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Be Obsessed or Be Average Book Summary preview
Être Obsédé - Couverture du Livre Chapter preview

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Be Obsessed or Be Average traite de l'utilisation des obsessions pour réussir. Les obsessions peuvent être précieuses lorsqu'elles sont contrôlées et concentrées. Une obsession positive peut conduire à maximiser le potentiel et mettre fin à l'"épidémie de la moyenne." Nier les obsessions aboutira à ignorer les rêves et à tolérer la médiocrité. Être obsédé est un travail à plein temps sans week-ends, sans vacances et sans pauses. Les récompenses, cependant, sont illimitées. L'obsession est le seul facteur commun que tous les gens extrêmement réussis partagent. Apprendre à identifier et à nourrir les obsessions est la clé pour obtenir le succès, indépendamment de l'éducation, du capital et des capacités.

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The concept of positive obsession has significantly influenced corporate strategies and business models. It encourages companies to focus intensely on their goals and objectives, leading to maximized potential and high performance. This approach helps businesses to avoid mediocrity and strive for excellence. It's a full-time commitment that requires constant attention and effort, but the rewards can be limitless. This concept has been adopted by many successful companies and entrepreneurs, proving its effectiveness in driving success regardless of education, capital, and abilities.

One of the most innovative ideas presented in 'Be Obsessed or Be Average' is the concept of using obsessions to fuel success. The author argues that obsessions, when controlled and focused, can be a powerful tool for maximizing potential and combating mediocrity. Another surprising idea is the notion that being obsessed is a full-time job with no breaks, weekends, or vacations. This level of commitment, according to the author, is what separates the hugely successful from the average. Lastly, the book presents the idea that anyone, regardless of education, capital, or abilities, can achieve success by learning how to identify and nurture their obsessions.

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Devenir obsédé

Les obsessions peuvent être soit positives, soit négatives. Les obsessions positives ont un but et fournissent des raisons de faire quelque chose, voire des raisons d'exister. Le but est le fondement de l'obsession. Les obsessions négatives, en revanche, sont des distractions et ne produisent aucun résultat constructif.Identifier un but peut être difficile, mais poser certaines questions peut aider à identifier ce but :

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In the book "Be Obsessed or Be Average", the concept of purpose as a foundation of obsession is explained as the driving force behind positive obsessions. Purpose provides reasons for doing something or even reasons to exist. It is the underlying motivation that fuels the obsession, leading to focused and productive outcomes. Without a clear purpose, obsessions can become negative and destructive, leading to distractions and no constructive outcomes. Therefore, identifying one's purpose is crucial in harnessing the power of positive obsession.

The theories in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" challenge the traditional business management paradigm by advocating for the power of positive obsession. Traditional practices often discourage obsession, viewing it as unhealthy or unproductive. However, this book argues that when obsessions are controlled and focused, they can be a powerful tool for success. It suggests that a positive obsession can lead to maximizing potential and combat the "epidemic of average" that plagues many businesses. This is a significant shift from conventional wisdom, which often promotes balance and moderation over obsession.

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  • Quels sont mes intérêts personnels actuels ?
  • Quelle somme d'argent est suffisante ?
  • Quelles sont mes compétences uniques ?
  • Quelles grandes idées ai-je pour quelque chose qui est nécessaire ?
  • Pour quoi est-ce que je veux être rappelé ?
  • Que font les personnes que j'admire ?
  • Qu'est-ce qui me donne de l'énergie ?
  • Et si... ?

Les réponses à ces questions identifieront de nombreux buts et fourniront le focus pour des obsessions positives. Les obsessions évolueront à mesure que les objectifs seront atteints et que de nouveaux buts émergeront. Garder les obsessions fraîches nécessite une mise à jour et une réévaluation constante.

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"Les objectifs de l'obsédé sont toujours un peu hors de portée."

