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De acordo com a sabedoria tradicional, o caminho para o sucesso nos negócios é cuidar de si mesmo. Mas e se a chave para prosperar no local de trabalho não for derrubar os outros, mas construí-los? Essa é a ideia que Adam Grant explora em Dar e Receber. Através de pesquisas baseadas em dados e uma série de anedotas, Grant descreve os três diferentes tipos de pessoas em cada organização e explica por que os "doadores", aqueles que habitualmente cuidam dos interesses dos outros, são a chave para o sucesso individual e corporativo.

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Adam Grant's research suggests that having 'givers' in an organization can lead to both individual and corporate success. 'Givers' are those who habitually look out for the interests of others. They contribute to a positive work environment by fostering a culture of cooperation and mutual support. This can lead to increased productivity, improved team dynamics, and a more engaged workforce. Furthermore, organizations with a high number of 'givers' may also enjoy a better reputation, which can attract more talented employees and loyal customers.

A startup can utilize the concept of 'givers' for its growth by fostering a culture of generosity and collaboration. 'Givers' are individuals who habitually look out for the interests of others. They are key to both individual and corporate success because they build others up, rather than pushing them down. This can lead to a more positive work environment, increased employee satisfaction, and ultimately, better business outcomes. Startups can encourage 'giving' behavior by recognizing and rewarding it, and by setting an example at the leadership level.

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O local de trabalho médio é composto por tomadores, combinadores e doadores. Os tomadores são aqueles que quase exclusivamente agem de maneiras que avançam suas próprias agendas pessoais. Em suas interações com os outros, eles estão internamente fazendo a pergunta, "O que você pode fazer por mim?" Os combinadores operam numa base de quid pro quo, dando na mesma medida que os outros lhes deram. As interações dos combinadores são baseadas na justiça, com interações baseadas na ideia de que "Se você fizer algo por mim, eu farei algo por você." O terceiro grupo, os doadores, é composto por pessoas que são caracterizadas por servir aqueles ao seu redor. A interação dos doadores é baseada na pergunta, "O que posso fazer por você?" A pesquisa de Grant foi baseada em entrevistas com 30.000 pessoas em uma variedade de indústrias e culturas, e mais da metade de seus entrevistados - 56 por cento - se identificaram como combinadores. Dezenove por cento das pessoas em sua pesquisa se consideraram tomadores, e 25 por cento eram doadores.

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Adam Grant's research identifies three types of people in the workplace: takers, matchers, and givers. Takers are self-serving, matchers operate on a quid pro quo basis, and givers serve those around them. For managers, the actionable takeaways could be:

1. Identify the types of individuals in your team and understand their interaction styles.

2. Encourage a culture of giving as it fosters a positive work environment.

3. Be wary of takers who may disrupt team harmony.

4. Ensure matchers are treated fairly to maintain their productivity.

In the book "Give and Take", givers are described as individuals who are characterized by serving those around them. Their interactions are based on the question, "What can I do for you?" Unlike takers who act to advance their own personal agendas, or matchers who operate on a quid pro quo basis, givers are more focused on what they can do to help others. This behavior can be seen in various ways such as offering assistance, sharing knowledge, providing mentoring, or making connections without expecting anything in return.

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Doadores na vanguarda

Quando Grant se aprofundou nos resultados de seu estudo, ele ficou surpreso ao descobrir que o tradicional modelo de sucesso nos negócios "tanque de tubarões" foi virado de cabeça para baixo. Enquanto ele descobriu que os piores desempenhos em negócios e ambientes acadêmicos tendiam a ser doadores, as pessoas no topo da pilha também eram doadores. Além disso, mesmo quando os doadores tinham resultados individuais mais baixos, sua presença contribuía para um maior sucesso corporativo e uma cultura de trabalho mais convidativa. Grant descobriu que os doadores tinham uma vantagem decidida sobre os combinadores e tomadores quando se tratava de construir redes, identificar e desenvolver potencial em outros e se comunicar efetivamente.

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A manufacturing company can apply the innovative approach of promoting 'givers' for greater success by fostering a culture that values and rewards giving behavior. This could involve recognizing and promoting employees who demonstrate a willingness to help others, share knowledge, and contribute to team success. It could also involve implementing policies that encourage collaboration and mutual support. By doing so, the company can build a more cohesive and effective team, which can lead to improved productivity and success. Furthermore, promoting 'givers' can help to create a more positive and inviting workplace culture, which can attract and retain top talent.

The lessons from 'Give and Take' can be applied in today's business environment in several ways. Firstly, businesses can encourage a culture of giving, where employees help each other without expecting anything in return. This can lead to a more collaborative and positive work environment. Secondly, businesses can focus on building strong networks, which is a strength of givers. This can lead to more opportunities and success in the long run. Lastly, businesses can prioritize identifying and developing potential in others, another strength of givers. This can lead to more skilled and motivated employees, which can contribute to the overall success of the business.

