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Aspirez-vous au jour où vous pourrez travailler moins et voyager plus ? Craignez-vous de ne jamais avoir assez d'argent pour prendre votre retraite ? En suivant l'approche de Warren Buffett dans son livre Invested, vous pouvez apprendre à construire un portefeuille d'investissement qui vous donnera la liberté financière dont vous avez besoin.

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La clé de l'approche de Buffett est de rechercher des entreprises que vous pouvez comprendre, qui ont un avantage concurrentiel intrinsèque et durable, et qui ont une direction talentueuse. Ensuite, calculez un bon prix pour acheter les actions de cette entreprise.

L'investissement de valeur implique de plonger dans le monde parfois complexe des états financiers, mais avec de la pratique, vous pouvez déterminer quels sont les chiffres les plus importants sur tout état des résultats, bilan et état des flux de trésorerie d'une entreprise, et les utiliser pour décider si une entreprise répond à vos critères d'investissement.

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The economic environment can greatly impact value investing. In a strong economy, companies may perform well, increasing their intrinsic value and potentially providing good investment opportunities for value investors. Conversely, in a weak economy, companies may struggle, which could decrease their intrinsic value and make them less attractive to value investors. However, a weak economy could also present opportunities for value investors to buy stocks at a discount if they believe the company's intrinsic value is higher than its current market price.

Key financial indicators to consider in value investing include the company's income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. These can help you determine whether a company meets your investment criteria.

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Une fois que vous avez calculé le bon prix pour vos entreprises cibles, attendez que le prix de l'action tombe à ce niveau et ensuite achetez, confiant dans le fait que vous avez un portefeuille anti-fragile qui ne vous donnera pas seulement un excellent taux de rendement mais sera également capable de survivre au prochain - inévitable - ralentissement du marché.

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One can balance risk and reward in their investment portfolio by calculating the right price for their target companies and waiting until the share price falls to that level before buying. This creates an anti-fragile portfolio that not only provides a great rate of return but also survives market downturns.

For those who prefer a more aggressive approach, some alternative investment strategies could include investing in high-risk, high-reward assets such as cryptocurrencies, venture capital, and private equity. Other strategies could involve trading in derivatives, foreign exchange, or commodities. It's also possible to adopt a more aggressive stance within traditional asset classes, such as investing in growth stocks or high-yield bonds. However, it's important to note that these strategies come with a higher level of risk and should only be undertaken by investors who understand and are comfortable with these risks.

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La peur empêche la plupart d'entre nous de contrôler nos propres décisions d'investissement mais suivre l'approche d'investissement de valeur de Warren Buffett peut vous donner la liberté financière.La clé est de rechercher un petit nombre d'entreprises qui vous donneront d'excellents rendements sur le long terme. Il y a quatre règles simples à suivre : choisissez une entreprise que vous êtes capable de comprendre ; une avec un avantage concurrentiel durable ; dont la direction a de l'intégrité et du talent ; et que vous pouvez acheter à un prix qui a du sens. De cette façon, vous pouvez construire un portefeuille anti-fragile qui non seulement survivra à la prochaine inévitable baisse du marché, mais prospérera à long terme.

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Some challenges in following Warren Buffett's investment approach include understanding the business model of the company you are investing in, identifying companies with a durable competitive advantage, assessing the integrity and talent of the management, and determining a sensible price for the investment. Additionally, it requires patience and discipline to stick to this approach during market downturns.

You can apply Warren Buffett's investment approach in your own decisions by following his value investing approach. This involves looking for a few companies that will provide great investment returns over the long term. There are four rules to follow: choose a business you can understand; one with a durable competitive advantage; whose management has integrity and talent; and that you can buy for a sensible price. This way, you can build a portfolio that will not only survive the next market downturn but will thrive in the long term.

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1. Commencer

La plupart d'entre nous aspirent à un certain niveau de liberté financière, mais sont occupés à jongler avec le stress du travail, à rembourser des prêts étudiants, à payer une hypothèque, et peut-être à élever des enfants tout en poursuivant une carrière. Au milieu de tout cela, il est difficile de se lancer et de créer votre propre portefeuille d'investissement. Beaucoup d'entre nous ont trop peur des risques impliqués dans tout ce qui a trait aux marchés financiers. Cependant, avec un peu d'éducation et de pratique, il est possible de suivre les traces de Warren Buffett et de sa stratégie d'investissement 'value'.

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'Value investing' can help in achieving work-life balance by providing a potential source of passive income. This strategy, popularized by Warren Buffett, involves investing in stocks that appear to be undervalued by the market. With proper education and practice, one can build an investment portfolio that generates income over time. This can reduce financial stress and provide more freedom, potentially improving work-life balance. However, it's important to note that investing always involves risks and it's crucial to make informed decisions.

Patience plays a crucial role in 'value investing'. This strategy involves buying stocks that appear to be undervalued by the market, and then waiting for their market value to reflect their intrinsic value. This process can take a considerable amount of time, hence, patience is key. Investors need to resist the urge to sell off their investments at the first sign of profit, instead, they should wait for the full potential of their investments to be realized.

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En 1956, Warren a créé le Buffett Partnership à Omaha, Nebraska, investissant son argent et celui de ses amis et de sa famille. Au cours des quatorze années suivantes, ses investissements ont généré des rendements annuels moyens de 31,5%. En 1969, Buffett a fermé ce partenariat et a placé tout son argent dans Berkshire Hathaway, une entreprise publique contrôlée par Buffett et son partenaire d'investissement Charlie Munger.Berkshire achète des actions de sociétés cotées en bourse comme Coca-Cola ainsi que des entreprises entières comme Geico. Maintenant connu sous le nom de l'Oracle d'Omaha et le doyen du monde de l'investissement de valeur, la stratégie de Buffett est simple : acheter une entreprise merveilleuse quand elle est une bonne affaire et seulement quand vous êtes certain qu'elle vaudra plus dans dix ans qu'elle ne l'est aujourd'hui ; et la conserver même si le prix baisse.

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Warren Buffett, also known as the Oracle of Omaha, has invested in a variety of companies through his company, Berkshire Hathaway. Some notable examples include Coca-Cola and Geico. Buffett's investment strategy is simple yet effective: he buys shares in wonderful companies when they are a bargain, with the certainty that they will be worth more in ten years than they are today. He then holds onto these shares, even if the price goes down.

Warren Buffett's investment strategy, known as value investing, played a significant role in his success. His strategy is simple but effective: he buys shares of a wonderful company when it is a bargain and only when he is certain that it will be worth more in ten years than it is today. He then holds onto it even if the price goes down. This approach allowed him to average annual returns of 31.5% over fourteen years with the Buffett Partnership. He later put all his money in Berkshire Hathaway, a public company controlled by him and his investment partner Charlie Munger, further solidifying his success.

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Le problème avec l'inflation

Les récessions nous ont appris que le marché boursier est un partenaire capricieux. Pour beaucoup d'entre nous, il est tentant de devenir un accumulateur financier et de tout mettre dans l'équivalent financier de 'sous le matelas', c'est-à-dire, acheter des bons du Trésor américain ou des T-bills, qui sont garantis par le gouvernement fédéral et considérés comme aussi proches du sans risque qu'il est possible d'obtenir. Malheureusement, l'inflation se produit. L'inflation est une bonne chose en ce que des augmentations de prix relativement faibles et régulières conduisent à ce que les économistes appellent un cycle vertueux de production et de demande croissantes, conduisant à des salaires plus élevés et une consommation accrue. Bien sûr, un taux d'inflation élevé est une mauvaise chose - il dévalue l'argent si rapidement que les salaires et les emplois ne peuvent pas suivre. Cependant, même une inflation modérée est mauvaise pour les épargnants car elle érode le pouvoir d'achat de votre argent. Les 100 $ que vous avez aujourd'hui ne vous achèteront pas autant dans dix ans, lorsque les prix auront augmenté en moyenne de 3,0% chaque année.

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The concept of a virtuous cycle, as explained in the book 'Invested', refers to a sequence of events where each step, through a beneficial effect on the economy, leads to the next. It's often used in the context of economics and finance. In the book, it's used to describe a situation where low and steady price increases lead to a cycle of rising production and demand. This, in turn, leads to higher wages and increased consumption. This cycle is 'virtuous' because it promotes economic stability and growth. However, it's important to note that high rates of inflation can disrupt this cycle, as it devalues money so quickly that wages and jobs can't keep up.

