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Obsesiónate o Sé Promedio Book Summary preview
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Obsesiónate o Sé Promedio trata sobre cómo utilizar las obsesiones para tener éxito. Las obsesiones pueden ser valiosas cuando se controlan y se enfocan. Una obsesión positiva puede llevar a maximizar el potencial y poner fin a la "epidemia de lo promedio". Negar las obsesiones resultará en ignorar los sueños y tolerar la mediocridad. Estar obsesionado es un trabajo a tiempo completo sin fines de semana, sin vacaciones y sin descansos. Sin embargo, las recompensas son ilimitadas. La obsesión es el único factor común que comparten todas las personas enormemente exitosas. Aprender a identificar y nutrir las obsesiones es la clave para obtener éxito independientemente de la educación, el capital y las habilidades.

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The concept of positive obsession has significantly influenced corporate strategies and business models. It encourages companies to focus intensely on their goals and objectives, leading to maximized potential and high performance. This approach helps businesses to avoid mediocrity and strive for excellence. It's a full-time commitment that requires constant attention and effort, but the rewards can be limitless. This concept has been adopted by many successful companies and entrepreneurs, proving its effectiveness in driving success regardless of education, capital, and abilities.

One of the most innovative ideas presented in 'Be Obsessed or Be Average' is the concept of using obsessions to fuel success. The author argues that obsessions, when controlled and focused, can be a powerful tool for maximizing potential and combating mediocrity. Another surprising idea is the notion that being obsessed is a full-time job with no breaks, weekends, or vacations. This level of commitment, according to the author, is what separates the hugely successful from the average. Lastly, the book presents the idea that anyone, regardless of education, capital, or abilities, can achieve success by learning how to identify and nurture their obsessions.

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Volviéndose obsesionado

Las obsesiones pueden ser positivas o negativas. Las obsesiones positivas tienen un propósito y proporcionan razones para hacer algo, o incluso razones para existir. El propósito es la base de la obsesión. Las obsesiones negativas, por otro lado, son distracciones y no producen resultados constructivos. Identificar el propósito puede ser difícil, pero hacer ciertas preguntas puede ayudar a identificar el propósito:

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In the book "Be Obsessed or Be Average", the concept of purpose as a foundation of obsession is explained as the driving force behind positive obsessions. Purpose provides reasons for doing something or even reasons to exist. It is the underlying motivation that fuels the obsession, leading to focused and productive outcomes. Without a clear purpose, obsessions can become negative and destructive, leading to distractions and no constructive outcomes. Therefore, identifying one's purpose is crucial in harnessing the power of positive obsession.

The theories in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" challenge the traditional business management paradigm by advocating for the power of positive obsession. Traditional practices often discourage obsession, viewing it as unhealthy or unproductive. However, this book argues that when obsessions are controlled and focused, they can be a powerful tool for success. It suggests that a positive obsession can lead to maximizing potential and combat the "epidemic of average" that plagues many businesses. This is a significant shift from conventional wisdom, which often promotes balance and moderation over obsession.

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  • ¿Cuáles son mis intereses personales en este momento?
  • ¿Qué cantidad de dinero es suficiente?
  • ¿Cuáles son mis habilidades únicas?
  • ¿Qué grandes ideas tengo para algo que se necesita?
  • ¿Por qué quiero ser recordado?
  • ¿Qué están haciendo las personas que admiro?
  • ¿Qué me da energía?
  • ¿Y si...?

Las respuestas a estas preguntas identificarán muchos propósitos y proporcionarán el enfoque para las obsesiones positivas. Las obsesiones evolucionarán a medida que se cumplan los objetivos y surjan nuevos propósitos. Mantener las obsesiones frescas requiere actualización y constante reevaluación.

"Los objetivos de los obsesionados siempre están un poco fuera de alcance."