Suivre les obsessions

Les obsessions sont comme des bêtes ; nourrir les bêtes est le seul moyen de garder les obsessions en vie. Cela signifie rester concentré, diligent et ne jamais laisser les bêtes avoir faim. Les suggestions suivantes garderont les bêtes bien nourries :

  • Restez concentré sur les objectifs
  • Restez en contrôle des questions financières
  • Travaillez avec des personnes formidables qui sont également obsédées

En plus de nourrir les bêtes, affamez les bêtes de doute, de blâme, de haineux et de détracteurs. Les détracteurs sont particulièrement dangereux car ils ne sont pas des personnes maléfiques.Au contraire, les détracteurs sont souvent aimants et attentionnés. Malheureusement, les détracteurs peuvent causer un préjudice significatif en donnant des conseils comme "Sois prudent," qui tueront les bêtes. Ces personnes justifient leur médiocrité en donnant des conseils non sollicités et indésirables. Le plus grand préjudice que les détracteurs peuvent faire est de distraire, et de permettre aux bêtes de mourir.

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A company in a traditional sector like manufacturing or retail can apply the innovative approaches discussed in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" by fostering a culture of positive obsession. This involves encouraging employees to be obsessed with their roles, the company's mission, and the pursuit of excellence. It also means starving the beasts of doubt and negativity, and not allowing naysayers to distract or detract from the company's goals. By doing so, the company can maximize its potential and avoid falling into the trap of mediocrity.

The book "Be Obsessed or Be Average" has influenced corporate strategies and business models by encouraging a shift from mediocrity to obsession. It promotes the idea that obsessions, when controlled and focused, can be valuable in maximizing potential and driving success. This has led businesses to foster a culture of obsession where employees are encouraged to be obsessed with their roles, the company's mission, and the pursuit of excellence. This obsession-driven approach can lead to innovative strategies and business models that stand out in the market. However, it's important to note that the influence of the book may vary across different businesses and industries.

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"Les obsédés ne sont pas engagés envers la popularité, ils sont engagés envers le succès."

Domination pour gagner

Les personnes obsédées doivent avoir une énergie sans limites, une intensité, une motivation, et de grands rêves, mais plus important encore, les obsédés utilisent ces qualités pour dominer la vie. Dominer et contrôler chaque domaine de la vie crée une présence écrasante à laquelle les autres personnes répondent. Les collègues, les clients, les concurrents apprécieront la confiance et l'ambition qui résultent de l'obsession. Soyez en contrôle de tous les domaines de la vie, et soyez dominant. Les moyens de dominer la vie comprennent :

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The ideas from "Be Obsessed or Be Average" can be implemented in real-world scenarios by channeling your obsessions towards your goals and ambitions. This involves having boundless energy, intensity, drive, and big dreams. More importantly, use these qualities to dominate and control every area of your life. This creates an overwhelming presence that other people respond to. Your colleagues, customers, and competitors will appreciate the confidence and ambition that results from your obsession. In essence, be in control of all areas of your life, and be dominating.

Be Obsessed or Be Average" has influenced business models by encouraging a shift from mediocrity to obsession. It promotes the idea that businesses should be driven by intense passion and obsession for their goals, rather than settling for average. This obsession can lead to innovation, increased productivity, and a competitive edge. It also emphasizes the importance of dominating all areas of life, which can translate into businesses striving for market dominance and control. This can lead to a more aggressive and ambitious business model.

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  • Penser positivement, et ignorer les pensées négatives
  • Prioriser et optimiser le temps
  • Être honnête à propos de l'argent et du rôle qu'il joue
  • Devenir un expert dans quelque chose
  • Contrôler votre marque

En plus de dominer tous les domaines de la vie, évitez de prendre des risques et de faire face au danger. Les risques et les dangers font partie de la vie, et éviter le danger peut être plus nuisible que le dommage lui-même. Pour garantir la sécurité, il faut devenir obsédé par le danger.Voici quelques façons de rester dangereux:

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  • Déménager dans une nouvelle ville
  • Se connecter constamment avec les gens
  • Ne pas avoir peur d'être impopulaire
  • Prendre des risques avec les investissements
  • Embrasser la nouvelle technologie
  • Être prêt à frapper à tout moment
  • Ne jamais se reposer sur ses lauriers
  • Apprendre à aimer la peur

"La vie obsédée consiste à se déplacer constamment dans la direction de vos peurs et possibilités."