Traditional sectors like manufacturing or retail can apply the concept of value investing to safeguard against the impact of inflation by investing in assets that are undervalued but have strong fundamentals and potential for growth. This could include investing in their own business, such as improving production efficiency, investing in technology, or expanding their product line, which can increase the company's intrinsic value. They can also invest in other undervalued companies or assets. The key is to identify investments that are likely to yield returns above the inflation rate in the long run. This approach requires thorough research and analysis, and a long-term perspective.

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En fait, vous devez gagner au moins 3.0% de rendement sur votre argent chaque année juste pour arrêter son érosion de valeur. Les marchés boursiers augmentent généralement avec l'inflation car les revenus et les bénéfices des entreprises augmentent également. Ainsi, la seule façon de faire croître vos économies est par l'investissement.

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Peur du marché

Le problème avec le marché boursier, bien sûr, est qu'il descend aussi bien qu'il monte - et beaucoup de choses peuvent faire chuter le prix d'une action. Les femmes investisseurs en particulier ont tendance à avoir une faible tolérance au risque, ce qui rend beaucoup d'entre elles réticentes à investir sur le marché. Il semble plus sûr de payer un professionnel pour gérer votre argent pour vous - mais, ce gestionnaire d'argent doit être payé qu'il fasse ou non de l'argent pour vous. Si vous apprenez à pratiquer l'investissement de valeur, vous pouvez gérer votre propre argent avec confiance.

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The themes of the book "Invested" are highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates in the financial market. The book discusses the concept of value investing, a strategy endorsed by Warren Buffett, which involves buying stocks that are undervalued by the market. This approach is particularly relevant today as investors grapple with market volatility and seek strategies to manage risk and achieve sustainable returns. The book also addresses the issue of gender disparity in investing, a topic of ongoing debate in the financial world.

Potential obstacles when practicing value investing include market volatility, low risk tolerance, and lack of knowledge or confidence in managing one's own investments. Overcoming these obstacles involves educating oneself about the market and investment strategies, building confidence through practice and experience, and developing a balanced portfolio to mitigate risk. It's also important to stay patient and not be swayed by short-term market fluctuations, as value investing is a long-term strategy.

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Au fur et à mesure que vous passez par ces étapes, vous passerez de l'Incompétence Inconsciente (vous ne réalisez pas à quel point vous en savez peu), à travers l'Incompétence Consciente (vous savez ce que vous devez faire mais ne savez pas comment), à la Compétence Consciente (vous savez comment faire cela!), et enfin à la Compétence Inconsciente (vous êtes si bon à cela que vous n'avez même plus à y penser). La chose clé à garder à l'esprit en ce moment est que vous n'achèterez réellement rien jusqu'à ce que vous ayez travaillé votre chemin à travers toutes ces étapes et arrivé à un niveau de Compétence Consciente.

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Warren Buffett's approach to value investing is based on the principle of buying stocks at less than their intrinsic value. The key case studies or examples used in his approach include companies like Coca-Cola, American Express, and Geico. Buffett invested in these companies when they were undervalued, and held onto the stocks for a long period of time, reaping significant returns. The broader implications of his approach suggest that patience, thorough analysis, and understanding of a company's business model are crucial for successful investing.

A small business can use Warren Buffett's approach to value investing by focusing on long-term growth rather than short-term profits. This involves investing in assets that are undervalued but have the potential to increase in value over time. It also means understanding the business thoroughly, including its financial health and competitive position in the market. Additionally, patience is key in value investing, as it often takes time for an investment to yield significant returns.

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Alors, combien avez-vous vraiment besoin d'investir ? Pour le savoir, vous devez comprendre comment fonctionne le marché et quel est réellement votre numéro d'investissement.

Le marché

'Le marché' est une abréviation pour les nombreuses bourses à travers le monde. Aux États-Unis, la plus connue est la Bourse de New York ou NYSE. Le concept de négociation d'actions sur le marché existe depuis que les Hollandais ont inventé l'idée dans les années 1600, divisant une entreprise en fractions qui peuvent être possédées. Lorsque vous achetez ou vendez une action sur une bourse, vous l'achetez ou la vendez à un autre investisseur, et non à l'entreprise elle-même. Aujourd'hui, une grande partie de l'achat et de la vente réels se fait électroniquement plutôt que dans un café hollandais, mais le principe est le même.

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Some key strategies for successful trading on the stock market include:

1. Understanding the market: Knowledge about how the stock market works is crucial. This includes understanding the different types of stocks, how they are traded, and the factors that influence their prices.

2. Diversification: Spreading your investments across a variety of stocks can help to mitigate risk.

3. Long-term investing: Rather than trying to make quick profits through short-term trades, consider investing in stocks with solid fundamentals for the long term.

4. Regular monitoring: Keep an eye on your investments and the market conditions regularly. This will help you make informed decisions about when to buy or sell.

5. Risk management: Always be aware of the potential risks involved in stock trading and have a plan to manage them.

The principles of value investing can be applied to the modern stock market by focusing on buying stocks that are undervalued. This involves analyzing a company's fundamentals, such as its earnings, dividends, and assets, to determine its intrinsic value. If the current market price is less than its intrinsic value, it may be a good investment. This approach requires patience and discipline, as it may take time for the market to recognize the company's true value. It's also important to diversify your portfolio to spread risk.

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Asymétrie du marché

Quelques centaines d'années après que les Hollandais aient créé la première bourse, les Britanniques ont eu l'idée de la société à responsabilité limitée - exactement ce que cela semble, il s'agit d'une structure d'entreprise qui limite la responsabilité des propriétaires d'entreprise aux actifs de l'entreprise, protégeant leurs actifs privés. C'est formidable pour encourager le type de prise de risque nécessaire à l'entrepreneuriat, mais cela peut aussi conduire à des entreprises sans aucun sens de responsabilité pour leurs actions.

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Some potential challenges a company might face when applying the concept of limited liability include potential misuse of the protection, which can lead to irresponsible behavior and risk-taking. This can damage the company's reputation and trust with stakeholders. To overcome these challenges, companies can implement strong corporate governance structures, promote ethical business practices, and maintain transparency in their operations. Additionally, they can ensure they have adequate insurance coverage to protect against unforeseen liabilities.

The book "Invested" relates to contemporary issues in corporate responsibility and investment by discussing the concept of value investing, a strategy popularized by Warren Buffett. It emphasizes the importance of understanding a company's value and its potential for growth, which includes assessing its corporate responsibility. The book also discusses the history and implications of the limited liability company, a structure that can encourage risk-taking but may also lead to corporations lacking responsibility for their actions. This ties into modern discussions about the role and accountability of corporations in society.

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Un autre aspect du marché boursier à garder à l'esprit est que la direction a beaucoup plus d'informations sur l'entreprise que les actionnaires. Théoriquement, les actionnaires dirigent indirectement l'entreprise en élisant un conseil d'administration ; mais en réalité, il s'agit au mieux d'un contrôle à distance, le conseil supervisant les décisions majeures et nommant des dirigeants exécutifs pour diriger réellement l'entreprise.

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A startup can use the key topics covered in the book 'Invested' to understand the role of shareholders and management in running a company by learning about the concept of value investing and the relationship between shareholders, board of directors, and executive officers. The book explains that shareholders indirectly run the company by electing a board of directors. However, the control is at arms-length as the board oversees major decisions and appoints executive officers to run the company. This understanding can help a startup establish a clear governance structure and make informed decisions about its management and operations.

The key takeaways from "Invested" that can be actionable for entrepreneurs or managers are: understanding the importance of value investing, recognizing that management has more information about the company than shareholders, and realizing that shareholders indirectly run the company by electing a board of directors. However, this control is often at arms-length, with the board making major decisions and appointing executive officers to run the company.