Siguiendo obsesiones

Las obsesiones son como bestias; alimentar a las bestias es la única forma de mantener vivas las obsesiones. Eso significa mantenerse enfocado, diligente y nunca dejar que las bestias pasen hambre. Las siguientes sugerencias mantendrán bien alimentadas a las bestias:

  • Manténgase enfocado en los objetivos
  • Mantenga el control de los asuntos monetarios
  • Trabaje con personas geniales que también están obsesionadas

Además de alimentar a las bestias, hay que dejar morir de hambre a las bestias de la duda, la culpa, los detractores y los negacionistas. Los negacionistas son particularmente peligrosos porque no son personas malvadas. Al contrario, los negacionistas a menudo son personas amorosas y cariñosas. Desafortunadamente, los negacionistas pueden causar un daño significativo al dar consejos como "Ten cuidado", que matarán a las bestias. Estas personas justifican su mediocridad dando consejos no solicitados y no deseados. El mayor daño que los negacionistas pueden hacer es ser una distracción y permitir que las bestias mueran.

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A company in a traditional sector like manufacturing or retail can apply the innovative approaches discussed in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" by fostering a culture of positive obsession. This involves encouraging employees to be obsessed with their roles, the company's mission, and the pursuit of excellence. It also means starving the beasts of doubt and negativity, and not allowing naysayers to distract or detract from the company's goals. By doing so, the company can maximize its potential and avoid falling into the trap of mediocrity.

The book "Be Obsessed or Be Average" has influenced corporate strategies and business models by encouraging a shift from mediocrity to obsession. It promotes the idea that obsessions, when controlled and focused, can be valuable in maximizing potential and driving success. This has led businesses to foster a culture of obsession where employees are encouraged to be obsessed with their roles, the company's mission, and the pursuit of excellence. This obsession-driven approach can lead to innovative strategies and business models that stand out in the market. However, it's important to note that the influence of the book may vary across different businesses and industries.

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"Los obsesionados no están comprometidos con la popularidad, están comprometidos con el éxito."

Dominando para ganar

Las personas obsesionadas deben tener una energía ilimitada, intensidad, impulso y grandes sueños, pero lo más importante es que los obsesionados utilizan estas cualidades para dominar la vida. Dominar y controlar cada área de la vida crea una presencia abrumadora a la que otras personas responden. Los colegas, los clientes, los competidores apreciarán la confianza y la ambición que resultan de la obsesión. Controla todas las áreas de tu vida y domina. Las formas de dominar la vida incluyen:

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The ideas from "Be Obsessed or Be Average" can be implemented in real-world scenarios by channeling your obsessions towards your goals and ambitions. This involves having boundless energy, intensity, drive, and big dreams. More importantly, use these qualities to dominate and control every area of your life. This creates an overwhelming presence that other people respond to. Your colleagues, customers, and competitors will appreciate the confidence and ambition that results from your obsession. In essence, be in control of all areas of your life, and be dominating.

Be Obsessed or Be Average" has influenced business models by encouraging a shift from mediocrity to obsession. It promotes the idea that businesses should be driven by intense passion and obsession for their goals, rather than settling for average. This obsession can lead to innovation, increased productivity, and a competitive edge. It also emphasizes the importance of dominating all areas of life, which can translate into businesses striving for market dominance and control. This can lead to a more aggressive and ambitious business model.

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  • Piensa positivo e ignora los pensamientos negativos
  • Prioriza y optimiza el tiempo
  • Sé honesto acerca del dinero y el papel que juega
  • Conviértete en un experto en algo
  • Controla tu marca

Además de dominar todas las áreas de la vida, evita correr riesgos y enfrentarte al peligro. Los riesgos y el peligro son parte de la vida, y evitar el peligro puede ser más perjudicial que el daño en sí. Para garantizar la seguridad es necesario obsesionarse con el peligro. Aquí hay algunas formas de mantenerse peligroso:

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  • Múdate a una nueva ciudad
  • Conéctate constantemente con las personas
  • No tengas miedo de ser impopular
  • Toma riesgos con las inversiones
  • Adopta nuevas tecnologías
  • Estate listo para atacar en todo momento
  • Nunca te duermas en tus laureles
  • Aprende a amar el miedo

"La vida obsesionada consiste en moverse constantemente en dirección a tus miedos y posibilidades."

Obsesionándose con los negocios

Las personas obsesionadas son líderes naturales, en los negocios y en la vida. Como líder, debes estar dispuesto a ejercer control. Un buen liderazgo requiere control, y al controlar el proceso, también se controlarán los resultados. Además, se necesitan sólidas habilidades empresariales para tener éxito. Por lo tanto, los líderes deben estar obsesionados con: (1) las ventas, (2) los clientes y (3) el trabajo en equipo.

