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Vendre l'Invisible Book Summary preview
Vendre l'Invisible - Couverture du Livre Chapter preview

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Les entreprises de services ont souvent du mal avec leurs efforts de marketing car leur "produit" n'est pas une chose physique. Les services sont abstraits et leur efficacité et leur valeur sont difficiles à mesurer du point de vue d'un client. Harry Beckwith explique que le marketing et la vente d'un service nécessitent une approche complètement différente de celle du marketing et de la vente d'un produit physique. Bien que Vendre l'Invisible contienne des sections "comment faire", comme "Corrections rapides", il s'agit davantage d'un livre "comment penser". En utilisant des histoires divertissantes et révélatrices de grandes entreprises et d'artistes pour fournir des exemples et souligner des points clés, Beckwith offre des conseils efficaces et des rappels qui aident les entreprises de services à commencer à penser différemment et à développer leur entreprise.

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Beckwith could have covered more on the role of technology in service marketing, the importance of customer relationship management, and strategies for online marketing. He could also delve deeper into the challenges of international service marketing and how to overcome them.

Service companies can measure their effectiveness and value from a customer's perspective through various methods. They can use customer satisfaction surveys to gather feedback on their services. They can also track customer retention rates, as a high retention rate often indicates that customers find value in the service. Additionally, they can monitor online reviews and social media comments to gauge customer perception of their service's value and effectiveness.

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L'approche d'apprendre comment penser, par opposition à l'apprentissage simplement de quoi faire, est la base du livre et c'est ce qui le rend si rafraîchissant et efficace. Beckwith décrit clairement la base de cette approche "comment penser" avec des questions spécifiques telles que "Qu'est-ce que je fais bien ?" et des exercices spécifiques tels que la définition d'un service, la compréhension des prospects et la compréhension du comportement d'achat d'un client. Bien que beaucoup de matériel dans le livre ne soit pas considéré comme particulièrement nouveau ou révolutionnaire, c'est la façon dont le matériel incite les lecteurs à regarder ces éléments de marketing efficaces avec un point de vue différent et créatif, qui rend le matériel si précieux.

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The 'how-to-think' approach can improve the overall customer experience by encouraging a different, creative view of effective marketing elements. It prompts individuals to ask specific questions like 'What am I good at?' and engage in exercises such as defining a service, understanding prospects, and understanding a customer's buying behavior. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of the customer's needs and preferences, which can lead to more personalized and effective service delivery.

The 'how-to-think' approach in marketing can be applied in various ways. It can be used to understand the customer's perspective, their needs, and their buying behavior. This approach can also be used to identify the strengths of the product or service being marketed, and how it can meet the customer's needs. Additionally, it can be used to develop creative and innovative marketing strategies that are tailored to the target audience. It's all about thinking from a different perspective and being creative.

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Bien que les lecteurs trouveront les éléments traditionnels du marketing tels que le produit, la promotion, le lieu et le prix - l'accent de Vendre l'Invisible est sur l'impact du service à la clientèle et des relations sur les ventes. De l'utilisation des plaintes des clients pour améliorer un service et mieux positionner ce service, à la définition plus claire d'un service et des clients ciblés, le matériel présenté par Beckwith créera sûrement des moments de "aha", sinon une véritable épiphanie!

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'Selling the Invisible' by Harry Beckwith is a book that emphasizes the importance of service in the marketing industry. It suggests that traditional marketing elements like product, promotion, place, and price are important, but the key to successful sales lies in customer service and relationships. The book provides insights on how to use customer complaints to improve a service, how to better position that service, and how to define a service and its target customers more clearly. The book is filled with enlightening moments that can lead to a deeper understanding of service marketing.

Selling the Invisible suggests marketing a service in a competitive market by focusing on customer service and relationships. It suggests using customer complaints to improve a service and better position it. It also emphasizes on clearly defining a service and the targeted customers.