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Abdication du contrôle

Environ 85% de l'argent sur le marché boursier provient en réalité des investisseurs individuels, des gens ordinaires qui tentent de constituer leur épargne retraite par le biais de plans 401k, de IRA et de polices d'assurance. Cependant, la plupart de ces investissements sont effectués par procuration :

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  • Fonds mutuels : Une collection d'actions et d'obligations, choisie par un conseiller financier qui facture des frais qu'ils fassent croître ou non votre argent. [/item]
  • Fonds indiciels : Un indice boursier est un groupe d'actions qui nous indique comment se porte le marché dans son ensemble, par exemple, le S&P 500 - cinq cents actions qui indiquent comment se comportent les quelque 6 000 actions sur le marché. Les fonds indiciels achètent les actions de l'indice pour suivre passivement le marché, facturant des frais inférieurs à ceux d'un fonds mutuel activement géré. Buffett dit que c'est la meilleure option si vous n'êtes pas disposé à faire votre propre investissement de valeur, mais cela signifie aussi que vous ne ferez en moyenne qu'un rendement d'environ 7,0% par an.[/item]
  • Fonds négociés en bourse (ETFs): Une autre idée de suivi d'indice, mais un fonds que vous achetez et vendez directement auprès d'un courtier comme une action individuelle, les frais ont tendance à être plus élevés que pour les fonds indiciels de marché mais inférieurs à ceux des fonds communs de placement. [/item]
  • Robo-conseillers: Un programme informatique qui offre les mêmes types d'options d'investissement qu'un conseiller humain, mais à des frais inférieurs. [/item]

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The lessons from the book 'Invested' can be applied in today's financial market environment by following Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. This involves building an investment portfolio that grows over time. The book suggests investing in mutual funds, market index funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), and using robo-advisors. However, it emphasizes that the best option, if you're not willing to do your own value investing, is to invest in market index funds, even though this means you will only average a return of about 7.0% a year.

The ideas from the book "Invested" have significant potential to be implemented in real-world investment scenarios. The book emphasizes the importance of value investing, a strategy used by successful investors like Warren Buffett. This approach involves buying stocks that are undervalued by the market, with the expectation that their price will eventually reflect their true value. It requires thorough research and analysis, as well as patience and discipline. However, it can yield substantial returns in the long run. The book also discusses various investment options such as mutual funds, market index funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), and robo-advisors, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the investment landscape.

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Tous ces gestionnaires de fonds vous facturent des frais pour investir votre argent, qu'ils augmentent ou non réellement vos économies; et, au mieux, la plupart parviennent à peine à battre la moyenne du marché. Si le marché augmente en moyenne de 7,0% par an, mais que votre gestionnaire de fonds vous facture 2,0%, le rendement réel de vos économies n'est que de 5,0%. En d'autres termes, il devient encore plus difficile de battre le taux d'inflation et d'accumuler suffisamment d'argent pour atteindre la liberté financière.

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Yes, there are several real-world examples of individuals and companies successfully implementing Warren Buffett’s approach to value investing. Some notable examples include Charlie Munger, Buffett's long-time business partner at Berkshire Hathaway, and Lou Simpson, who managed GEICO's investment portfolio for many years. Other successful value investors influenced by Buffett include Seth Klarman, founder of the Baupost Group, and Mason Hawkins, founder of Southeastern Asset Management. These investors have all used value investing principles similar to those advocated by Buffett to achieve significant success in the financial markets.

The book "Invested" suggests overcoming the challenge of beating the rate of inflation in investment by following Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. This approach involves building an investment portfolio that grows your savings without relying on money managers who charge fees. The book emphasizes that most money managers barely manage to beat the market average and their fees can reduce your actual earnings, making it harder to beat the rate of inflation. Therefore, by investing yourself and avoiding these fees, you can potentially achieve higher returns and beat the rate of inflation.

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D'autre part, des études ont montré que l'investissement de valeur à la Buffett rapporte plus de 20% par an.

Calculez votre numéro

La première étape pour construire votre propre pratique d'investissement est de noter ce que la liberté financière signifie pour vous - peut-être la possibilité de travailler moins, de rembourser vos dettes, de voyager, ou simplement de vous sentir moins stressé ?

Pour déterminer ce dont vous avez besoin pour atteindre votre propre liberté financière, vous devez simplement connaître quatre choses : combien vous avez réellement besoin de dépenser chaque année ; combien d'années il vous reste pour constituer votre total d'investissement ; combien vous pouvez vous permettre d'investir ; et, en fonction de ces trois premiers éléments, votre taux de rendement requis.

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According to the book "Invested", the four key things you need to know to attain financial freedom are: how much you actually need to spend every year; how many years you have left to build your investment total; how much you can afford to put into investments; and, based on these first three things, your required rate of return.

The book 'Invested' suggests implementing Warren Buffett's approach to value investing for retirement planning by understanding your financial needs and goals. It emphasizes on knowing four key things: your annual expenditure, the number of years left to build your investment, the amount you can afford to invest, and your required rate of return based on these factors. By understanding these, you can effectively implement Buffett's value investing approach, which focuses on investing in undervalued, fundamentally strong companies and holding them for a long term.

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Quelle est votre mission ?

Compte tenu de cette asymétrie d'information et du nombre élevé d'entreprises cotées en bourse, comment commencez-vous à réduire vos choix ? Trouvez votre mission - ce qui vous tient vraiment à cœur, les valeurs que vous voulez apporter à votre pratique d'investissement. Prenez un peu de temps pour établir la liste qui définit votre mission. Peut-être que votre objectif est de bien traiter les employés, de ne pas exploiter les animaux, de soutenir les communautés locales, etc.

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Focusing on personal mission and values can significantly influence investment decisions. It helps in narrowing down the choices from a vast number of publicly traded companies. By identifying what you really care about, you can align your investments with your values. For instance, if your focus is on treating employees well, not exploiting animals, or supporting local communities, you would invest in companies that uphold these values. This approach not only provides financial returns but also contributes to personal satisfaction and societal well-being.

Warren Buffett's approach to value investing can be applied to support local communities by investing in local businesses that align with your mission and values. This could include businesses that treat their employees well, do not exploit animals, and actively support the local community. By investing in these businesses, you are not only potentially gaining a financial return, but also contributing to the welfare of the community.

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La mission est la première étape que vous utiliserez pour créer l'histoire d'une entreprise dans laquelle vous envisagez d'investir.

2.Investissement de valeur

Charlie Munger a exposé les bases de la stratégie d'investissement de valeur en quatre principes simples, les choses qui doivent s'appliquer avant de mettre de l'argent dans une entreprise :

  • Cela doit être une entreprise que vous êtes capable de comprendre [/item]
  • Elle doit avoir un avantage concurrentiel durable [/item]
  • Elle a une direction avec intégrité et talent [/item]
  • Vous pouvez l'acheter à un prix qui a du sens et offre une marge de sécurité [/item]

Avant d'examiner chacun de ces principes plus en profondeur, nous devons considérer la façon dont le marché fonctionne réellement.


L'Hypothèse du Marché Efficace ou EMH suppose que les gens sont des acteurs rationnels qui achètent et vendent une action en fonction de ce qu'elle vaut, et qu'un prix d'action reflète donc toutes les informations disponibles à un moment donné. L'EMH dit que la raison pour laquelle les professionnels battent rarement le marché est parce que le prix s'ajuste toujours dès que de nouvelles informations sont disponibles.

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Value investing, a strategy advocated by Warren Buffett, can be applied to achieve financial freedom by focusing on buying stocks that are undervalued. This involves thorough research and analysis to identify such stocks. The idea is to buy these stocks at a price less than their intrinsic value and hold onto them until their market price reflects their true value, thereby making a profit. This strategy requires patience and discipline, as it may take time for the market to recognize the stock's true value. It's also important to diversify your portfolio to spread risk. Remember, the goal is to build a solid investment portfolio that will grow over time and provide a steady income for retirement.

Warren Buffett's approach to value investing challenges the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) in several ways. Firstly, Buffett believes in the concept of 'intrinsic value', which suggests that a stock has an inherent value that may not be reflected in the current market price. This contradicts the EMH, which asserts that a stock's price always reflects all available information. Secondly, Buffett's success in consistently achieving above-average returns also challenges the EMH's assertion that it's impossible to consistently 'beat the market'.

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Et pourtant, le partenariat Buffett original avait des rendements annuels moyens de plus de 30%. Un partisan académique de l'EMH a affirmé que Buffett avait simplement de la chance, comme un singe qui lance des pièces.En 1984, Warren a publié sa réponse, un article dans le magazine de la Columbia Business School dans lequel il a souligné que si vous trouviez un groupe de singes chanceux qui provenaient tous du même zoo à Omaha, vous seriez assez sûr d'être sur quelque chose !