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Yes, there are several companies that have successfully implemented the practices of being obsessed with sales, customers, and teamwork. For instance, Amazon is known for its customer obsession. The company believes that leadership begins with customer obsession and works backwards to develop products and services. Similarly, Apple's obsession with product design and innovation has led to its success. In terms of teamwork, Google's emphasis on collaboration and open culture has been a key factor in its growth and innovation.

Potential obstacles companies might face when applying the concept of positive obsession could include resistance from employees who are uncomfortable with change, difficulty in maintaining a balance between obsession and burnout, and the risk of becoming too narrowly focused and missing out on other opportunities. To overcome these obstacles, companies could foster a culture of open communication to address resistance, ensure adequate rest and recovery periods to prevent burnout, and encourage a broad perspective to avoid becoming too narrowly focused.

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Primero, las ventas son la clave de cualquier negocio y afectan a cada persona, empresa e industria. Los siguientes consejos mejorarán las ventas:

  • Obsesiónate con tu producto
  • Cierra el trato
  • Exige responsabilidad
  • Cuantifica el éxito
  • Revisa tus objetivos todos los días
  • Vende con el ejemplo

"Las ventas no son un departamento, una carrera o el trabajo de alguien. Las ventas son el dios de cualquier negocio."

En segundo lugar, los clientes son clave. Sé ético con los clientes y siempre entrega. No tengas miedo de "prometer demasiado", pero asegúrate de no solo entregar, sino de "sobreentregar". Atrae y conserva a los clientes siguiendo estos consejos:

  • Haz afirmaciones gigantes
  • Cumple con tus compromisos
  • Encuentra soluciones para garantizar la entrega de tus promesas
  • Sé confiado
  • Mantén frescas tus propuestas
  • Aprovecha el mal rendimiento de los competidores
  • Trata a los clientes como ganadores.

"Cuando te comprometes completamente y no tienes otra opción que entregar a ese nivel, descubrirás cómo hacerlo, independientemente de lo imposible que parezca."

En tercer lugar, construye un equipo obsesionado. Las grandes organizaciones nunca son simplemente un espectáculo de un solo hombre. Los grandes empleados son vitales para el éxito. La clave para construir un gran equipo es encontrar a los mejores y crear una cultura que esté obsesionada. Invierte en buenos empleados para mantener la obsesión con tu negocio. Los siguientes consejos conducirán a un equipo fuerte:

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The ideas in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" have significant potential to be implemented in real-world business scenarios. The book emphasizes the importance of harnessing obsessions to drive success, which can be applied in a business context. For instance, businesses can foster a culture of obsession where employees are encouraged to be deeply passionate and focused on their work. This can lead to increased productivity, innovation, and overall business growth. However, it's important to ensure that this obsession is healthy and balanced to prevent burnout and maintain a positive work environment.

The concept of building an obsessed team challenges existing practices in team management by shifting the focus from just having a team to having a team that is deeply passionate and obsessed with the goals of the organization. Traditional team management often focuses on roles, responsibilities, and processes, while the concept of an obsessed team emphasizes passion, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of the organization's objectives. This approach challenges managers to not only hire the best but also create a culture that fosters obsession and invests in employees to keep them engaged and committed.

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  • Tómate el tiempo para encontrar a los mejores
  • Mira fuera de la caja
  • Persigue el talento
  • Maneja la rotación
  • Recompensa generosamente
  • Construye una cultura de calidad de trabajo

"Si quieres personas espectaculares, comienza por ser espectacular tú mismo."


Las personas obsesionadas no se rinden. El único fracaso es rendirse. "La diferencia entre el éxito y el fracaso es permanecer en el juego cuando otros tiran la toalla". Mantente obsesionado y persiste. Además, recuerda siempre reevaluar las obsesiones porque las obsesiones evolucionarán. Cada obsesión siempre debe tener un propósito que mejore la vida y maximice el potencial. Continúa buscando nuevas obsesiones haciendo nuevos amigos, buscando mentores, invirtiendo en educación, manteniendo una mente aguda y un cuerpo sano, y siendo caritativo. Identifica obsesiones positivas para alcanzar el máximo potencial y lograr el éxito.

