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Ao longo dos anos, líderes empresariais de todos os setores se perguntaram por que alguns produtos e serviços se tornaram populares entre os consumidores, enquanto outros parecem desaparecer à margem. Três fatores importantes desempenham um papel em se algo tem a chance de "dar certo". Eles incluem preço, disponibilidade e qualidade. Mas, embora juntos, e às vezes até separadamente, esses elementos façam a diferença, o principal motivo por trás de uma campanha bem-sucedida é algo conhecido como "Transmissão Social". Especialistas concordam que nada pode superar o sucesso comprovado de uma campanha de "boca a boca". Além disso, desde a introdução das redes sociais na mistura e a empolgação de milhões de pessoas que não veem a hora de "curtir e compartilhar", boas notícias se espalham rapidamente. Através de Contagioso: Por que as coisas pegam, o autor compartilha sua extensa pesquisa sobre o tema e ensina o leitor a lançar sua campanha de sucesso.

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Yes, there are several examples of companies that have successfully implemented Social Transmission in their marketing campaigns. One of the most notable examples is the "Share a Coke" campaign by Coca-Cola, which encouraged consumers to share a Coke with someone else, thereby creating a social experience. Another example is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which went viral on social media and raised significant awareness and funds for the disease. These campaigns leveraged the power of social media and word-of-mouth to reach a wide audience and create a buzz around their products or cause.

Social Transmission, as explained in the book "Contagious: Why Things Catch On", refers to the process by which information, ideas, and behaviors spread through a network of people. It's essentially the modern term for "word of mouth". In the context of business and marketing, Social Transmission is the phenomenon that leads to certain products or services becoming popular, while others fade away. It's not just about the price, availability, or quality of a product, but how effectively the information about it is transmitted through social networks. This can be through traditional face-to-face interactions, or through digital means such as social media. The more a product or idea is shared or talked about, the more likely it is to be successful.

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Nas últimas décadas, houve muitos exemplos de novos produtos e movimentos que foram criados e introduzidos ao consumidor com resultados que superaram quaisquer previsões ou expectativas. Considere estes exemplos:

  • Iogurte Grego Desnatado
  • Proibições ao Fumo
  • Modas de Dieta, incluindo Atkins, South Beach e as de Baixo Carboidrato
  • Cubo de Rubik
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Estratégias de Gestão Six Sigma
  • Netflix

Além disso, não se limita apenas a grandes produtos ou movimentos que ganharam atenção mundial. Considere o que acontece em uma escala menor em uma comunidade local. Um jornal publicará um artigo sobre uma nova academia que acabou de abrir, ou uma campanha para salvar uma organização sem fins lucrativos local de fechar suas portas. De repente, a academia se torna "o" lugar para se exercitar, e as doações começam a entrar para impedir que a caridade acabe. Esses são ótimos exemplos de movimentos sociais que se espalham rapidamente entre uma comunidade e população local. Claro, é fácil revisar exemplos de campanhas sociais que foram bem-sucedidas. No entanto, os líderes empresariais certamente concordarão que é muito mais difícil fazer algo começar a "pegar". Às vezes, não importa quanto dinheiro os gerentes gastem em marketing e publicidade; uma campanha ainda pode falhar em despertar interesse e apoio do consumidor ou da comunidade.

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A small business can use the concept of "catching on" to grow their business by creating a product, service, or campaign that resonates with their target audience. This could be something that solves a problem, fulfills a need, or simply appeals to their interests. The key is to make it easy for people to share and talk about. This could be through word-of-mouth, social media, or other forms of communication. Once something starts to "catch on", it can quickly spread within a community or even on a larger scale, leading to increased awareness and growth for the business.

1. Social Currency: People love to share interesting, entertaining or useful information. Make your product or idea something that gives them social currency and they'll spread the word.

2. Triggers: Link your product or idea to something in the environment so people are reminded of it and talk about it more often.

3. Emotion: When we care, we share. Evoke strong emotions (positive or negative) to get people to share your message.

4. Public Visibility: Make your product or idea more public to get more people to follow suit.

5. Practical Value: People like to share useful or valuable information. Highlight the practical benefits of your product or idea.