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A small business can use Warren Buffett's approach to value investing by focusing on long-term growth rather than short-term profits. This involves investing in businesses that are undervalued but have strong fundamentals and potential for growth. It also means being patient and not being swayed by market fluctuations. Additionally, it's important to understand the business you're investing in, its competitive position, and its future prospects.

The original Buffett Partnership, led by Warren Buffett, is a prime example of successful value investing. It boasted average annual returns of over 30%, a feat that critics attributed to luck. However, Buffett refuted this by arguing that consistent success cannot be merely luck. The broader implications of this case highlight the effectiveness of value investing when executed correctly. It suggests that thorough research, patience, and a keen understanding of the market can yield high returns, debunking the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) that all stocks are appropriately priced based on their inherent investment properties.

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En fait, a déclaré Buffett, le marché est loin d'être efficace car les investisseurs peuvent exploiter les écarts entre le prix et la valeur. De plus, les gestionnaires de fonds achètent et vendent souvent en fonction de la cupidité ou de la peur, et non sur des décisions rationnelles et pleinement informées. En 1999, le professeur d'économie de Yale Robert Shiller a publié le livre Exubérance Irrationnelle dans lequel il a montré que le marché se comporte régulièrement de manière irrationnelle. Nassim Nicholas Taleb a ensuite pesé avec son livre, Le Cygne Noir, soutenant que le marché n'est ni aléatoire ni imbattable ; les événements de Cygne Noir supposément impossibles se produisent en fait assez régulièrement.

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Yes, there are several companies that have successfully implemented the practices outlined in the book 'Invested'. One of the most notable examples is Berkshire Hathaway, led by Warren Buffett himself. The company's success is largely attributed to Buffett's value investing approach, which is the main focus of 'Invested'. Other examples include companies like Coca-Cola, American Express, and Wells Fargo, which are part of Berkshire Hathaway's portfolio and have also adopted similar investment strategies.

A small business can use the principles of value investing to grow by making rational and fully informed decisions, rather than acting out of greed or fear. They can exploit gaps between price and value, just like Warren Buffett suggests. This could mean investing in undervalued assets or opportunities that have the potential to yield high returns in the long run. It's also important to be prepared for Black Swan events, which are unpredictable but have significant impact. By doing so, a small business can build a strong and resilient portfolio that can help it grow.

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Des recherches universitaires supplémentaires ont montré que les gens ont tendance à prendre des décisions en fonction de leurs préjugés et de leurs émotions, et non en poursuivant rationnellement leur propre intérêt. En d'autres termes, l'EMH est erroné et l'investissement de valeur fonctionne vraiment.

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Des choses arrivent

Des événements se produisent - des choses qui sont inattendues, qui affectent l'entreprise ou l'ensemble du marché, mais qui sont temporaires et rectifiables. Grâce à la nature de leur industrie, les gestionnaires de fonds réagissent aux événements - ils ne peuvent pas attendre des mois ou même des années pour qu'une entreprise se rétablisse.La clé de l'investissement de valeur est que, grâce à vos recherches sur l'entreprise et l'industrie, vous saurez quand quelque chose est un événement temporaire plutôt qu'un problème terminal dans une entreprise mal gérée.

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Warren Buffett's approach to value investing involves thorough research into the company and the industry. This research helps in understanding the nature of the problem a company is facing. If the problem is due to an unexpected event that affects the company or the whole market but is temporary and rectifiable, it's considered a temporary event. However, if the problem is inherent to the company's operations and is not rectifiable, it's considered a terminal problem. Fund managers often react to temporary events, but value investors like Buffett are patient and can wait for a company to recover from temporary setbacks.

Understanding the difference between a temporary event and a terminal problem in a company is crucial to successful value investing. Temporary events are unexpected occurrences that affect the company or the market but are rectifiable. These events may cause a temporary dip in the company's stock price, providing a good buying opportunity for value investors who understand that the company's fundamentals remain strong. On the other hand, terminal problems are serious issues that can lead to the downfall of a company. Identifying these problems can prevent value investors from investing in companies that are likely to fail in the future.

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Les bulles et les krachs se produisent sur le marché, et ils peuvent sembler aléatoires et imprévisibles. Cependant, il existe deux bonnes sources d'informations sur la tarification du marché qui aident l'investisseur de valeur à savoir quand le marché est mal évalué.

Shiller P/E

Robert Shiller a remporté un prix Nobel pour avoir créé cet indicateur qui montre à quel point le marché est surévalué ou sous-évalué. Shiller calcule les bénéfices cycliques et ajustés en fonction de l'inflation du S&P 500 sur les dix dernières années et divise ce nombre par le prix total du marché du S&P 500. Au cours des 140 dernières années, le Shiller P/E moyen est de 16,4, donc lorsque l'indicateur dépasse largement (ou est en dessous) de ce niveau, c'est un signe que le marché est mal évalué. Il n'a dépassé ce niveau que trois fois : en 1929, il est monté à 32, puis le marché a chuté de 90% ; en 2000, il a atteint 44, puis le marché a baissé de 50% ; et fin 2017, le Shiller P/E était monté à 31, suggérant qu'il se prépare à une autre forte chute.

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A high Shiller P/E ratio indicates that the market is overpriced, which could suggest a potential market correction or downturn in the future. For an investor following Warren Buffett's approach to value investing, this could mean that it's harder to find undervalued companies to invest in. Buffett's strategy involves buying stocks that are undervalued and holding them for a long period of time. Therefore, a high Shiller P/E might imply that there are fewer opportunities to find such stocks. However, it's important to note that market conditions are just one factor to consider in value investing, and Buffett's approach also involves thorough analysis of a company's fundamentals.

The Shiller P/E indicator, developed by Nobel laureate Robert Shiller, can be used to predict market crashes by indicating when the market is over- or under-priced. It calculates the cyclically- and inflation-adjusted earnings of the S&P 500 over the past ten years and divides that number into the total market price of the S&P 500. The average Shiller P/E over the past 140 years is 16.4. When the indicator significantly deviates from this average, it suggests that the market is mispriced. For instance, it rose to 32 in 1929, 44 in 2000, and 31 in late 2017, each time followed by a market crash. Therefore, a high Shiller P/E can be a warning sign of an impending market crash.

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Wilshire GDP

Buffett dit que la meilleure mesure des valorisations à un moment donné est le rapport entre le marché dans son ensemble et le revenu national. La Réserve fédérale de St.Louis calcule un tel ratio, communément appelé le PIB de Wilshire, qui prend la capitalisation de l'indice boursier Wilshire 5000 (c'est-à-dire combien valent les 5 000 entreprises de l'indice) et la divise par le PIB des États-Unis. Si le ratio est bien en dessous de 100%, alors le marché dans son ensemble est sous-évalué ; s'il est bien au-dessus de 100%, alors le marché est surévalué. L'indice a dépassé 100% en 2000 et à nouveau en 2008, et chaque fois le marché a ensuite chuté. Fin 2017, le PIB de Wilshire atteignait un record historique de 155%.

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When the Wilshire GDP ratio is well over 100%, it indicates that the market is overpriced. Historically, when the index has exceeded 100%, it has been followed by a market crash, as seen in 2000 and 2008. Therefore, a high Wilshire GDP ratio could potentially signal an upcoming market downturn.

Specific company names are not mentioned in the content. However, it's known that many successful investors and companies use various economic indicators, like the Wilshire GDP, to guide their investment strategies. The Wilshire GDP, which is the ratio of the Wilshire 5000 stock market index capitalization to the U.S. GDP, is a measure of market valuation. If the ratio is well below 100%, the market as a whole is underpriced; if it's well over 100%, the market is overpriced. This indicator can be used to make informed decisions about when to invest or divest. It's likely that companies following value investing principles, like those advocated by Warren Buffett, would use such indicators.

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Ces deux indicateurs pris ensemble indiquent qu'une correction est à venir.