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While the book does not provide specific examples, many successful individuals and companies have used positive obsessions to their advantage. For instance, Steve Jobs was famously obsessed with design and simplicity, which led to the creation of innovative and user-friendly Apple products. Similarly, Amazon's obsession with customer service has been a key factor in its success. These examples demonstrate how positive obsessions, when properly managed and focused, can lead to significant achievements.

The idea of positive obsession challenges existing paradigms in personal development by shifting the focus from avoiding obsessions to embracing and controlling them. Traditional approaches often view obsessions as negative or harmful, but the concept of positive obsession suggests that they can be a powerful force for personal growth and success when directed towards constructive goals. This approach encourages individuals to stay persistent, continuously re-evaluate their obsessions, and seek new ones that can help maximize their potential and improve their lives. It also emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy mind and body, investing in education, and being charitable.

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Extra no en audio

Grant Cardone jugó a lo seguro. Todos le decían que ir a por el tiro largo no valía la pena, y que debía mantener sus esperanzas y sueños razonables y alcanzables. Esa perspectiva de la vida lo llevó a convertirse en un adicto a las drogas, sin hogar y sin dinero. Cuando estaba en rehabilitación, su terapeuta le aconsejó más de lo mismo, no apuntes demasiado alto, no te esfuerces demasiado, establece metas razonables, Grant dijo que no. Dejó de lado toda la sabiduría convencional y, en cambio, descubrió lo que quería y puso todo de sí mismo para conseguirlo. Se obsesionó con el éxito, lo consiguió y escribió un libro para compartir cómo lo hizo: Estar obsesionado o ser promedio.

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The theories in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" challenge the existing paradigms in the field of success and achievement by advocating for obsession as a key to success. Traditional paradigms often promote balance and moderation, whereas this book suggests that being obsessed with your goals and aspirations is the way to achieve them. It challenges the notion of setting 'reasonable' and 'achievable' goals, and instead encourages individuals to aim high, even if it seems unrealistic. This approach contradicts the conventional wisdom of setting safe, easily achievable goals and promotes the idea of relentless pursuit of one's dreams, no matter how ambitious they may be.

Companies might face several obstacles when applying the concepts from "Be Obsessed or Be Average". One potential obstacle could be resistance from employees who are comfortable with the status quo and may see the drive towards obsession as disruptive or unnecessary. To overcome this, companies can conduct training and workshops to help employees understand the benefits of being obsessed with success. Another obstacle could be the risk of burnout. Obsession, while it can drive success, can also lead to exhaustion if not managed properly. Companies can mitigate this by promoting a balanced approach to obsession, encouraging employees to be obsessed with success but also to take care of their physical and mental health. Lastly, there could be a lack of clear direction or goals, making it hard for employees to know what to be obsessed about. Companies can overcome this by setting clear, achievable goals and regularly communicating these to their employees.

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Los diez principios de la obsesión

La primera parte del libro es Cardone contando su propia historia, para contextualizar todo lo que viene después. El verdadero motor de Estar obsesionado o ser promedio es transmitir el enfoque personal de Grant hacia la vida, para que los lectores puedan aprender de su proceso y convertir sus obsesiones individuales en sus propios éxitos. A lo largo del libro, Grant aclara diez aspectos centrales de su filosofía:

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The concept of turning obsessions into success, as presented in 'Be Obsessed or Be Average', challenges existing paradigms in the field of personal development by suggesting that obsessions, often viewed negatively, can be a powerful driving force for success. Traditional personal development practices often focus on balance and moderation, whereas this concept encourages individuals to fully embrace their obsessions and channel them towards achieving their goals. This approach challenges the notion of 'average' and promotes the idea of maximizing one's potential through focused and controlled obsession.

The ten core aspects of Grant's philosophy in 'Be Obsessed or Be Average' are not explicitly mentioned in the provided content. However, based on the book's premise, they likely revolve around harnessing one's obsessions to achieve success. These could include principles such as: embracing your obsessions, refusing to settle for average, setting high goals, persisting despite challenges, investing in self-improvement, seeking constant growth, taking responsibility for your success, being relentless in pursuit of your goals, using obsession to drive innovation, and turning obsession into action.