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Os doadores criam redes mais robustas e extensas porque estabeleceram um histórico de doação aos outros sem esperar nada em troca. Consequentemente, quando eles precisam se reconectar com alguém nessa rede, a outra pessoa está mais do que disposta a cooperar. Tomadores e combinadores não constroem redes igualmente fortes - os tomadores muitas vezes deixam as pessoas com maus sentimentos, e os combinadores amortecem futuras conexões porque as relações anteriores foram construídas em uma dinâmica de dívida-devedor.

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The giver's approach to networking challenges traditional business practices and paradigms by focusing on building others up rather than pushing them down. Givers create robust and extensive networks by giving to others without expecting anything in return. This approach fosters stronger relationships and cooperation when needed, as opposed to takers and matchers who often leave people with bad feelings or dampen future connections due to a debt-debtor dynamic.

The concept of 'givers' can be applied in a corporate setting to improve business relationships by encouraging a culture of generosity and mutual support. Employees who are 'givers' contribute to a more positive work environment by helping others without expecting anything in return. This creates a more robust network within the organization as it fosters trust, cooperation, and a sense of community. Over time, this can lead to improved business relationships as employees feel more connected and invested in each other's success.

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Os doadores também são desproporcionalmente bem-sucedidos em ambientes corporativos porque suas naturezas generosas os equipam para nutrir o potencial nos outros. Pessoas que não estão consumidas com seu próprio avanço estão livres para ver a excelência não aproveitada nas pessoas ao seu redor. Os doadores também tendem a se destacar na colaboração em grupo, porque os outros membros do grupo confiam que os doadores colocarão o interesse do grupo à frente de seus sucessos individuais.

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The ideas about 'givers' in 'Give and Take' have significant potential to be implemented in real-world corporate scenarios. Givers, as described in the book, are individuals who are not consumed with their own advancement and are free to see the untapped excellence in the people around them. They excel in group collaboration because they put the interest of the group ahead of their individual successes. This approach can foster a more collaborative and trusting environment in corporate settings, leading to higher team performance and overall success. However, it's important to note that the implementation would require a shift in corporate culture towards valuing and promoting generosity and collaboration.

The theory of 'givers' in 'Give and Take' challenges existing practices in corporate settings by proposing that success is not achieved by pushing others down, but by building others up. This contradicts the traditional belief that self-interest is the key to success. 'Givers', as described in the book, are successful because they nurture potential in others, excel in group collaboration, and prioritize the interest of the group over their individual successes. This approach fosters trust and cooperation, leading to a more productive and harmonious workplace.

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Outra área que leva a vitórias organizacionais para os doadores é a comunicação. Os doadores tendem a ser vendedores eficazes porque transmitem seu interesse na outra pessoa em suas interações, mostram vulnerabilidade e os outros os acham fáceis de se relacionar. A "comunicação impotente", que é o estilo normalmente favorecido pelos doadores, conquista suas audiências porque o comunicador convida as opiniões dos outros, inspira confiança naqueles ao seu redor e busca conselhos daqueles que podem ter algo a oferecer.

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Implementing the giver approach in a business can face several challenges. Firstly, there might be a resistance to change, especially if the current culture is more self-centered. Secondly, there could be a fear of being exploited or taken advantage of. Lastly, there might be a lack of understanding or misinterpretation of the giver approach. To overcome these challenges, it's important to clearly communicate the benefits and principles of the giver approach, provide training and support, and create a safe and trusting environment where employees feel comfortable to give without fear of exploitation.

The principles outlined in "Give and Take" can be applied to improve sales strategies in a business by fostering a culture of giving. This involves showing genuine interest in the other person during interactions, demonstrating vulnerability, and being relatable. This approach, known as "powerless communication", invites the opinions of others, inspires trust, and seeks advice from those who might have something to offer. This can lead to more effective sales strategies as it builds stronger relationships with customers, which can result in increased sales and customer loyalty.

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Criando um ambiente de trabalho amigável para doadores

Se os doadores detêm a chave para a produtividade e a cultura saudável no local de trabalho, como os gerentes podem cultivar um ambiente no qual os doadores possam prosperar? Grant oferece várias estratégias práticas para garantir que os doadores em uma organização sejam encorajados em seu espírito de doação, resultando em um fim para o esgotamento dos doadores e uma cultura melhorada no local de trabalho.

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The book 'Give and Take' has significantly influenced modern corporate strategies and business models by promoting the idea of fostering a culture of giving in the workplace. It suggests that success is not about pushing others down but about lifting others up. This has led to a shift in many organizations towards creating an environment where employees are encouraged to help each other, share knowledge, and collaborate. This approach has been shown to increase productivity, improve workplace culture, and reduce burnout. It has also influenced business models by encouraging companies to focus more on creating value for all stakeholders, rather than just maximizing profits for shareholders.