Obséder sur les affaires

Les personnes obsédées sont des leaders naturels, dans les affaires et dans la vie. En tant que leader, soyez prêt à exercer le contrôle. Un bon leadership nécessite le contrôle, et en contrôlant le processus, les résultats seront également contrôlés. De plus, des compétences commerciales solides sont nécessaires pour réussir. Par conséquent, les leaders doivent être obsédés par: (1) les ventes, (2) les clients, et (3) le travail d'équipe.

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Yes, there are several companies that have successfully implemented the practices of being obsessed with sales, customers, and teamwork. For instance, Amazon is known for its customer obsession. The company believes that leadership begins with customer obsession and works backwards to develop products and services. Similarly, Apple's obsession with product design and innovation has led to its success. In terms of teamwork, Google's emphasis on collaboration and open culture has been a key factor in its growth and innovation.

Potential obstacles companies might face when applying the concept of positive obsession could include resistance from employees who are uncomfortable with change, difficulty in maintaining a balance between obsession and burnout, and the risk of becoming too narrowly focused and missing out on other opportunities. To overcome these obstacles, companies could foster a culture of open communication to address resistance, ensure adequate rest and recovery periods to prevent burnout, and encourage a broad perspective to avoid becoming too narrowly focused.

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Premièrement, les ventes sont la clé de toute entreprise et affectent chaque personne, entreprise et industrie. Les conseils suivants amélioreront les ventes:

  • Être obsédé par votre produit
  • Conclure l'affaire
  • Exiger la responsabilité
  • Quantifier le succès
  • Faire le point sur les objectifs chaque jour
  • Vendre par l'exemple

"Les ventes ne sont pas un département, une carrière ou le travail de quelqu'un. Les ventes sont le dieu de toute entreprise."

Deuxièmement, les clients sont clés.Soyez éthique avec les clients et livrez toujours. N'ayez pas peur de "surpromettre," mais assurez-vous non seulement de livrer, mais de "sur-livrer." Attirez et conservez les clients en suivant ces conseils:

  • Faites des affirmations audacieuses
  • Respectez vos engagements
  • Trouvez des solutions pour garantir la livraison de vos promesses
  • Soyez confiant
  • Gardez vos arguments de vente frais
  • Profitez des mauvaises performances de vos concurrents
  • Traitez les clients comme les gagnants.

"Lorsque vous vous engagez totalement et que vous n'avez pas d'autre option que de livrer à ce niveau, vous trouverez comment le faire, quel que soit l'impossible que cela semble."

Troisièmement, construisez une équipe obsédée. Les grandes organisations ne sont jamais simplement un spectacle d'un seul homme. De grands employés sont essentiels au succès. La clé pour construire une grande équipe est de trouver les meilleurs et de créer une culture qui est obsédée. Investissez dans de bons employés pour rester obsédé par votre entreprise. Les conseils suivants conduiront à une équipe solide:

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The ideas in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" have significant potential to be implemented in real-world business scenarios. The book emphasizes the importance of harnessing obsessions to drive success, which can be applied in a business context. For instance, businesses can foster a culture of obsession where employees are encouraged to be deeply passionate and focused on their work. This can lead to increased productivity, innovation, and overall business growth. However, it's important to ensure that this obsession is healthy and balanced to prevent burnout and maintain a positive work environment.

The concept of building an obsessed team challenges existing practices in team management by shifting the focus from just having a team to having a team that is deeply passionate and obsessed with the goals of the organization. Traditional team management often focuses on roles, responsibilities, and processes, while the concept of an obsessed team emphasizes passion, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of the organization's objectives. This approach challenges managers to not only hire the best but also create a culture that fosters obsession and invests in employees to keep them engaged and committed.

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  • Prenez le temps de trouver les meilleurs
  • Regardez au-delà des apparences
  • Chassez le talent
  • Gérez le roulement du personnel
  • Récompensez généreusement
  • Construisez une culture de qualité de travail

"Si vous voulez des gens spectaculaires, cela commence par vous être spectaculaire."