Être capable de comprendre l'entreprise

Pour réitérer, le premier principe de Charlie Munger est de placer votre argent dans une entreprise que vous êtes capable de comprendre. Notez bien, ce n'est pas la même chose que de dire que vous devez la comprendre dès maintenant, juste que c'est quelque chose que vous êtes capable de comprendre à l'avenir après avoir fait un certain travail. Cela signifie, choisissez une industrie qui est facile pour vous à comprendre : qu'est-ce qui vous passionne (comme une alimentation saine, les voitures, le snowboard, etc.) ; où dépensez-vous réellement votre argent (quels magasins et services utilisez-vous régulièrement) ; et où gagnez-vous votre argent (dans quelle industrie êtes-vous impliqué). Là où ces trois choses se chevauchent, vous trouverez les industries qui vous sont les plus faciles à comprendre.

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The theories presented in "Invested" challenge existing paradigms in the field of investing by emphasizing the importance of understanding the business you are investing in. Traditional investing practices often focus on market trends and financial analysis, while the approach advocated in "Invested" is more about understanding the industry and the business itself. This includes understanding what you are passionate about, where you spend your money, and where you make your money. This approach challenges the conventional wisdom of diversification and instead promotes focused investing in industries and businesses that the investor understands and is passionate about.

The book 'Invested' discusses the relevance of its themes to contemporary issues and debates by focusing on the concept of value investing, a strategy popularized by Warren Buffett. It emphasizes the importance of investing in businesses that one understands and is passionate about. This is particularly relevant in today's world where there is a plethora of investment options and information available, making it crucial for individuals to make informed decisions. The book also addresses common concerns such as retirement savings and financial independence, which are key issues in current financial debates.

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Vous pouvez également avoir une idée des entreprises à commencer à rechercher en vérifiant ce que des gourous de l'investissement tels que Buffett, Munger et d'autres achètent. Ces investisseurs ne rendent leurs achats publics qu'une fois par trimestre, cependant, vous ne pouvez donc pas simplement suivre leurs investissements sans faire votre propre recherche pour voir si c'est toujours un bon achat pour vous. La lettre annuelle de Warren Buffett aux actionnaires de Berkshire Hathaway est également une excellente source d'informations sur ses pensées et l'investissement de valeur. Il est également judicieux de commencer à lire régulièrement la section affaires du Wall Street Journal.

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The book 'Invested' provides insights into value investing by teaching readers how to build an investment portfolio following Warren Buffett's approach. It emphasizes the importance of doing your own research on companies, rather than blindly following the investments of gurus like Buffett and Munger. The book also suggests regularly reading the Wall Street Journal's business section and Warren Buffett's annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway's shareholders for valuable information on value investing.

Potential obstacles investors might face when applying the concepts from "Invested" could include lack of understanding of the value investing approach, difficulty in identifying undervalued stocks, and the challenge of patience required for long-term investing. To overcome these, investors could educate themselves more about value investing principles, use various tools and resources to aid in stock analysis, and cultivate patience and discipline to stick to their investment strategy. It's also important to do their own research rather than just following what investment gurus are buying.

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3. Le fossé et la gestion

Le deuxième principe de l'investissement de valeur de Charlie Munger est de choisir une entreprise avec un avantage concurrentiel intrinsèque et durable. Buffett appelle ce concept le fossé : l'avantage concurrentiel qui rend le château/l'entreprise presque intouchable par les concurrents. Ce n'est pas la même chose que l'entreprise qui fait du bon travail pour résoudre un problème particulier ou pour répondre à un besoin particulier ; cela doit être quelque chose qui est intrinsèque à l'entreprise, et durable - si difficile ou coûteux à surmonter qu'aucun concurrent ne va essayer.

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A company with a durable and intrinsic competitive advantage has a unique aspect that is integral to its business model and is difficult or costly for competitors to replicate. This could be a patented technology, a strong brand, or a dominant market position. This advantage is not just about solving a problem or fulfilling a need, but about doing so in a way that is unique and sustainable. On the other hand, a company that is simply good at solving a problem or need may not have such a unique or hard-to-replicate advantage, making it more vulnerable to competition.

Warren Buffett's concept of 'the moat' refers to a company's durable and intrinsic competitive advantage that protects it from competitors, much like a moat protects a castle. This competitive advantage could be a unique product, a strong brand, cost advantages, or access to scarce resources. It's not just about solving a problem or filling a need, but something that is inherent to the business and difficult or expensive for competitors to replicate. This 'moat' contributes to the company's long-term success and profitability.

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Types de fossé

Il existe un certain nombre de types de fossé. Un fossé de marque est quelque chose comme Coke ou Kleenex, où les gens pensent en termes de nom de marque plutôt que de produit.Un fossé de commutation est celui où il est très compliqué ou coûteux pour un client de changer, comme passer d'Apple à Microsoft pour tous vos systèmes d'exploitation; de même, un fossé de réseau est quelque chose comme Facebook, où l'acte de commutation n'est pas difficile mais si vous le faites, vous perdez l'accès à un réseau entier.

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Small businesses can leverage the concept of a brand moat by focusing on building a strong, recognizable brand that customers associate with quality, reliability, or other positive attributes. This can be achieved through consistent branding, high-quality products or services, and excellent customer service. A network moat can be built by creating a product or service that becomes more valuable as more people use it. This can be achieved through referral programs, building a community around the product or service, or integrating with other popular platforms or services.

In investing, moats refer to a business' ability to maintain competitive advantages over its competitors in order to protect its long-term profits and market share from competing firms. There are several types of moats. A brand moat is when a company's brand name is so strong that it becomes synonymous with the product itself, like Coke or Kleenex. This can increase a company's value as it often leads to loyal customers and stable revenues. A switching moat is when it is difficult or expensive for customers to switch to a competitor's product, like switching from Apple to Microsoft for operating systems. This can also increase a company's value as it secures a steady customer base. A network moat is when a company's value increases with more users, like Facebook, where switching is not difficult but users lose access to the network. This can greatly increase a company's value as it can lead to rapid growth and high user engagement.

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Un pont à péage est lorsque une entreprise a un quasi ou réel monopole dans son industrie - cela peut être un fossé créé par la réglementation gouvernementale ou par la localisation géographique. Les secrets propriétaires, tels que les brevets ou autres propriétés intellectuelles, sont un fossé efficace. Et enfin, le prix peut être un fossé - lorsqu'une entreprise est le fournisseur à bas coût parce qu'elle peut fabriquer son produit ou service à moindre coût que quiconque.

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Being the low-cost provider in an industry can contribute to a company's competitive advantage in several ways. Firstly, it allows the company to offer its products or services at a lower price than its competitors, which can attract more customers and increase market share. Secondly, it can also increase the company's profit margins as it spends less to produce its goods or services. Lastly, being a low-cost provider can act as a barrier to entry for other companies, as they may not be able to compete on price.

Proprietary secrets, such as patents, serve as an effective moat for a company by providing it with exclusive rights to produce, use, and sell a particular invention or process. This exclusivity prevents competitors from copying or using the patented technology, thus creating a barrier to entry. It gives the company a competitive advantage, allowing it to potentially charge higher prices and earn higher profits. Furthermore, patents can also enhance a company's reputation and credibility in the market, attracting more customers and investors.

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Le fossé de Coca-Cola

Prenez le cas de Coca-Cola: il n'a plus vraiment de fossé de secrets, juste une histoire d'origine très forte qui perpétue l'idée d'une recette secrète; il n'a pas de fossé de commutation ou de type de pont à péage; et il n'est certainement pas le producteur le moins cher. Ce qu'il a, cependant, c'est un fossé de marque très fort. Ce fossé de marque peut ne pas être durable, étant donné que les sodas sucrés deviennent impopulaires aux États-Unis et en Europe; cependant, une petite recherche révèle que Coca-Cola est occupé à acheter des marques associées à la santé et à la nutrition, comme Honest Tea et Odwalla. Cela suggère une entreprise qui se prépare pour l'avenir - ce qui peut expliquer pourquoi Buffett possède des actions Coca-Cola.

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Warren Buffett's investment in Coca-Cola reflects his approach to value investing in several ways. Firstly, Coca-Cola has a strong brand moat, which is a key characteristic Buffett looks for in his investments. A strong brand moat means the company has a unique advantage that sets it apart from competitors, making it difficult for others to replicate their success. Secondly, Coca-Cola's move to acquire brands associated with health and nutrition shows that the company is forward-thinking and preparing for future trends, another quality Buffett values in his investments. Lastly, despite the changing consumer preferences, Coca-Cola's strong origin story and brand recognition continue to make it a valuable investment.