6. Stories: People love stories. Embed your product or idea in a narrative that people will want to tell others.

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Por que alguns produtos, ideias e comportamentos têm sucesso quando outros falham?


Eles são realmente melhores. As pessoas tendem a se inclinar para produtos, serviços e movimentos que são fáceis de usar, têm ótimos resultados e lhes dão uma boa sensação. Se um widget aparecer oferecendo algo melhor do que os consumidores estavam usando no passado; as pessoas serão rápidas em mudar e se sentirão bem com sua decisão. Considere o caso dos antigos monitores de computador e televisores.Lembra de como eles eram volumosos e pesados? Quando os novos ecrãs planos foram introduzidos, os consumidores perceberam o quão mais fáceis (e leves) eles eram, e praticamente se venderam sozinhos.

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The book 'Contagious: Why Things Catch On' presents several innovative ideas. One of the key concepts is the importance of social transmission or word-of-mouth in making things popular. The book suggests that people tend to gravitate towards products, services, and movements that are easy to use, yield great results, and evoke positive emotions. Another surprising idea is the power of practical value. If a product or service offers something better than what consumers were using in the past, people will be quick to switch and feel good about their decision. This is exemplified by the transition from bulky computer monitors and television sets to lighter, easier-to-use flat screens.

The 'feel good factor' in the context of the book 'Contagious: Why Things Catch On' refers to the positive emotional response consumers experience when using a product or service. This factor is crucial in making a product or service popular. When consumers find a product easy to use, effective, and it makes them feel good, they are more likely to switch to it from what they were using before. An example given in the book is the transition from bulky old-fashioned computer monitors and television sets to newer, lighter flat screens. The ease and convenience of the new technology gave consumers a 'feel good factor', making the product highly popular.

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O preço importa. Não é nenhuma grande surpresa que as pessoas preferem pagar um preço mais baixo do que um mais alto. Portanto, no caso de dois produtos muito semelhantes que oferecem os mesmos benefícios, as chances são muito boas de que o menos caro sairá vencedor. Pense num supermercado que de repente oferece uma marca importante pela metade do preço. Esses produtos rapidamente desaparecem das prateleiras.

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The themes of "Contagious: Why Things Catch On" are highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates in business and marketing. The book explores why certain products and services become popular, which is a central question in today's competitive business environment. It discusses factors such as price, availability, and quality, which are key considerations in any marketing strategy. Furthermore, in the age of social media and digital marketing, understanding what makes something 'catch on' and become viral is more important than ever.

The pricing strategies discussed in "Contagious: Why Things Catch On" have significant potential for real-world implementation. The book emphasizes the importance of pricing in influencing consumer behavior. For instance, consumers are more likely to choose a less expensive product over a similar, more expensive one. This principle can be applied in various real-world scenarios, such as supermarkets offering discounts on major brands to increase sales. However, it's important to note that while pricing is a key factor, it's not the only one. Other factors like product quality, brand reputation, and customer service also play crucial roles in a product's success.

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A publicidade desempenha um papel importante. Pesquisas mostram que o consumidor médio quer e precisa saber sobre um produto ou serviço antes de gastar seu dinheiro suado para comprá-lo. No entanto, muitas empresas pensam que tudo o que precisam fazer é investir uma grande quantidade de dinheiro numa campanha publicitária e ela será bem-sucedida. Às vezes, isso é uma batalha difícil e não funciona. Por exemplo, se você está tentando vender brócolis, não gaste dinheiro apenas anunciando-o. Em vez disso, invista numa série de anúncios que ensinarão ao consumidor os benefícios de comer mais vegetais, e você terá uma maior chance de sucesso.

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1. Understand the consumer: The book emphasizes the importance of understanding what the consumer wants and needs. This knowledge can guide the creation of effective advertising campaigns.

2. Value of word of mouth: The book highlights the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Encouraging customers to share their positive experiences can be more effective than traditional advertising.

3. Emotional engagement: The book suggests that creating emotional engagement with consumers can make a product or service more contagious. This can be achieved through storytelling in advertising.