Les gens obsédés n'abandonnent pas.Le seul échec est l'abandon. "La différence entre le succès et l'échec est de rester dans le jeu lorsque les autres jettent l'éponge." Restez obsédé et persistez. De plus, n'oubliez pas de toujours réévaluer les obsessions car les obsessions évolueront. Chaque obsession devrait toujours avoir un but qui améliore la vie et maximise le potentiel. Continuez à chercher de nouvelles obsessions en vous faisant de nouveaux amis, en cherchant des mentors, en investissant dans l'éducation, en gardant un esprit vif et un corps sain, et en étant charitable. Identifiez les obsessions positives pour atteindre le potentiel maximum et réussir.

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While the book does not provide specific examples, many successful individuals and companies have used positive obsessions to their advantage. For instance, Steve Jobs was famously obsessed with design and simplicity, which led to the creation of innovative and user-friendly Apple products. Similarly, Amazon's obsession with customer service has been a key factor in its success. These examples demonstrate how positive obsessions, when properly managed and focused, can lead to significant achievements.

The idea of positive obsession challenges existing paradigms in personal development by shifting the focus from avoiding obsessions to embracing and controlling them. Traditional approaches often view obsessions as negative or harmful, but the concept of positive obsession suggests that they can be a powerful force for personal growth and success when directed towards constructive goals. This approach encourages individuals to stay persistent, continuously re-evaluate their obsessions, and seek new ones that can help maximize their potential and improve their lives. It also emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy mind and body, investing in education, and being charitable.

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Supplément non présent dans l'audio

Grant Cardone a joué la sécurité. Tout le monde lui disait que tenter le coup n'en valait pas la peine, et qu'il devrait garder ses espoirs et ses rêves raisonnables et réalisables. Cette perspective de la vie l'a conduit à devenir un toxicomane sans abri et sans le sou. Lorsqu'il était en cure de désintoxication, son thérapeute lui a conseillé la même chose, ne pas viser trop haut, ne pas s'efforcer trop loin, fixer des objectifs raisonnables, Grant a dit non. Il a mis de côté toute la sagesse conventionnelle et, à la place, il a déterminé ce qu'il voulait et a mis tout de lui-même pour l'obtenir. Il est devenu obsédé par le succès, il l'a obtenu, et il a écrit un livre pour partager comment il l'a fait : Être Obsédé ou Être Moyen.

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The theories in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" challenge the existing paradigms in the field of success and achievement by advocating for obsession as a key to success. Traditional paradigms often promote balance and moderation, whereas this book suggests that being obsessed with your goals and aspirations is the way to achieve them. It challenges the notion of setting 'reasonable' and 'achievable' goals, and instead encourages individuals to aim high, even if it seems unrealistic. This approach contradicts the conventional wisdom of setting safe, easily achievable goals and promotes the idea of relentless pursuit of one's dreams, no matter how ambitious they may be.

Companies might face several obstacles when applying the concepts from "Be Obsessed or Be Average". One potential obstacle could be resistance from employees who are comfortable with the status quo and may see the drive towards obsession as disruptive or unnecessary. To overcome this, companies can conduct training and workshops to help employees understand the benefits of being obsessed with success. Another obstacle could be the risk of burnout. Obsession, while it can drive success, can also lead to exhaustion if not managed properly. Companies can mitigate this by promoting a balanced approach to obsession, encouraging employees to be obsessed with success but also to take care of their physical and mental health. Lastly, there could be a lack of clear direction or goals, making it hard for employees to know what to be obsessed about. Companies can overcome this by setting clear, achievable goals and regularly communicating these to their employees.

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Les dix principes de l'obsession

La première partie du livre est Cardone racontant sa propre histoire, pour contextualiser tout ce qui suit.La véritable motivation de Être Obsédé ou Être Moyen est de transmettre l'approche personnelle de la vie de Grant, afin que les lecteurs puissent apprendre de son processus et transformer leurs obsessions individuelles en leurs propres succès. Tout au long du livre, Grant éclaire dix aspects fondamentaux de sa philosophie :

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The concept of turning obsessions into success, as presented in 'Be Obsessed or Be Average', challenges existing paradigms in the field of personal development by suggesting that obsessions, often viewed negatively, can be a powerful driving force for success. Traditional personal development practices often focus on balance and moderation, whereas this concept encourages individuals to fully embrace their obsessions and channel them towards achieving their goals. This approach challenges the notion of 'average' and promotes the idea of maximizing one's potential through focused and controlled obsession.