Some examples of health and nutrition brands that Coca-Cola has acquired include Honest Tea and Odwalla.

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Fossé par les chiffres

L'histoire de Coca-Cola donne une idée de ce qu'est son fossé, mais la meilleure façon de vraiment juger le fossé d'une entreprise est de regarder certains chiffres clés sur ses états financiers. Toutes les entreprises publiques doivent déposer ces déclarations selon un ensemble de principes comptables (bien qu'il puisse y avoir une certaine variation dans la terminologie précise utilisée).

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The principles of value investing, as explained in the book 'Invested', can be applied to traditional sectors like manufacturing or retail by focusing on companies with a strong 'moat'. A moat refers to a business's ability to maintain competitive advantages over its competitors in order to protect its long-term profits and market share from competing firms. Look for companies with strong brand recognition, proprietary technology, or high customer switching costs. Additionally, value investors should look at key financial statements to judge a company's financial health. This includes looking at the company's debt levels, cash flow, and profit margins.

An investor might face several challenges when trying to understand a company's 'moat' from its financial statements. Firstly, financial statements may not provide a complete picture of a company's competitive advantage or 'moat'. They primarily focus on financial performance and position, not strategic factors like brand strength, customer loyalty, or intellectual property. Secondly, financial statements are historical and may not reflect future potential or threats. Thirdly, they may be subject to creative accounting practices, making it difficult to assess the true economic moat. Lastly, understanding a company's 'moat' requires industry knowledge and comparative analysis, which may not be evident from the financial statements alone.

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Le compte de résultat montre le revenu de l'entreprise (combien elle gagne) et les dépenses ; le revenu moins les dépenses donne le bénéfice de l'entreprise. Le bilan montre ce que l'entreprise possède (actifs), ce qu'elle doit (passifs), et ce qui reste. Le tableau des flux de trésorerie montre quel argent a été dépensé, sur quels aspects de l'entreprise, et ce qui est réellement sur le compte bancaire.

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Warren Buffett's approach to value investing remains highly relevant in the contemporary financial landscape. His strategy focuses on investing in companies that are undervalued but have strong fundamentals, such as solid earnings, strong balance sheets, and good cash flow. This approach is designed to minimize risk and generate steady, long-term returns, which is particularly important in today's volatile and uncertain market conditions. Furthermore, Buffett's emphasis on understanding a company's business, rather than just its stock price, encourages investors to make more informed and rational investment decisions.

A startup can utilize the principles of the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement to ensure growth by using these financial statements as tools for strategic planning and decision making. The Income Statement can be used to analyze revenue streams and control expenses to maximize profit. The Balance Sheet can help in managing assets and liabilities effectively, ensuring the company's financial health. The Cash Flow Statement provides insights into the company's liquidity and can guide decisions related to investments, budgeting, and cash management. Regular review and analysis of these statements can help identify trends, potential issues, and opportunities for growth.

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Il y a quatre chiffres clés dans ces déclarations qui prédisent approximativement la force et la durabilité du fossé de l'entreprise :

  • Résultat net : Aussi appelé bénéfice net ou épargne nette, il figure sur le compte de résultat. Il montre le bénéfice de l'entreprise après que tous les coûts ont été déduits. [/item]
  • Valeur comptable + Dividendes : La valeur comptable (également appelée capitaux propres) figure sur le bilan et les dividendes (s'il y en a) figurent sur le tableau des flux de trésorerie. Ajoutés ensemble, ces deux chiffres montrent la valeur de l'entreprise si elle était fermée, après que tous ses actifs ont été vendus et avant que les dividendes aient été payés.[/item]
  • Ventes : Trouvé sur le compte de résultat, ce chiffre montre le montant que l'entreprise gagne de la vente, c'est-à-dire, ses revenus. [/item]
  • Trésorerie d'exploitation : Partie du tableau des flux de trésorerie, cela montre la trésorerie réelle que l'entreprise reçoit de ses opérations commerciales. [/item]

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The combination of Book Value and Dividends can provide a snapshot of a company's value. The Book Value, also known as Equity, represents the net assets of a company, i.e., its total assets minus its total liabilities. It essentially shows what the company would be worth if it were to be liquidated and all its assets sold off. Dividends, on the other hand, are a portion of a company's earnings that are distributed to shareholders. They represent a return on investment for the shareholders. Therefore, the combination of Book Value and Dividends can reflect the intrinsic value of a business, showing both its net worth and its ability to generate returns for its shareholders.

Net Income is a key indicator of a company's financial health. It represents the company's profit after all costs, including operating expenses, taxes, and cost of goods sold, have been deducted from its revenues. A positive net income indicates that the company is profitable, which can attract investors and increase the company's stock price. Conversely, a negative net income may signal financial distress, which could lead to bankruptcy if not addressed. Therefore, monitoring net income can help stakeholders make informed decisions about investing in, lending to, or working for the company.

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Pour un fossé solide et durable, chacun de ces quatre chiffres devrait croître de 10% ou plus chaque année. Des hauts et des bas périodiques ne sont pas un problème, tant que la tendance dans le temps est à une croissance régulière. Lorsqu'il y a une année en baisse dans l'un des quatre chiffres, vérifiez quelle en était la raison et à quelle vitesse l'entreprise s'est remise sur les rails.

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Yes, there are numerous examples of companies that have quickly recovered from a down year in their growth trend. For instance, Apple Inc. had a significant downturn in 2016, but quickly recovered in 2017 with the release of new products. Similarly, Microsoft had a down year in 2015 but bounced back in 2016 due to its successful transition to cloud-based services. It's important to note that recovery often depends on the company's ability to innovate and adapt to market changes.

Investors might face several obstacles when applying the 'moat' concept. One of the main challenges is identifying a true economic moat and differentiating it from a temporary competitive advantage. This requires deep understanding and analysis of the company and its industry. Another challenge is that even companies with strong moats can face disruption from technological changes or shifts in consumer behavior. To overcome these obstacles, investors should conduct thorough research, stay updated with industry trends, and diversify their portfolio to mitigate risks.

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Trouvez le taux de dérive

Ces quatre chiffres clés montrent comment l'entreprise s'est comportée dans le passé ; la prochaine étape consiste à déterminer ce que vous, l'investisseur, considérez comme un bon taux de croissance global pour l'entreprise à l'avenir. Il s'agit d'un jugement basé sur vos propres recherches, semblable à la prise en compte de la 'dérive' lors du tir d'une arme à feu.

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La plupart des états financiers contiennent trois à cinq ans de données ; si vous trouvez le 10-K le plus récent (le rapport financier annuel de l'entreprise, disponible sur le site web de l'entreprise) et celui d'il y a cinq ans, vous pouvez déterminer les taux de croissance moyens pour les quatre chiffres clés sur, disons, trois, cinq et dix ans.Combiné avec les prévisions des analystes sur la façon dont l'entreprise devrait croître à l'avenir et votre meilleure estimation, vous pouvez maintenant établir un taux de croissance global pour l'entreprise.

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The resource 'Invested' has influenced corporate strategies and business models by promoting the approach of value investing, popularized by Warren Buffett. This approach encourages businesses to focus on long-term gains and invest in companies that are undervalued but have strong fundamentals. It has led many corporations to reevaluate their investment strategies and shift towards value investing. This has also influenced business models, with companies placing more emphasis on sustainable growth and long-term value creation.

The theme of value investing is highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates in the financial world. Value investing, a strategy of buying stocks that are undervalued in the market, is a timeless approach that has been proven successful by investors like Warren Buffett. It's a strategy that encourages long-term investment based on fundamental analysis, which is always relevant in any financial discussion. In the current financial climate, with market volatility and economic uncertainty, the principles of value investing can provide a stable and rational approach to investing. However, it's also subject to debates, especially with the rise of new investment strategies and financial technologies.