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1. Descubrir las obsesiones

A pesar de la condena cultural, está bien estar obsesionado, argumenta Grant. Es vital para el éxito, de hecho. Para descubrir el propósito de uno en la vida, una persona necesita examinar su mente, sus pasatiempos y su estilo de vida, para encontrar su obsesión. El objetivo es identificar cualquiera que sea la obsesión, y luego usar esa pasión para avanzar. Alguien que está obsesionado con la televisión debería trabajar en un estudio. Alguien obsesionado con los números debería convertirse en contador. Cualquiera que esté trabajando fuera de su pasión necesita encontrar un nuevo trabajo.

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The most innovative ideas presented in 'Be Obsessed or Be Average' include the concept that obsessions are not necessarily negative. The author argues that obsessions, when controlled and focused, can be a powerful tool for success. This contradicts the common belief that obsessions are unhealthy or destructive. Another surprising idea is that one should align their career with their obsession. For instance, if someone is obsessed with television, they should work at a studio, or if they are obsessed with numbers, they should become an accountant. This approach challenges the traditional career advice of pursuing a job for stability or prestige, instead advocating for passion-driven work.

The case study of someone obsessed with television working at a studio can be seen as an example of using one's passion to fuel their career. This individual's obsession with television likely gives them a deep understanding and appreciation of the medium, which can be beneficial in a studio environment. They may have a keen eye for detail, a strong understanding of storytelling techniques, and a passion for creating engaging content. This obsession can drive them to work harder, be more creative, and ultimately excel in their role at the studio. However, it's important for this individual to maintain a balance and ensure their obsession doesn't lead to burnout or negatively impact other areas of their life.

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2. No crees la idea de éxito de otros

Una vida obsesionada es una vida que solo puede vivirse para uno mismo. Nadie puede estar obsesionado con una vida que ha sido planeada para ellos por sus padres, maestros o compañeros. No hay dos definiciones de éxito iguales, y esforzarse por la idea de éxito de otra persona nunca puede encender realmente una obsesión. Para mantener la obsesión a largo plazo, los objetivos de una persona deben ser completamente suyos.

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Potential obstacles when applying the concept of positive obsession could include societal pressure, fear of failure, and lack of self-confidence. Societal pressure can make individuals conform to the norm and suppress their obsessions. Overcoming this requires strong willpower and the courage to go against the grain. Fear of failure can be paralyzing, but it's important to remember that failure is a part of the journey to success. Building resilience and learning from failures can help overcome this obstacle. Lack of self-confidence can prevent individuals from pursuing their obsessions. Building self-confidence through small victories and positive affirmations can help overcome this.

The concept of positive obsession from the book "Be Obsessed or Be Average" has influenced corporate strategies and business models by encouraging companies to focus intensely on their goals and not settle for mediocrity. This approach has led to the development of innovative products and services, as companies are driven to exceed customer expectations and outperform competitors. It has also fostered a culture of continuous improvement, as businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance their operations and achieve their objectives. However, it's important to note that this obsession must be managed properly to prevent burnout and ensure sustainable growth.

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3.Promete mucho y entrega aún más

Un antiguo mantra en los negocios es prometer poco y entregar mucho. Es una forma prudente de hacer negocios e intuitiva también. Establecer la barra baja permite posibles errores mientras deja espacio para superar la barra por un amplio margen. Sin embargo, Cardone argumenta que prometer poco es simplemente jugar a lo seguro, y que el riesgo es el camino hacia el verdadero éxito. Prometer mucho proporciona un claro incentivo para alcanzar la excelencia. Existe el peligro de fracasar, pero la mente obsesionada se impulsa por la perspectiva de fracaso, no se ve obstaculizada por ella.

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Some of the most innovative ideas presented in the book 'Be Obsessed or Be Average' include the concept of using obsessions to fuel success, the idea of maximizing potential through positive obsession, and the rejection of the 'epidemic of average'. The book also challenges traditional business wisdom, such as the mantra of under-promising and over-delivering, arguing that over-promising provides a clear incentive to achieve excellence and that the obsessed mind is driven by the prospect of failure, not hindered by it.

The book "Be Obsessed or Be Average" has influenced corporate strategies by encouraging a shift from the traditional approach of under-promising and over-delivering to a more risk-oriented approach. It promotes the idea of over-promising and striving for excellence, even in the face of potential failure. This has led businesses to adopt a more ambitious, obsession-driven mindset, pushing boundaries and aiming for higher goals.