The lessons from 'Give and Take' can be applied to improve the business environment in today's corporate world by cultivating an environment where givers can thrive. This can be achieved by implementing practical strategies that encourage the giving spirit in employees. This not only prevents giver burnout but also improves the overall culture in the workplace. Encouraging a culture of giving can lead to increased productivity and a healthier workplace environment.

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Se a liderança organizacional não apoiar seus doadores, esses doadores podem facilmente se desencorajar e se esgotar, convencidos de que apenas os tubarões na empresa subirão ao topo. A gestão pode instalar um sistema de apoio simples para os doadores, ajudando-os a estabelecer limites e recompensando os grandes e pequenos favores que os funcionários são vistos fazendo para os outros. Da mesma forma, cabe aos gerentes criar uma cultura de doação e recebimento - um ambiente no qual a troca de ideias é valorizada e os membros da equipe não têm medo de pedir ajuda. A maioria das doações começa com um pedido de ajuda, disse Grant, mas em uma cultura de "lone ranger" esses pedidos nunca são feitos, e os doadores acabam frustrados.

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Some real-world examples of successful implementation of a giving and receiving culture in a company include Google's peer bonus system, where employees can nominate each other for bonuses, and Zappos' culture book, where employees share their thoughts and feelings about the company. Another example is Salesforce's 1-1-1 model, where the company contributes 1% of product, 1% of equity, and 1% of employee hours back to the communities it serves.

The principles from "Give and Take" can be applied to improve a company's culture by fostering an environment of mutual support and collaboration. Management can support givers in the organization by helping them set boundaries and rewarding the favors they do for others. This creates a culture of giving and receiving, where idea-sharing is valued and team members are not afraid to ask for help. It's important to move away from a "lone ranger" culture and encourage requests for help, as this is often where giving starts.

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A chave final para garantir uma cultura amigável para doadores é a contratação estratégica. Não é necessário contratar apenas doadores, mas Grant descobriu que uma mistura de doadores e combinadores é um ambiente ótimo para o sucesso. O elemento mais importante na contratação de uma equipe não é multiplicar os doadores, mas eliminar os tomadores. "O impacto negativo de um tomador em uma organização é geralmente o dobro ou o triplo do impacto positivo de um doador", disse Grant. Elaborar perguntas de entrevista para descobrir tomadores e observar a maneira como os candidatos tratam aqueles que não têm poder para ajudar a avançar suas carreiras são duas etapas que as empresas podem tomar para manter os tomadores fora dos portões e fomentar uma cultura de doação.

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The balance of givers and matchers in a team contributes to the overall success of a company by creating an optimal environment for success. Givers are individuals who contribute to the team without expecting anything in return, while matchers are those who give and take equally. Having a mix of these two types can ensure a giver-friendly culture. However, it's crucial to eliminate the takers - those who take more than they give - as their negative impact is usually double to triple the positive impact of one giver.

During the hiring process, it's crucial to craft interview questions that can help identify 'takers'. Observing how candidates interact with individuals who cannot directly advance their careers can also provide valuable insights. These strategies can help exclude 'takers' and foster a culture of giving within the organization.

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Pode parecer contra-intuitivo, mas a extensa pesquisa de Grant confirmou que os caras e garotas legais realmente podem terminar em primeiro. Não só os doadores são recompensados no local de trabalho com resultados mensuráveis, eles também são uma parte integral da criação de um ambiente acolhedor, criativo e colaborativo. A doação é contagiosa, muitas vezes criando uma dinâmica na qual os combinadores param de procurar um equilíbrio igual de doação e tomada e começam a doar sem expectativa de retorno. Até mesmo os tomadores podem às vezes ser mudados pelo exemplo constante dos doadores em seu meio. Gerentes e funcionários podem ajudar a transformar seu local de trabalho semeando o espírito de generosidade em suas interações com colegas e clientes.

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In a company, the term "giver" refers to individuals who contribute more than they take. They are often the ones who share their knowledge, skills, and resources without expecting anything in return. They play a crucial role in creating a nurturing, creative, and collaborative environment. The "taker", on the other hand, is someone who tends to receive more than they give. They often prioritize their own needs and interests over others. However, it's important to note that even takers can sometimes be influenced by the steady example of the givers in their midst. The "giver" usually gives to the organization as a whole, including their colleagues and customers.

In a business context, a giver can't typically "take back" from those they've given to. The concept of giving in business, as described in the content, is about creating a nurturing, creative, and collaborative environment. It's about generosity without the expectation of a return. However, if a giver feels they are being taken advantage of, they might reconsider their approach and set boundaries to ensure a more balanced relationship. Remember, the goal is to create a positive and productive environment, not to enable one-sided relationships.

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