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Recherche de gestion

Le troisième principe d'investissement de Charlie Munger est de trouver une entreprise dont la direction a de l'intégrité et du talent. Pour la plupart d'entre nous, c'est quelque chose que nous devons déduire de sources secondaires. Recherchez des articles sur la biographie du PDG et son style de gestion, ainsi que l'histoire du fondateur de l'entreprise. Cherchez également des informations sur le conseil d'administration et comment ils ont pu gérer les problèmes ; et voyez si les fondateurs ou les dirigeants de l'entreprise ont de grandes participations, c'est-à-dire, sont littéralement investis dans l'avenir à long terme de l'entreprise. Analysez les lettres publiques aux actionnaires et toute autre déclaration publique. Sont-ils directs ou semblent-ils soigneusement dissimuler toute information réelle ?

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The principles outlined in "Invested" can be applied to today's business environment by focusing on value investing, a strategy used by Warren Buffett. This involves finding a company whose management has integrity and talent. You can do this by researching the CEO's biography and management style, the story of the company founder, and the board of directors. Look for information about how they have handled problems and if company founders or executives have large ownership stakes, indicating they are invested in the company's long-term future. It's also important to analyze public letters to shareholders and other public statements to see if they are straightforward or seem to conceal information.

Some examples of companies that have successfully implemented Charlie Munger's third investing principle, which is to find a company whose management has integrity and talent, include Berkshire Hathaway, Amazon, and Apple. These companies have demonstrated a strong commitment to integrity and talent in their management teams, and their success can be attributed in part to these principles.

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En plus de ces sources secondaires, il y a trois chiffres clés qui donnent un aperçu de la qualité de la gestion de l'entreprise.

Rendement des capitaux propres

Ceci est calculé à partir des données dans les états financiers : le bénéfice net (du compte de résultat) divisé par les capitaux propres (du bilan). Le ROE montre combien de dollars de bénéfice une entreprise génère avec chaque dollar de capitaux propres des actionnaires.Cependant, le ROE peut être artificiellement gonflé si l'entreprise emprunte beaucoup d'argent ; il doit donc être examiné en parallèle avec les deux autres chiffres clés de la gestion.

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The concept of Return on Equity (ROE) challenges existing paradigms in finance and investment by providing a measure of a company's profitability in relation to shareholder equity. Traditional financial analysis often focuses on raw profit numbers or earnings per share. However, ROE provides a more nuanced view by considering the efficiency with which a company uses its equity. This can challenge the practice of simply looking at gross profits or revenue, and instead encourages investors to consider how effectively a company is using its resources. However, it's important to note that ROE can be manipulated through high levels of debt, which is why it should be considered alongside other financial metrics.

The lessons from "Invested" can be applied in today's business environment by adopting Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. This involves analyzing a company's financial statements to understand its true value, and investing in companies that are undervalued. It's important to look at key management numbers such as Net Income and Equity, and understand how these figures can be influenced by factors such as borrowing. By doing so, you can build an investment portfolio that will provide you with a steady income, allowing you to work less and travel more.

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Rendement sur le capital investi

Il s'agit à nouveau du revenu net, mais cette fois divisé par les fonds propres plus la dette. En tant qu'investisseur axé sur la valeur, recherchez une entreprise avec un ROE et un ROIC de 15% ou plus chaque année pendant la dernière décennie. Moins de dix ans et il n'y a pas assez d'histoire pour montrer que l'entreprise est durable sur le long terme.

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Enfin, examinez le niveau d'endettement de l'entreprise ; une façon rapide de le déterminer est de comparer le ROE et le ROIC ; si les deux chiffres sont les mêmes, l'entreprise n'a pas de dette. Si l'entreprise a une dette à long terme, elle devrait être en mesure de la rembourser avec au plus deux ans de bénéfices.

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Avec toutes ces informations, vous êtes prêt pour l'étape suivante : commencer à construire une liste de souhaits d'entreprises.

Construire une liste de souhaits

La seule façon de construire la liste de souhaits des entreprises qui vous intéressent, est de commencer à plonger dans les rapports annuels des entreprises. Ils sont ennuyeux à lire, mais c'est le seul moyen de commencer à avoir une idée précise de leur situation financière et de ce qui les fait fonctionner.Il y a de fortes chances que vous puissiez dire en quelques minutes de lecture si vous êtes capable de comprendre cette entreprise ou non - si c'est trop difficile ou tout simplement trop ennuyeux, mettez-les sur votre pile de rejet.

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The themes in the book 'Invested' are highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates in finance and investing. The book emphasizes the importance of value investing, a strategy endorsed by Warren Buffett, which involves buying stocks deemed to be undervalued by some form of fundamental analysis. In today's volatile market, this approach is more relevant than ever. Furthermore, the book encourages readers to dive deep into corporate annual reports to understand a company's financial status, which is a crucial skill in today's data-driven investment landscape.

The theories presented in "Invested" challenge existing paradigms or practices in the field of investing by advocating for a more hands-on, personal approach. Instead of relying on financial advisors or complex investment algorithms, the book encourages individuals to take control of their own investments. It promotes the idea of value investing, a strategy used by Warren Buffett, which involves buying stocks that are undervalued by the market. This approach requires a deep understanding of the company, which is achieved by reading and analyzing their annual reports. This is a departure from the more passive investment strategies commonly used.

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Les entreprises qui ont du potentiel mais qui ne semblent tout simplement pas excitantes peuvent être placées dans votre pile 'en observation' - revenez vers elles plus tard lorsque vous serez plus apte à être un investisseur de valeur. Très peu d'entreprises se retrouveront sur votre liste de souhaits, mais c'est normal. N'oubliez pas : vous cherchez une poignée d'entreprises que vous êtes capable de comprendre ; qui ont des fossés durables ; et qui ont une direction avec intégrité et talent.

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Management integrity and talent are crucial in value investing because they directly influence the performance and future prospects of a company. A management team with integrity ensures ethical business practices, which builds trust with investors and stakeholders. This can lead to a sustainable competitive advantage, or a 'durable moat', as Warren Buffett calls it. Talented management, on the other hand, can effectively utilize resources, drive innovation, and make strategic decisions that enhance the company's value. Therefore, investing in companies with such management teams can yield significant returns in the long run.

In the context of value investing, a "durable moat" refers to a company's sustainable competitive advantage over its competitors. This term is often used by Warren Buffett, who looks for companies with wide, durable moats when investing. These moats can be in the form of brand recognition, patents, cost advantages, or efficient scale. A durable moat helps protect a company's profits and market share from competitors, thus making it a potentially good investment.

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Maintenant, il est temps de s'attaquer au dernier principe de l'investissement de valeur de Charlie Munger : trouver le bon prix.

4. Trois façons de calculer le prix

La version courte du quatrième principe de Charlie est : déterminez un prix raisonnable pour les actions de cette entreprise, puis attendez que le prix tombe en dessous de ce niveau. C'est le moment où les investisseurs débutants peuvent commencer à paniquer, pensant, "Mais cela implique des mathématiques ! Je ne peux pas faire de mathématiques !" Oui, des chiffres sont impliqués ici mais il y a peu de véritables "mathématiques", c'est surtout une question de logique.

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First-time investors can overcome their fear of dealing with numbers and logical thinking in value investing by starting with the basics. Understanding the fundamental concepts of investing and financial metrics is crucial. They can take online courses, read books, or seek advice from financial advisors. Practicing with virtual trading platforms can also help to build confidence. Remember, it's not about complex mathematical equations, but about logical thinking and making informed decisions based on the available data.

Some strategies to determine a reasonable price for a company's shares, as suggested in the book 'Invested', include understanding the company's financial health, its future growth prospects, and the overall market conditions. It's also important to consider the company's earnings, its price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, and its intrinsic value. The book emphasizes the importance of waiting until the share price falls below the calculated reasonable price before investing.

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Dans sa lettre de 2014 à ses actionnaires, Buffett a exposé la manière la plus simple de fixer un prix à une entreprise : pensez-y comme à un achat immobilier.Vous savez combien coûte le condo, à quoi ressemble le quartier, quels seront les frais d'entretien et les frais annuels ; et vous savez combien vous pouvez vous permettre en termes de prêt hypothécaire. Avec ces chiffres, vous pouvez déterminer si ce condo particulier est celui que vous devriez acheter. L'évaluation d'une entreprise n'est pas plus compliquée, une fois que vous savez où trouver les chiffres et quoi en faire.

