree with the customer

A salesperson is really in the people business, not the 'selling' business. As a result, it is essential to start any sale from a position of agreement. Disagreeing with the customer's viewpoint creates an adversarial relationship that is unlikely to lead to success. If a customer says "this product will not work for us," instead of responding "Yes, it will!" take a step back and try to find common ground. "I can see why you might think that, but here is some additional information."

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The idea of agreement in sales has significant potential in real-world scenarios. It's a strategy that focuses on finding common ground with the customer, which can help build trust and rapport. Instead of directly contradicting a customer's viewpoint, the salesperson seeks to understand their perspective and provide additional information that might help the customer see things differently. This approach can lead to more successful sales outcomes, as it fosters a collaborative rather than adversarial relationship.

A retail company can apply the approach of starting a sale from a position of agreement by first understanding the customer's needs and concerns. Instead of directly contradicting a customer's viewpoint, the salesperson should try to find common ground. For instance, if a customer expresses doubt about a product, the salesperson can acknowledge their concern and then provide additional information that might address the customer's doubts. This approach helps to build trust and rapport with the customer, which can lead to a successful sale.

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To put it simply, the customer is always right! Similarly, never criticize the customer by bringing up unreturned phone calls or something they should have done differently. It is up to the salesperson to make the process work.

The importance of trust

In any sale, it is important to establish trust. An essential part of this is to show, rather than tell. People tend to trust and believe what they see, rather than what they hear. It is always better to show how the product will benefit the customer, rather than demand that they take your word for it.

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There are several innovative ways to show a product's benefits to a customer. One way is through demonstrations or product trials, allowing customers to experience the benefits firsthand. Another is through customer testimonials or case studies, which provide real-world examples of how the product has benefited others. Visual aids, such as infographics or videos, can also be effective in illustrating the benefits of a product. Finally, storytelling can be a powerful tool, as it allows you to present the benefits of your product in a narrative context that can resonate with customers.

Yes, there are many examples of companies that have successfully established trust with their customers by showing rather than telling. For instance, Apple Inc. has consistently demonstrated the quality and innovation of their products through their product launches and customer experiences. Similarly, Amazon has built trust by providing reliable and efficient delivery services, showing customers that they can depend on them for their online shopping needs. These companies don't just tell customers about their services or products, they demonstrate them in real-world applications, thereby establishing trust.

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"When you're documenting facts for your customer, it's preferable to use third-party materials that support what you're saying. Remember, people believe what they see, not what they hear."

Give, give, give

Always make the customer feel serviced, rather than sold.

"People will pay more for an agreeable, positive, and enjoyable experience than they will for a great product."

For the salesperson, this means giving energy, attention, and suggestions to the customer. It is also important to give the customer full information so that they feel in control of the process and the purchase. At the end of the day, providing a sense of service is more important than the act of selling.

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In the selling process, providing a sense of service is crucial as it helps build trust and rapport with the customer. It involves giving energy, attention, and suggestions to the customer, as well as providing them with complete information. This empowers the customer, making them feel in control of the process and the purchase. Ultimately, the act of selling becomes more about serving the customer's needs and less about the transaction itself. This approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also increases the likelihood of repeat business and referrals.

The book "Sell or Be Sold" by Grant Cardone relates the concept of selling to success in life by asserting that everything in life is a sale. Whether it's at work or in personal relationships, understanding the principles of selling is vital for success. The book emphasizes that the primary reason businesses fail is due to an inability to sell enough. This concept can be extended to personal life as well, where 'selling' could mean convincing others of your ideas or persuading them to see things from your perspective. Thus, the book suggests that mastering the art of selling can lead to success in various aspects of life.

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"If someone asks me for a drink, I get it for them, open the bottle and bring them a glass, ice and a napkin."


Whatever the product or situation, the perfect sales process has five steps.

  • Step one: greet and welcome.
  • Step two: determine wants and needs.
  • Step three: present the product as a solution to a need.
  • Step four: make the proposal.
  • Step five: close the deal or exit.

"More often than not, salespeople launch into their pitch without knowing anything about the customer [or their need], which is a surefire way to miss the sale. What is important to the buyers? What do they need? What is the ideal scene for them? What is it they are actually trying to accomplish with a purchase? What is it that really makes them feel good? If they could get everything they wanted, what would that be? These are the questions that will let you know how to sell them."

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Selling is a way of life in the people business

To view the art of selling as a way of life to achieve success is the core of Cardone's sales philosophy. The natural give and take process depicted in sales transactions of all kinds across continents and cultures drives and enriches the lives of people on Earth. Business professionals, entrepreneurs, and individuals face situations every day that requires a sale or an act of persuasion, whether hard or soft. Selling is fundamental and necessary to survive and thrive in modern times, whether or not one is effective at it. Salespeople make the world go round by influencing how the masses buy products and services, and those transactions mobilize every economy on the planet.