The ten core aspects of Grant's philosophy in 'Be Obsessed or Be Average' are not explicitly mentioned in the provided content. However, based on the book's premise, they likely revolve around harnessing one's obsessions to achieve success. These could include principles such as: embracing your obsessions, refusing to settle for average, setting high goals, persisting despite challenges, investing in self-improvement, seeking constant growth, taking responsibility for your success, being relentless in pursuit of your goals, using obsession to drive innovation, and turning obsession into action.

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1. Identifier les obsessions

Malgré la condamnation culturelle, il est acceptable d'être obsédé, soutient Grant. C'est en fait vital pour le succès. Pour déterminer son but dans la vie, une personne doit examiner son esprit, ses passe-temps et son mode de vie, pour trouver son obsession. Le but est d'identifier quelle que soit l'obsession, puis d'utiliser cette passion pour avancer. Quelqu'un qui est obsédé par la télévision devrait travailler dans un studio. Quelqu'un obsédé par les chiffres devrait devenir comptable. Quiconque travaille en dehors de sa passion doit trouver un nouvel emploi.

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The most innovative ideas presented in 'Be Obsessed or Be Average' include the concept that obsessions are not necessarily negative. The author argues that obsessions, when controlled and focused, can be a powerful tool for success. This contradicts the common belief that obsessions are unhealthy or destructive. Another surprising idea is that one should align their career with their obsession. For instance, if someone is obsessed with television, they should work at a studio, or if they are obsessed with numbers, they should become an accountant. This approach challenges the traditional career advice of pursuing a job for stability or prestige, instead advocating for passion-driven work.

The case study of someone obsessed with television working at a studio can be seen as an example of using one's passion to fuel their career. This individual's obsession with television likely gives them a deep understanding and appreciation of the medium, which can be beneficial in a studio environment. They may have a keen eye for detail, a strong understanding of storytelling techniques, and a passion for creating engaging content. This obsession can drive them to work harder, be more creative, and ultimately excel in their role at the studio. However, it's important for this individual to maintain a balance and ensure their obsession doesn't lead to burnout or negatively impact other areas of their life.

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2. Ne pas créer l'idée de succès des autres

Une vie obsédée est une vie qui ne peut être vécue que pour soi. Personne ne peut être obsédé par une vie qui a été planifiée pour eux par leurs parents, enseignants ou pairs. Aucune deux définitions du succès ne sont les mêmes, et s'efforcer d'atteindre l'idée de succès de quelqu'un d'autre ne peut jamais véritablement allumer une obsession. Pour maintenir l'obsession à long terme, les objectifs d'une personne doivent être entièrement les leurs.

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Potential obstacles when applying the concept of positive obsession could include societal pressure, fear of failure, and lack of self-confidence. Societal pressure can make individuals conform to the norm and suppress their obsessions. Overcoming this requires strong willpower and the courage to go against the grain. Fear of failure can be paralyzing, but it's important to remember that failure is a part of the journey to success. Building resilience and learning from failures can help overcome this obstacle. Lack of self-confidence can prevent individuals from pursuing their obsessions. Building self-confidence through small victories and positive affirmations can help overcome this.

The concept of positive obsession from the book "Be Obsessed or Be Average" has influenced corporate strategies and business models by encouraging companies to focus intensely on their goals and not settle for mediocrity. This approach has led to the development of innovative products and services, as companies are driven to exceed customer expectations and outperform competitors. It has also fostered a culture of continuous improvement, as businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance their operations and achieve their objectives. However, it's important to note that this obsession must be managed properly to prevent burnout and ensure sustainable growth.