4. Practical value: The book advises to focus on the practical value of the product or service. This can be communicated through advertising to make the product or service more appealing to consumers.

The advertising ideas in the book 'Contagious: Why Things Catch On' have significant potential for real-world implementation. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding consumer behavior and creating advertising strategies that resonate with consumers on a deeper level. For instance, instead of merely promoting a product, businesses should focus on educating consumers about the benefits of the product, thereby creating a more meaningful connection. This approach can be applied in various industries and has the potential to significantly improve advertising effectiveness.

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Estudo de caso: o bife de $100

Com muita experiência em hospitalidade, quando Howard Wein mudou-se para Filadélfia na primavera de 2004, ele tinha um currículo de sucesso que era a inveja de muitas pessoas. Com seu MBA em gestão hoteleira, ele havia criado uma campanha bem-sucedida para os Hotéis Starwood e sua marca W. E como Diretor Corporativo de Alimentos e Bebidas, Howard havia gerenciado bilhões de dólares em receita. No entanto, embora tivesse gostado daquela época de sua vida, ele estava pronto para reduzir e encontrar algo numa escala menor que funcionasse tão bem. Com isso em mente, ele mudou-se para Filadélfia e ajudou a projetar o Barclay Prime, um novo steakhouse boutique de luxo.

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Howard Wein's story reflects the themes discussed in the book 'Contagious: Why Things Catch On' in several ways. Firstly, his success with Starwood Hotels and their W brand demonstrates the power of creating a product or service that resonates with consumers, which is a key theme in the book. Secondly, his decision to downsize and create a new luxury boutique steakhouse, Barclay Prime, shows the importance of innovation and finding a unique market niche, another major theme in the book. Finally, his extensive experience in the hospitality industry and his ability to generate significant revenue highlight the role of expertise and effective management in making a product or service 'catch on'.

Entrepreneurs trying to replicate Howard Wein's success might face several obstacles. Firstly, they may lack the extensive hospitality experience and the specific skill set that Wein has. To overcome this, they could gain experience in the industry and seek relevant education. Secondly, they might not have the same network and reputation that Wein has built over the years. Building a strong network and reputation requires time, patience, and consistent high-quality work. Lastly, they may face financial constraints. To overcome this, they could seek investors or take out business loans.

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Sua ideia era simples e oferecia uma experiência gastronômica única para o cliente. Wein estabeleceu o objetivo de proporcionar a melhor experiência de steakhouse do planeta. Embora o restaurante estivesse na menor seção do centro de Filadélfia, não demorou muito para que os clientes o encontrassem e ficassem felizes por terem feito isso. Quando as pessoas entravam no estabelecimento, em vez das tradicionais mesas e cadeiras, encontravam sofás confortáveis dispostos em torno de pequenas mesas de mármore. O menu incluía o melhor caviar russo, juntamente com delicadezas como batatas batidas com trufas e halibute que era enviado todas as noites do Alasca. Mas ele também sabia que apenas oferecer uma atmosfera diferente e ótima comida não seria suficiente para manter o negócio aberto e prosperando. Wein sabia que um quarto dos novos restaurantes acabava fechando as portas dentro de um ano após a abertura, e ele não queria que isso acontecesse com ele.Embora Filadélfia já tivesse sua parcela de estabelecimentos de alta gastronomia e churrascarias caras, ele sabia que precisava fazer algo diferente que o ajudasse a se destacar da multidão. Algo que seria único para sua marca, algo que faria as pessoas falarem sobre isso e ajudaria a espalhar a palavra sobre sua experiência.

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Wein's unique dining experience is characterized by several key elements. Firstly, the ambiance is different from traditional restaurants, with plush, comfortable sofas set around small marble tables instead of the usual tables and chairs. Secondly, the menu is exquisite, featuring the finest Russian caviar, truffle-whipped potatoes, and halibut shipped nightly from Alaska. Lastly, Wein's goal was to deliver the best steakhouse experience on the planet, which implies a focus on high-quality steaks. However, Wein understood that a unique atmosphere and great food alone wouldn't guarantee success, indicating that exceptional customer service and a well-run business were also key elements of his dining experience.