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4. Todo es ventas

En todas las carreras e industrias, la habilidad más importante que una persona puede cultivar es la venta. Todo en cada negocio se reduce a las ventas. Un entrevistado de trabajo tiene que vender sus habilidades, un ejecutivo que presenta a la junta una nueva dirección innovadora necesita vender la sabiduría de tal opción, y un empleado de largo tiempo que pide un aumento necesita vender su valor a la empresa. No importa qué posición ocupe una persona, cada interacción que tienen es algún tipo de venta. Por lo tanto, el verdaderamente obsesionado necesita tratar cada venta potencial como si esa persona fuera de la familia; no hay venta sin importancia.

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The theories in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" challenge existing sales practices by advocating for a more personal and passionate approach to sales. Instead of treating sales as a mere transaction, the book suggests treating every prospective sale as if the person is family. This approach challenges the traditional, detached methods of sales and encourages a more involved, obsessed approach. It suggests that every interaction is a sale and therefore, no sale is unimportant. This could be seen as a challenge to sales practices that prioritize certain sales over others or that do not emphasize the importance of every interaction.

A small business can use the sales skills discussed in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" to grow by treating every sale as important and cultivating a positive obsession with sales. This involves viewing every interaction as a potential sale and treating every prospective customer as if they were family. By doing so, a small business can maximize its potential and avoid falling into the trap of mediocrity. Additionally, the business can use this obsession to drive innovation and present new directions that can lead to growth.

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5. Controla tu vida

La obsesión no termina a las cinco. La obsesión no se queda en la oficina. La obsesión necesita extenderse a todos los aspectos de la vida. La única forma de estar obsesionado es abordar todo con la misma cantidad de entusiasmo. La obsesión es sobre el control, para dominar cada aspecto de la vida. La obsesión también es sobre la persistencia y los resultados; los obsesionados nunca se rinden hasta que han alcanzado los objetivos que se han propuesto.

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A startup can use the key topics or framework covered in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" to grow by adopting a culture of obsession. This means being obsessed with their mission, goals, and every aspect of their business. They should approach everything with zeal and persistence, never giving in until they have achieved their goals. This obsession should not just be confined to the office, but should extend to all aspects of life. By doing so, they can maximize their potential and avoid falling into the trap of mediocrity.

The ideas in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" have significant potential for real-world implementation. The book suggests that obsession, when controlled and focused, can lead to maximizing potential and success. This can be applied in various aspects of life, including personal goals, career, and relationships. The key is to approach everything with zeal, persistence, and a never-give-up attitude until the set goals are achieved.

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6. El tiempo libre es una amenaza

Si alguien está obsesionado, no debería tener tiempo libre. El tiempo libre es una ilusión, ya que siempre hay algo que se puede hacer para avanzar en los objetivos. La dependencia que muchos tienen del tiempo libre, del tiempo de inactividad para recargar energías, es realmente solo una debilidad, y puede ser eliminada a través de la disciplina. Permitir el tiempo libre incluso un poco permite la opción de tiempo libre siempre, y la mente se sentirá cada vez más atraída a relajarse y procrastinar. Por eso, el tiempo libre debe evitarse a toda costa, y en su lugar debe dirigirse hacia fines más productivos.

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The key takeaways from "Be Obsessed or Be Average" that are actionable for entrepreneurs or managers are:

1. Use your obsessions to your advantage: Harness your obsessions to maximize your potential and avoid mediocrity.

2. Eliminate free time: There is always something that can be done to advance your goals. Avoid downtime and direct your energy towards productive ends.

3. Discipline is key: The reliance on free time is a weakness that can be eliminated through discipline.

4. Avoid procrastination: Allowing even a little free time can lead to more relaxation and procrastination. Stay focused on your goals.

The potential for the book's ideas on no free time" to be implemented in real-world scenarios is significant, especially in highly competitive industries or fields where constant growth and development are required. However, it's important to note that this approach may not be suitable for everyone as it requires high levels of discipline and commitment. It also risks burnout if not managed properly. Therefore, while it's possible to implement, it should be done with careful consideration of one's mental and physical health.