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3.Sur-promettre et sur-délivrer

Un ancien mantra dans les affaires est de sous-promettre et de sur-délivrer. C'est une manière prudente de conduire les affaires et intuitive aussi. Fixer la barre bas permet des erreurs potentielles tout en laissant de la place pour dépasser la barre de loin. Cependant, Cardone soutient que sous-promettre est simplement jouer la sécurité, et que le risque est le chemin vers le véritable succès. Sur-promettre offre une incitation claire à atteindre l'excellence. Il y a le danger de l'échec, mais l'esprit obsédé est motivé par la perspective de l'échec, non entravé par celui-ci.

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Some of the most innovative ideas presented in the book 'Be Obsessed or Be Average' include the concept of using obsessions to fuel success, the idea of maximizing potential through positive obsession, and the rejection of the 'epidemic of average'. The book also challenges traditional business wisdom, such as the mantra of under-promising and over-delivering, arguing that over-promising provides a clear incentive to achieve excellence and that the obsessed mind is driven by the prospect of failure, not hindered by it.

The book "Be Obsessed or Be Average" has influenced corporate strategies by encouraging a shift from the traditional approach of under-promising and over-delivering to a more risk-oriented approach. It promotes the idea of over-promising and striving for excellence, even in the face of potential failure. This has led businesses to adopt a more ambitious, obsession-driven mindset, pushing boundaries and aiming for higher goals.

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4. Tout est vente

Dans chaque carrière et industrie, la compétence la plus importante qu'une personne peut cultiver est la vente. Tout dans chaque entreprise se résume à la vente. Un candidat à un emploi doit vendre ses compétences, un dirigeant présentant au conseil une nouvelle direction innovante doit vendre la sagesse d'une telle option, et un employé de longue date demandant une augmentation doit vendre sa valeur à l'entreprise. Peu importe le poste qu'une personne occupe, chaque interaction qu'elle a est une sorte de vente. Par conséquent, le véritablement obsédé doit traiter chaque vente potentielle comme si cette personne était de la famille ; il n'y a pas de vente sans importance.

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The theories in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" challenge existing sales practices by advocating for a more personal and passionate approach to sales. Instead of treating sales as a mere transaction, the book suggests treating every prospective sale as if the person is family. This approach challenges the traditional, detached methods of sales and encourages a more involved, obsessed approach. It suggests that every interaction is a sale and therefore, no sale is unimportant. This could be seen as a challenge to sales practices that prioritize certain sales over others or that do not emphasize the importance of every interaction.

A small business can use the sales skills discussed in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" to grow by treating every sale as important and cultivating a positive obsession with sales. This involves viewing every interaction as a potential sale and treating every prospective customer as if they were family. By doing so, a small business can maximize its potential and avoid falling into the trap of mediocrity. Additionally, the business can use this obsession to drive innovation and present new directions that can lead to growth.

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5. Contrôlez votre vie

L'obsession ne quitte pas le travail à cinq heures. L'obsession ne reste pas au bureau. L'obsession doit s'étendre à tous les aspects de la vie.La seule façon d'être obsédé est d'aborder chaque chose avec le même zèle. L'obsession est une question de contrôle, de domination de chaque aspect de la vie. L'obsession concerne également la persévérance et les résultats ; les obsédés ne cèdent jamais jusqu'à ce qu'ils aient atteint les objectifs qu'ils se sont fixés.

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A startup can use the key topics or framework covered in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" to grow by adopting a culture of obsession. This means being obsessed with their mission, goals, and every aspect of their business. They should approach everything with zeal and persistence, never giving in until they have achieved their goals. This obsession should not just be confined to the office, but should extend to all aspects of life. By doing so, they can maximize their potential and avoid falling into the trap of mediocrity.

The ideas in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" have significant potential for real-world implementation. The book suggests that obsession, when controlled and focused, can lead to maximizing potential and success. This can be applied in various aspects of life, including personal goals, career, and relationships. The key is to approach everything with zeal, persistence, and a never-give-up attitude until the set goals are achieved.

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6. Le temps libre est une menace

Si quelqu'un est obsédé, il ne devrait pas avoir de temps libre. Le temps libre est une illusion, car il y a toujours quelque chose qui peut être fait pour avancer vers les objectifs. La dépendance que beaucoup ont envers le temps libre, le temps de recharge, n'est en réalité qu'une faiblesse, et peut être éliminée par la discipline. Permettre même un peu de temps libre offre toujours l'option du temps libre, et l'esprit sera de plus en plus attiré par la détente et la procrastination. Pour cette raison, le temps libre doit être évité à tout prix, et doit plutôt être dirigé vers des fins plus productives.