Wein's unique dining experience approach has significant potential for real-world implementation. The concept revolves around providing a unique and comfortable atmosphere, coupled with high-quality food. This approach can be adapted to various dining settings, not just steakhouses. However, it's important to note that success depends on several factors, including location, target audience, and the ability to maintain high standards of food and service. It's also crucial to understand the local market and customer preferences. While this approach may not work everywhere, it has the potential to thrive in areas where customers value unique dining experiences.

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Foi quando ele criou o cheese steak de $100.

Em uma cidade que era conhecida por seu cheese steak da marca Philly que normalmente era vendido por quatro a sete dólares, a ideia de oferecer um sanduíche por esse preço era absurda. Afinal, se dezenas de lanchonetes, pizzarias e outros restaurantes vendiam cheese steaks a preços tão baixos, como ele poderia esperar que alguém quisesse desembolsar cem dólares pelo mesmo sanduíche?

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Yes, the concept of selling a common product at a high price can work in today's business environment. This strategy is often referred to as "premium pricing" and is used to create a perception of exclusivity and high quality. However, for this strategy to be successful, the product or service must be able to deliver a level of value that justifies the higher price. This could be in the form of superior quality, unique features, exceptional service, or even the prestige associated with owning the product. It's also important to note that this strategy may not be suitable for all products or markets.

The theme of product popularity and pricing from the book "Contagious: Why Things Catch On" is highly relevant to contemporary business issues. In today's competitive market, understanding what makes a product or service popular is crucial for businesses. The book discusses factors like price, availability, and quality, which are still key determinants of a product's success. Moreover, the book's insights into how unconventional pricing strategies can create buzz and demand are particularly relevant in the era of viral marketing.

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A resposta era simples: em vez de oferecer o bife padrão picado em uma chapa com queijo e cebolas por cima, crie o burburinho oferecendo uma marca muito melhor de carne Kobe fatiada finamente e melhore os "acompanhamentos" que convenceriam as pessoas de que estavam recebendo algo digno daquela etiqueta de preço de cem dólares. Então, em vez do pão de hoagie padrão, os clientes recebiam um pão brioche feito em casa levemente pincelado com uma mostarda caseira especial. Em vez das cebolas fritas padrão, os clientes recebiam cebolas caramelizadas. Adicione um pouco de queijo Taleggio triple-cream, tomates heirloom finamente raspados e finalize com trufas negras colhidas à mão, e você tem uma combinação vencedora que fará os clientes se sentarem e prestarem atenção. Embora isso por si só fosse digno de ser chamado de "diferente e notável", Wein também incluiu uma cauda de lagosta do Maine cozida em manteiga e um pouco de champanhe Veuve Clicquot gelado.

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The ideas from "Contagious: Why Things Catch On" can be highly feasible in real-world scenarios, especially in the food and beverage industry. The book emphasizes the importance of creating a unique and high-quality product that stands out from the competition. This can be achieved by using premium ingredients, offering a unique dining experience, or creating a buzz around the product. For example, a restaurant could use high-quality Kobe beef instead of standard steak, or offer a unique dish like a lobster tail with champagne. By doing so, the restaurant creates a product that is not only superior in quality, but also newsworthy and worth talking about. This can help the product to "catch on" and become popular with consumers.

Yes, there are several companies that have successfully implemented the strategy of creating a buzz by offering superior quality products. One such example is Apple Inc. Their products, such as the iPhone and MacBook, are known for their high quality and innovative features, which has created a significant buzz and helped them to gain a large customer base. Another example is Tesla Inc. Their electric cars are known for their superior quality and innovative technology, which has created a buzz and made them a leader in the electric car industry. Lastly, Starbucks is another example. Their high-quality coffee and unique customer experience have created a buzz and made them a global leader in the coffee industry.