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Les premiers chapitres du livre, tels que "Enquête et recherche : même vos meilleurs amis ne vous le diront pas" et "Le marketing n'est pas un département" se concentrent sur l'apprentissage de comment penser objectivement à l'efficacité des efforts de marketing actuels. De l'assomption que les niveaux de service actuels sont insuffisants à la réalisation que tout ce qu'une entreprise fait est du marketing, l'accent ici est d'aider les entreprises à réaliser quelle ressource précieuse leurs clients sont pour mieux définir et présenter les services offerts.

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A company can leverage customer insights to improve their marketing strategies by using the feedback and data gathered from customers to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of their current marketing efforts. This can help the company to identify areas of improvement and redefine their services based on customer needs and preferences. It's important to remember that everything a company does is marketing, and customers are a valuable resource in shaping the services being offered.

Some common mistakes companies make when marketing their services include assuming that their current service levels are inadequate, not realizing that everything a company does is marketing, and not utilizing their customers as a valuable resource in better defining and presenting the services being offered.

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Des chapitres ultérieurs tels que "Planification : Les dix-huit fallacies", "Anchors, Warts, and American Express : Comment les prospects pensent", et "Plus vous dites, moins les gens entendent : Positionnement et focus" continuent l'approche "comment-penser" en remettant en question les piliers traditionnels du marketing et en apprenant à trouver des alternatives efficaces.Ces chapitres aident les lecteurs à mieux comprendre comment les bonnes démarches de réflexion et les bonnes questions révèlent souvent des opportunités et des problèmes qui auraient pu passer inaperçus avec une approche marketing plus traditionnelle.

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The lessons from "Selling the Invisible" can be applied in today's business environment in several ways. Firstly, understanding that services are abstract and their effectiveness and value are hard to measure from a customer's point of view, businesses can focus on enhancing the customer experience. Secondly, questioning traditional marketing staples and learning how to find effective alternatives can help businesses adapt to the changing market dynamics. Lastly, the right thought processes and the right questions often reveal opportunities and issues that may have gone unnoticed with a more traditional marketing approach.

Yes, there are numerous companies that have successfully implemented the practices outlined in "Selling the Invisible". However, the book does not specifically name these companies. The practices include focusing on the customer's perspective, understanding the importance of positioning and branding, and questioning traditional marketing methods. Companies in the service sector, such as consulting firms, financial services, and IT services, have found these strategies particularly useful.

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Les derniers chapitres du livre se concentrent sur l'importance de repenser la tarification, la marque, la vente et la satisfaction des clients. Ces derniers chapitres rassemblent tout avec des exercices concrets, dont beaucoup remettent en question les techniques de marketing conventionnelles, et offrent aux lecteurs l'opportunité de mettre en pratique leurs nouvelles compétences en "pensée". En raison de l'approche novatrice et stimulante de la commercialisation et de la vente de l'"invisible", le livre sera une ressource précieuse pour tout prestataire de services. Avec un esprit ouvert et le désir de mettre en pratique les leçons apprises, ils pourraient transformer la façon dont leur service est commercialisé et créer plus de valeur pour leurs clients et plus de croissance pour leur entreprise.

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'Selling the Invisible' is a book that focuses on the unique challenges of marketing and selling services, which are often considered 'invisible' because they are not physical products. One key topic in the book is the importance of rethinking traditional marketing techniques. This includes reevaluating pricing strategies, branding, and selling techniques. The book emphasizes the need to keep customers happy and provides concrete exercises to help service providers put these new strategies into action. By adopting a fresh, thought-provoking approach to marketing, service providers can create more value for their customers and drive growth for their company.

A small business can use the key topics or framework covered in "Selling the Invisible" to grow by focusing on the importance of rethinking pricing, branding, selling, and keeping customers happy. These aspects are crucial in marketing and selling services, which are often abstract and hard to measure from a customer's point of view. By applying the concrete exercises provided in the book, a small business can challenge conventional marketing techniques and create more value for their customers, leading to more growth for their company.

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