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The key takeaways from "Be Obsessed or Be Average" that are actionable for entrepreneurs or managers are:

1. Use your obsessions to your advantage: Harness your obsessions to maximize your potential and avoid mediocrity.

2. Eliminate free time: There is always something that can be done to advance your goals. Avoid downtime and direct your energy towards productive ends.

3. Discipline is key: The reliance on free time is a weakness that can be eliminated through discipline.

4. Avoid procrastination: Allowing even a little free time can lead to more relaxation and procrastination. Stay focused on your goals.

The potential for the book's ideas on no free time" to be implemented in real-world scenarios is significant, especially in highly competitive industries or fields where constant growth and development are required. However, it's important to note that this approach may not be suitable for everyone as it requires high levels of discipline and commitment. It also risks burnout if not managed properly. Therefore, while it's possible to implement, it should be done with careful consideration of one's mental and physical health.

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7. Nourrissez la bête

La sagesse conventionnelle prétend que la cupidité est une mauvaise chose ; Cardone changerait la définition de la cupidité. La cupidité en termes d'accumulation d'argent est mauvaise, il serait d'accord, car cet argent ne fait rien pour conduire au succès. Mais le désir d'argent en soi n'est pas intrinsèquement mauvais. Les obsédés nourrissent la bête, s'efforçant constamment de gagner plus d'argent, mais dépensant aussi rapidement. L'argent est une ressource, et l'obsédé doit acquérir et utiliser chaque ressource sur le chemin du succès.

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The ideas from the book "Be Obsessed or Be Average" can be implemented in various real-world scenarios. For instance, in a business setting, one can use the concept of positive obsession to constantly strive for growth and success, not settling for mediocrity. This could involve relentlessly pursuing new clients, improving products or services, or seeking innovative strategies. In personal life, one could apply the same principle to achieve personal goals, such as fitness or learning a new skill. The key is to channel the obsession towards productive activities that lead to growth and improvement.

The theme of utilizing resources for success in the book 'Be Obsessed or Be Average' is highly relevant to contemporary business issues. In today's competitive business environment, resources - whether they be financial, human, or technological - are crucial for success. The book emphasizes the importance of not just acquiring resources, but also effectively utilizing them. This aligns with the modern business principle of resource management and optimization. Furthermore, the book's theme of 'obsession' can be interpreted as a call for businesses to be fully committed and dedicated to their goals, which is a key factor in achieving success.

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8.Non affligé, doué[/text [text]Beaucoup diraient que les obsédés sont affligés ; ils sont des "maniacs du contrôle," des "Type A," ou des "névrotiques." Cardone affirme que de telles afflictions sont en réalité des dons. Être un maniaque du contrôle n'est pas quelque chose de mal, et il est bon d'essayer de contrôler autant que vous le pouvez. Seuls ceux qui sont en contrôle peuvent vraiment obtenir ce qu'ils veulent de la vie. Plutôt que d'atténuer leur nature névrotique, les obsédés l'embrassent.

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The book "Be Obsessed or Be Average" does not provide specific case studies or examples. Instead, it focuses on the concept of using obsessions to achieve success. The author, Grant Cardone, argues that obsessions are not afflictions but gifts. He suggests that being a "control freak" or neurotic" is not wrong, but rather, these traits can be beneficial if they are controlled and focused. The broader implication is that embracing and controlling one's obsessions can lead to maximizing potential and overcoming mediocrity.

The ideas in "Be Obsessed or Be Average" have significant potential for real-world implementation. The book suggests that obsessions, when controlled and focused, can be a powerful tool for success. This can be applied in various scenarios such as career development, business growth, and personal improvement. For instance, an individual with a strong obsession for innovation can use this drive to create groundbreaking products or services. Similarly, a business leader obsessed with customer satisfaction can implement strategies that significantly enhance the customer experience. However, it's important to note that the success of implementing these ideas depends on the individual's ability to control and direct their obsessions towards positive outcomes.