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O resultado final foi surpreendente. Assim que os primeiros clientes desfrutaram de seu cheese steak de cem dólares, não apenas deixaram o restaurante com o estômago cheio e um sorriso no rosto, como não podiam esperar para contar a experiência para a família e amigos. Isso começou o "burburinho que mudou o mundo" e colocou seu cheese steak de cem dólares no mapa. Wein conseguiu transformar um simples sanduíche, adicionou alguns upgrades e tornou a experiência gastronômica única e diferente. Ele não criou apenas outro cheese steak. Em vez disso, ele criou um tópico de conversa!

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The buzz around Wein's hundred dollar cheese steak was primarily due to the unique and different dining experience he created. He took a simple sandwich, added a few upgrades, and transformed it into a conversation piece. The first few dozen customers who enjoyed their hundred dollar cheese steak not only left the restaurant satisfied, but they also couldn't wait to tell their family and friends about the experience. This word-of-mouth marketing helped put his hundred dollar cheese steak on the map.

Wein's success challenges traditional approaches to product development and marketing in several ways. Firstly, he took a simple product, a cheese steak, and transformed it into a unique dining experience by adding a few upgrades. This shows that innovation doesn't necessarily mean creating something entirely new, but can also mean enhancing an existing product in a unique way. Secondly, his approach to marketing was also unconventional. Instead of relying on traditional advertising methods, he relied on the 'buzz' created by the customers who enjoyed their hundred dollar cheese steak. This word-of-mouth marketing proved to be very effective, as it not only promoted the product but also created a conversation around it.

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O cheese steak de cem dólares de repente se tornou uma história digna de notícia. Mídia, incluindo USA Today, The Wall Street Journal e dezenas de outros publicaram artigos sobre o sanduíche e o restaurante. Até a televisão entrou na frenesi da mídia quando o Discovery Channel decidiu filmar um segmento para seu programa Best Food Ever. Quando celebridades visitaram Filadélfia, muitas insistiram em visitar o restaurante e aprender sobre o que era toda a excitação.Até a TV noturna entrou na ação quando David Letterman convidou o chef executivo do Barclay's para ir ao programa e cozinhar um para ele ao vivo. Contra todas as probabilidades, Wein conseguiu lançar com sucesso um novo restaurante e um novo sanduíche que criaram tal burburinho e excitação e agora está listado entre as melhores churrascarias em Filadélfia.

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Small businesses can use Wein's strategy by creating a unique, high-value product or service that grabs attention and sparks curiosity. This could be something unusual, expensive, or exclusive. The key is to make it newsworthy, something that media outlets would want to cover. Once the media picks up the story, it can create a buzz and attract customers. Additionally, involving celebrities or influential people can further amplify the buzz. However, it's important to ensure that the product or service delivers value and meets customer expectations to sustain the buzz and build a positive reputation.

Wein might have faced challenges such as competition from established restaurants, attracting customers, and creating a unique selling proposition. He overcame these by creating a buzz around his restaurant through the introduction of a unique and expensive dish - the hundred dollar cheese steak. This caught the attention of media outlets and celebrities, which helped in promoting the restaurant and attracting customers.

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Ao pensar em lançar um novo produto, serviço ou movimento, pense cuidadosamente sobre o que será necessário para criar o burburinho. O que será necessário para criar o fator "contagioso" que pode levar ao sucesso? O que será necessário para fazer as pessoas falarem e quererem ajudar a espalhar a palavra? Com algum planejamento e brainstorming cuidadosos, isso pode acontecer.

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A startup can use the key topics or framework covered in "Contagious: Why Things Catch On" to create a buzz and grow by focusing on the three main factors that determine whether a product or service becomes popular: price, availability, and quality. The startup should ensure that its product or service is priced competitively, readily available to consumers, and of high quality. Additionally, the startup should carefully plan and brainstorm strategies to create a "contagious" factor that will get people talking and wanting to spread the word about their product or service.

Yes, there are several examples of companies that have successfully implemented the practices of creating a contagious factor. One such example is Apple Inc. They have created a strong brand image and their product launches generate a lot of buzz, making their products highly desirable and contagious. Another example is the Ice Bucket Challenge by the ALS Association. The challenge went viral and raised a significant amount of money for ALS research, demonstrating the power of a contagious idea.

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