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7. Alimenta a la bestia

La sabiduría convencional afirma que la avaricia es algo malo; Cardone cambiaría la definición de avaricia. La avaricia en términos de acumulación de dinero es mala, estaría de acuerdo, ya que ese dinero no está haciendo nada para impulsar hacia el éxito. Pero el deseo de dinero en sí no es inherentemente malo. Los obsesionados alimentan a la bestia, esforzándose constantemente por ganar más dinero, pero también gastando dinero con la misma rapidez. El dinero es un recurso, y el obsesionado necesita adquirir y utilizar cada recurso en el camino hacia el éxito.

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The ideas from the book "Be Obsessed or Be Average" can be implemented in various real-world scenarios. For instance, in a business setting, one can use the concept of positive obsession to constantly strive for growth and success, not settling for mediocrity. This could involve relentlessly pursuing new clients, improving products or services, or seeking innovative strategies. In personal life, one could apply the same principle to achieve personal goals, such as fitness or learning a new skill. The key is to channel the obsession towards productive activities that lead to growth and improvement.

The theme of utilizing resources for success in the book 'Be Obsessed or Be Average' is highly relevant to contemporary business issues. In today's competitive business environment, resources - whether they be financial, human, or technological - are crucial for success. The book emphasizes the importance of not just acquiring resources, but also effectively utilizing them. This aligns with the modern business principle of resource management and optimization. Furthermore, the book's theme of 'obsession' can be interpreted as a call for businesses to be fully committed and dedicated to their goals, which is a key factor in achieving success.

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8. No afligido, dotado

Muchos dirían que los obsesionados están afligidos; son "controladores compulsivos", "Tipo A", o "neuróticos". Cardone afirma que tales aflicciones son realmente dones. Ser un controlador compulsivo no es nada malo, y es bueno tratar de controlar todo lo que se puede. Solo aquellos que están en control pueden realmente obtener lo que quieren de la vida. En lugar de mitigar su naturaleza neurótica, los obsesionados la abrazan.

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9. Los críticos son combustible

"Si no tienes detractores, no estás obsesionado. Si no coleccionas detractores, no estás haciendo nada", dice Cardone. Argumenta que los críticos no deberían disuadir a nadie de hacer lo que están haciendo. En cambio, deberían ver a los críticos como una confirmación de que están haciendo algo bien. La persona que nunca molesta a nadie es la persona que nunca ha ido en contra de la sabiduría cultural, y será relegada a una vida de ser promedio.

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10. Encuentra a otros que están obsesionados

Es importante que aquellos que están obsesionados con el éxito estén rodeados de otros que son iguales. Eso no es lo mismo que estar rodeado de aduladores; los aduladores no están obsesionados, simplemente están tratando de avanzar pasivamente al estar de acuerdo con sus superiores. Aquellos que realmente están obsesionados se desafiarán y se resistirán entre sí, ayudándose mutuamente a lograr más de lo que podrían solos. Las empresas deben centrarse en contratar a aquellos que están obsesionados también, o a aquellos que muestran promesa de ser enseñados.

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The lessons from "Be Obsessed or Be Average" can be applied in today's business environment by encouraging individuals and businesses to channel their obsessions towards their goals and objectives. This means being fully committed and focused on every aspect of the business, from the smallest tasks to the overall strategic direction. It's about not settling for mediocrity or average results, but constantly striving for excellence and improvement. This obsession can drive innovation, efficiency, and success in a highly competitive business environment.

The most innovative ideas presented in 'Be Obsessed or Be Average' include the concept of using obsessions to fuel success. The book suggests that obsessions, when controlled and focused, can be valuable and lead to maximizing potential. It challenges the conventional notion of obsession being a negative trait and instead, promotes it as a key to achieving greatness. The book also introduces the idea that just desiring success is not enough, but being obsessed with every single step, up to and including success, is what's needed.

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A todos les gusta la idea del éxito, pero solo la idea del éxito no puede alimentar la obsesión. La obsesión es sobre el proceso, no solo el resultado final. Solo al estar obsesionado con cada aspecto de la vida, y cada aspecto del negocio, se puede alcanzar la verdadera grandeza. Desear el éxito no es suficiente; estar obsesionado con cada paso, hasta e incluyendo el éxito, es lo que se necesita.

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