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9. Les critiques sont du carburant

"Si vous n'avez pas de détracteurs, vous n'êtes pas obsédé. Si vous ne collectez pas de détracteurs, vous ne faites rien," dit Cardone. Il soutient que les critiques ne devraient dissuader personne de faire ce qu'il fait. Au contraire, ils devraient voir les critiques comme une confirmation qu'ils font quelque chose de bien. La personne qui ne dérange jamais personne est la personne qui n'a jamais été contre la sagesse culturelle, et sera reléguée à une vie d'être moyenne.

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Yes, the ideas from the book "Be Obsessed or Be Average" can be implemented in real-world scenarios. The book encourages using obsessions to fuel success. By focusing and controlling these obsessions, one can maximize their potential and break free from mediocrity. This can be applied in various aspects of life, such as career, personal development, and even relationships. However, it's important to remember that these obsessions should be positive and constructive, not detrimental to one's well-being or the well-being of others.

A startup can use the key topics or framework covered in the book "Be Obsessed or Be Average" to grow by embracing the concept of positive obsession. This involves being completely focused and dedicated to the startup's mission and goals. It means not being deterred by critics or setbacks, but rather viewing them as confirmation that the startup is doing something right and disruptive. This level of obsession can drive a startup to maximize its potential and avoid falling into mediocrity.

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10. Trouvez d'autres personnes qui sont obsédées

Il est important que ceux qui sont obsédés par le succès soient entourés d'autres personnes qui sont pareilles. Ce n'est pas la même chose qu'être entouré de oui-oui ; les sycophantes ne sont pas obsédés, ils essaient simplement de progresser passivement en étant d'accord avec leurs supérieurs. Ceux qui sont vraiment obsédés se défieront et se pousseront mutuellement, aidant ainsi chacun à accomplir plus qu'ils ne le feraient seuls. Les entreprises devraient se concentrer sur l'embauche de personnes qui sont obsédées également, ou de personnes qui montrent des promesses d'être enseignées.

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Potential obstacles companies might face when applying the concepts from "Be Obsessed or Be Average" could include resistance from employees who are comfortable with the status quo, difficulty in identifying and nurturing positive obsessions, and the risk of obsession turning into unhealthy fixation. To overcome these, companies could foster a culture that values and rewards obsession with success, provide training and resources to help employees channel their obsessions productively, and establish checks and balances to prevent obsessions from becoming destructive.

The themes of "Be Obsessed or Be Average" are highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates. In today's competitive world, the idea of harnessing one's obsessions to achieve success is a powerful concept. It challenges the conventional wisdom of maintaining a work-life balance and promotes the idea of total immersion in one's work or passion. This can be related to the ongoing debates about the nature of success and the methods to achieve it. Furthermore, the book's theme also addresses the issue of mediocrity and complacency in society, which is a significant concern in today's performance-driven culture.

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Tout le monde aime l'idée de succès, mais juste l'idée de succès ne peut pas alimenter l'obsession. L'obsession concerne le processus, pas seulement le résultat final. Seulement en étant obsédé par chaque aspect de la vie, et chaque aspect des affaires, peut-on atteindre une véritable grandeur. Désirer le succès ne suffit pas ; être obsédé par chaque étape, jusqu'à et y compris le succès, est ce qui est nécessaire.

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The lessons from "Be Obsessed or Be Average" can be applied in today's business environment by encouraging individuals and businesses to channel their obsessions towards their goals and objectives. This means being fully committed and focused on every aspect of the business, from the smallest tasks to the overall strategic direction. It's about not settling for mediocrity or average results, but constantly striving for excellence and improvement. This obsession can drive innovation, efficiency, and success in a highly competitive business environment.

The most innovative ideas presented in 'Be Obsessed or Be Average' include the concept of using obsessions to fuel success. The book suggests that obsessions, when controlled and focused, can be valuable and lead to maximizing potential. It challenges the conventional notion of obsession being a negative trait and instead, promotes it as a key to achieving greatness. The book also introduces the idea that just desiring success is not enough, but being obsessed with every single step, up to and including success, is what's needed.

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