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According to Cardone's sales philosophy, salespeople influence economies globally in several ways. Firstly, they drive the transactions that mobilize every economy on the planet. By influencing how the masses buy products and services, they play a crucial role in the circulation of goods and services. Secondly, they enrich the lives of people by facilitating the give and take process inherent in sales transactions. This process occurs across continents and cultures, making it a universal phenomenon. Lastly, they contribute to the survival and thriving of businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals who face situations every day that require a sale or an act of persuasion.

Cardone's view of selling as a fundamental aspect of life can be applied in various professional and personal scenarios. In a professional context, this perspective can help in negotiating deals, persuading clients, and influencing colleagues or superiors. It can also aid in marketing products or services more effectively. In personal scenarios, the principles of selling can be used to persuade others, negotiate in various situations, and even in building relationships. Understanding that every interaction is a form of selling can help one to be more persuasive and influential in all aspects of life.

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The truth is that every business transaction is fundamentally an exchange between people. Working in any industry requires dealing with people on some level. For this reason, the first and most important sale is to sell oneself to others with confidence and skill. Doing so creates a foundation and sets the tone for all exchanges that require persuasion.

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A manufacturing company can apply the approach of selling oneself in their business transactions by first ensuring that their representatives are confident, skilled, and knowledgeable about their products or services. This will set the tone for all exchanges and create a positive impression. They can also emphasize the unique value and quality of their products, and how these meet the needs of their customers. Building strong relationships with customers and stakeholders is also crucial. This can be achieved through excellent customer service, understanding customer needs, and providing solutions that meet these needs.

A startup can utilize the principle of selling oneself to others to enhance its growth by first ensuring that the team, especially the founders and leaders, are able to effectively communicate the value, vision, and potential of the startup. This involves not only selling the product or service but also selling the culture, mission, and values of the startup. This can attract investors, customers, and talented employees, all of which are crucial for growth. Furthermore, by selling oneself effectively, the startup can build strong relationships and partnerships that can open up new opportunities.

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One's ability to relate to others convincingly, and get others to believe him is the essence of sales. Developing charismatic traits places one in a powerful position to use sales tactics to succeed in many endeavors. Cardone insists that most active salespersons in the game are in fact amateurs, and the reason why many customers hold a negative view of sellers is that so many lack sales aptitude, experience, and finesse.

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Customers often hold a negative view of sellers due to a lack of sales aptitude, experience, and finesse. Many active salespersons are in fact amateurs, which can lead to a poor customer experience. Additionally, a seller's inability to relate to others convincingly and get others to believe in them can also contribute to a negative perception.

Understanding the principles of selling can greatly influence success in personal relationships. Selling is essentially about convincing others and gaining their trust, which is a crucial aspect of any relationship. By developing charismatic traits and sales aptitude, one can effectively communicate, persuade, and build strong personal relationships. It's about understanding others' needs and responding to them effectively, which is a key to successful personal relationships.

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Sales excellence comes from practicing sound strategies and developing persuasive skills over time to learn to flow in any environment. Those who strive to become more professionally trained, socially adept, and persistent are the ones who win at sales, and in life.

Once a sales relationship begins in the mind of the consumer, the salesperson must work on establishing trust and providing a useful product or service solution for the client. All preparations and presentations serve to warm up the client. Excellent salespeople are skilled at executing the sales process, relentless in closing, and believe in what they are promoting to score. Persuasive sellers know that customers buy to gain something or solve a problem, and those who truly want it will pay any amount to get it.

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Small businesses can apply the principles of establishing trust and providing useful solutions by first understanding their customers' needs and problems. They should then offer products or services that effectively address these issues. Building trust involves being transparent, reliable, and consistent in interactions with customers. It's also important to provide excellent customer service, which includes being responsive, understanding, and helpful. Over time, these actions will help to build a loyal customer base.

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Learn the 10 commandments of sales

In Chapter 21 of the book, Cardone shares the top 10 rules of making sales happen. The 10 Commandments of Sales are:

  1. Be Proud and Be Positive — One must be proud of what is being sold, understand the benefits and features to promote it, and generate positive feelings in others toward the offer to sell it. An uneasy sales pitch is a nightmare to listen to and poor on converting prospects into believers, but eagerness closes deals.
  2. Dress for Sales Success — Not only does dressing for success aid in building personal branding and company reputation, but it is essential to provide a professional presence for clients to respect, trust, and engage in the sales process with.
  3. See the Sale — Salespeople who can perceive the customer owning the product pitch a mental image to the client that makes them "see" themselves owning the product. Know what the end result and ideal terms of the sale are, visualize the outcome, and focus on achieving it.
  4. Be Sold on Your Offer — A true seller believes that the product or service offered can fulfill or exceed both claims and client expectations. This stance gives an undeniable advantage to any salesperson looking to persuade buyers.
  5. Know Your Value Proposition — Understanding what the customer values the most, the emotions that drive them, and ideal solutions empower the seller to be persuasive on a deeper level.
  6. Always Agree With Your Client — Agreeing with the customer encourages the unity, trust, and balance needed to create fertile ground for every sale. Customers are to be treated as prized assets and the life force of any business because they are. Effective salespeople understand the power of using agreement to close more sales. Acknowledge the client, then guide the way to closing the sale by emphasizing value and what the customer may experience if they don't follow through.
  7. Double Dollar Demonstration — Cardone affirms that giving customers far more in value than what they pay for is key, and every epic salesman uses the strategy. To initiate a close, offering twice as much in value or more encourages customers to be happy about accepting the offer.
  8. Be Time Efficient — Sell as much as possible, in the quickest amount of time. Customers actually become weary and second-guess their decisions during lengthy sales cycles. Shortening the sales process and going in for the close is best.
  9. Assume the Close — A smart salesperson continues to pitch the sale as if it will result in a "yes" without consent to avoid a "no" response later.
  10. Always Persist in the Close — Persistence in sales is rewarded with a close. Cardone suggests that consumers must consider an offer multiple times before consenting to a sale, so cultivate a determined attitude.

Use brilliant sales strategies to forge ahead

Without a doubt, enthusiasm coupled with strategy sells. Learn to work systematically toward the sale. By following The Perfect Sales Process Cardone shares, one can nurture the sale, from beginning to end.

Step One is to greet the customer. Give a socially warm introduction with confidence and class to start building a good relationship with the client. Step Two is to determine the wants and needs of the prospect. A salesperson who understands what the prospect seeks in a product or service can predict what the customer wants. Step Three is to select the right product and present or build value in the prospect's eyes. Determining which goods or solutions are most beneficial or desired drives the sale. Step Four is to make a mouthwatering proposal to the prospect that they would hate to refuse. The final step is to close the deal, by using product and client knowledge, and every sales skill in one's arsenal. If negotiations extend beyond a normal sales cycle, consider seeking a new prospect to conserve time, energy, and resources.

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The book "Sell or Be Sold" by Grant Cardone has significantly influenced corporate strategies and business models in terms of sales techniques. It emphasizes the importance of selling in every aspect of life and business. Many corporations have adopted its principles to enhance their sales strategies. The book's step-by-step approach to sales, from greeting the customer to closing the deal, has been incorporated into many sales training programs. It has also influenced businesses to focus more on understanding customer needs and building value in their eyes, which are key to successful selling. Furthermore, the book's advice on moving on if negotiations extend beyond a normal sales cycle has helped businesses conserve time, energy, and resources.

The five steps of selling can be effectively implemented in various real-world scenarios. For instance, in a retail store, a salesperson can greet the customer (Step One), ask about their needs and preferences (Step Two), suggest suitable products (Step Three), make an attractive offer (Step Four), and finally close the sale (Step Five). Similarly, in a B2B scenario, a sales representative can use these steps to sell a product or service to another business. For example, in a meeting with a potential client, the representative can introduce their company (Step One), understand the client's business needs (Step Two), present their product or service as a solution (Step Three), propose a beneficial business deal (Step Four), and finalize the agreement (Step Five).

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Cardone states that thinking massive and being bold is necessary for sales success. One has to be willing to improve and go the distance to close sales. Price is a myth, but understanding value and what drives others to buy opens a portal of thrilling, profitable opportunities. Realizing that clients will pay any price for a convincing solution or niche product is crucial to operate from the abundance mindset that lends one greater selling power. Erase objections to price by convincing them why it is worth every cent, and consider increasing price to raise value in the prospect's eyes.

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Cardone suggests several strategies for overcoming objections to price in sales. Firstly, he emphasizes the importance of thinking big and being bold in sales. Secondly, he suggests understanding the value of the product or service and what drives customers to buy. This understanding can help in convincing customers why the price is worth every cent. Lastly, Cardone suggests considering increasing the price to raise the perceived value in the eyes of the prospect.

According to Cardone, understanding value and what drives others to buy is crucial for sales success. This understanding opens a portal of profitable opportunities. It allows one to realize that clients are willing to pay any price for a convincing solution or niche product. This realization helps to operate from an abundance mindset, which gives one greater selling power. It also helps to erase objections to price by convincing customers why the product or service is worth every cent. In some cases, it might even be beneficial to increase the price to raise the perceived value in the prospect's eyes.

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Consider that any person who is not out selling himself is being sold to every moment. By adopting selling as a way of Life as Cardone suggests, one's persuasive ability can grow and enhance success. In any situation that requires persuasion, the best salesman will win.

Internalize wise sales advice to gain an edge in any industry. Educating oneself through sales conferences and programs, studying current consumer information and trends, and working closely with mentors and passionate salespeople works. Take the art of selling to heart, and build supreme persuasive skills to use for a lifetime.

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Studying current consumer information and trends can significantly contribute to building supreme persuasive skills in sales. It allows salespeople to understand their customers better, their needs, preferences, and buying behaviors. This understanding can be used to tailor sales pitches, making them more relevant and persuasive. Additionally, being aware of trends can help salespeople anticipate future consumer needs and position their products or services accordingly. This proactive approach can enhance credibility and trust, further strengthening their persuasive abilities.

Some effective ways to internalize sales advice and gain an edge in any industry include educating oneself through sales conferences and programs, studying current consumer information and trends, and working closely with mentors and passionate salespeople. It's also important to take the art of selling to heart and build supreme persuasive skills to use for a lifetime.

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