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Potential obstacles companies might face when applying the concepts from "Invested" could include a lack of understanding of value investing principles, difficulty in finding accurate and relevant financial information, and resistance to change from traditional investment strategies. To overcome these obstacles, companies could invest in education and training to ensure all relevant staff understand the principles of value investing. They could also use reliable sources for financial information and employ financial analysts to interpret this data. Lastly, companies could gradually implement value investing strategies, allowing time for staff to adapt to new ways of working.

A small business can use the key topics covered in the book 'Invested' to grow by applying Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. This involves understanding the value of the business, similar to how one would assess the value of a real estate property. By knowing the worth of the business, its potential for growth, and the costs associated with running it, a small business owner can make informed decisions about investments and growth strategies. This approach can help in building a robust investment portfolio, which is crucial for the financial stability and growth of the business.

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Phil Town utilise trois méthodes différentes pour évaluer et valoriser les entreprises. En utilisant les trois, vous pouvez mieux comprendre l'entreprise et être confiant que vous avez déterminé un bon prix à payer.

Prix de dix cap

Le prix de dix cap est basé sur les bénéfices du propriétaire ; cap est l'abréviation de capitalisation. Dans sa lettre de 2014, Buffett décrit comment il a utilisé cette méthode pour payer une ferme au Nebraska et un immeuble à New York. Un taux de cap est le taux de rendement que le propriétaire de la propriété obtient chaque année sur le prix d'achat de la propriété. Si vous achetez une ferme pour 500 000 $ et qu'à la fin de l'année vous avez 50 000 $ en poche, alors votre taux de cap était de 10% - un dix cap. Buffett et Munger exigent un dix cap sur leurs investissements.

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The ten cap price is a method used in value investing, often associated with Warren Buffett. It's based on owner earnings and is short for capitalization. In real-world scenarios like buying a farm or a building, the ten cap price is the rate of return the property owner gets each year on the purchase price of the property. For instance, if you buy a farm for $500,000 and at the end of the year you have $50,000 in your pocket, then your cap rate was 10% – a ten cap. This is a requirement for investments made by Buffett and his partner, Charlie Munger.

The concept of capitalization rate, or cap rate, is integral to Warren Buffett's investment approach. It is the rate of return on the purchase price of a property, calculated annually. For instance, if a property is bought for $500,000 and yields $50,000 at the end of the year, the cap rate is 10%. This is also known as a ten cap. Buffett and his partner, Munger, require a ten cap on their investments, meaning they expect a 10% return on their investments annually. This strategy ensures a steady and significant return, contributing to the success of their investment approach.

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La formule est simple : les bénéfices du propriétaire multipliés par dix. Dans sa lettre aux actionnaires de 1986, Buffett est caractéristiquement direct, appelant les bénéfices du propriétaire, "l'élément pertinent pour l'évaluation - tant pour les investisseurs qui achètent des actions que pour les gestionnaires qui achètent des entreprises entières."" Buffett note dans sa lettre de 2014 que bien que les transactions immobilières avec un cap de dix soient assez rares, elles sont beaucoup plus courantes sur le marché boursier, où les traders réagissent à des émotions à court terme comme la peur et l'avidité et font baisser les prix.

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The stock market's reaction to short-term emotions like fear and greed can significantly affect the application of the 'owner earnings times ten' formula. When traders react to these emotions, they can drive prices down, making stocks more affordable. This can present opportunities for value investors to buy stocks at a lower price, potentially leading to higher returns when the market stabilizes. However, it's important to note that this approach requires careful analysis and understanding of a company's true value, as well as patience to wait for the market to correct itself.

Potential obstacles investors might face when applying the principles of value investing include market volatility, emotional decision-making, and lack of patience. Market volatility can lead to short-term losses, which can be discouraging. However, value investing is a long-term strategy, and temporary market fluctuations should not deter an investor. Emotional decision-making can lead to buying high and selling low, which is contrary to the principles of value investing. Investors should make decisions based on thorough analysis rather than emotions. Lack of patience can lead to premature selling. It's important to remember that value investing often requires a longer time horizon for the investment to realize its full potential.

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Les bénéfices du propriétaire ne sont pas une ligne sur les états financiers standard, mais il est facile de les calculer à partir de ces déclarations. La formule de Buffett est très simple :

Bénéfices du propriétaire = revenu net + amortissement/dépréciation - dépense en capital annuelle moyenne

Pour calculer les bénéfices du propriétaire, ajoutez ensemble six chiffres (même si certains peuvent être négatifs, ajoutez-les ; c'est une chose comptable). Le revenu net est généralement la toute première ligne du tableau des flux de trésorerie. Juste en dessous se trouve l'entrée pour l'amortissement et la dépréciation (une dépense non monétaire qui tient compte de la valeur déclinante de certains actifs). Toujours dans la même partie du tableau des flux de trésorerie, il y aura des lignes citant le changement net dans les comptes débiteurs et les comptes créditeurs de l'année précédente - ajoutez ces deux chiffres au calcul également. Ensuite, ajoutez l'impôt sur le revenu payé, qui peut être trouvé sur le compte de résultat. Enfin, ajoutez les dépenses en capital de maintenance - ce chiffre (qui sera un chiffre négatif) peut ne pas être séparé des dépenses en capital totales, vous devrez donc estimer le coût de maintenance annuel moyen, en fonction de ce que vous savez sur l'entreprise. Ajoutez ces six chiffres ensemble et multipliez par dix ; maintenant vous avez le prix du cap de dix de l'entreprise.

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The ten cap price is a valuation metric used in Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. It is calculated by adding together six numbers related to a company's financials: net income, depreciation and amortization, net change in accounts receivable, net change in accounts payable, income tax paid, and maintenance capital expenditures. This sum is then multiplied by ten to get the ten cap price. This price can give an indication of the company's financial health. If the ten cap price is lower than the company's market cap, it could suggest that the company is undervalued, which may indicate a good investment opportunity. Conversely, if the ten cap price is higher than the market cap, it could suggest that the company is overvalued, which may indicate a risky investment.

Maintenance capital expenditures play a crucial role in the calculation of owner earnings. They represent the average annual cost required to maintain the current operating level of a business. This number, which is usually a negative one, may not be listed separately from total capital expenditures, so it's often estimated based on what is known about the business. When calculating owner earnings, maintenance capital expenditures are added to other factors such as net income, depreciation and amortization, net change in accounts receivable and payable, and income tax paid.

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Cependant, il s'agit d'une image statique de l'entreprise; elle ne prend pas en compte la croissance.

Prix du temps de remboursement

Ce calcul est basé sur le flux de trésorerie libre de l'entreprise et il prend en compte la croissance. Il calcule combien d'années il faudra pour récupérer l'intégralité de votre prix d'achat : flux de trésorerie libre, augmenté par le 'taux de croissance du vent arrière' composé pendant huit ans. Pour calculer le flux de trésorerie libre, allez au tableau des flux de trésorerie et additionnez les lignes appelées 'net cash provided by operating activities,' 'purchase of property and equipment' (encore une fois, un nombre négatif mais vous l'ajoutez), et tout 'other capital expenditures for maintenance and growth' (aussi un nombre négatif).

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Invested" provides several actionable takeaways for aspiring investors. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of understanding the value of a company before investing. This involves analyzing the company's free cash flow and growth rate. Secondly, it encourages investors to follow Warren Buffett's approach to value investing, which involves buying stocks at a price less than their intrinsic value. Lastly, it suggests that investors should be patient and focus on long-term gains rather than short-term profits.

The lessons from the book 'Invested' can be applied in today's investment environment by following Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. This involves building an investment portfolio that focuses on companies with strong free cash flow and potential for growth. It's about understanding the company's financials, particularly the Cash Flow Statement, and calculating the 'windage growth rate'. This approach allows you to estimate how many years it will take to get your whole purchase price back. It's a method that requires patience and discipline, but can lead to financial security and the possibility of early retirement.

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Rappelez-vous, vous avez déterminé le taux de croissance du vent arrière lorsque vous recherchiez le fossé défensif de l'entreprise et ses perspectives financières. Maintenant, composez ce flux de trésorerie libre chaque année par votre taux de croissance du vent arrière, pendant une période de huit ans. Par exemple, disons que vous avez un stand de limonade avec un flux de trésorerie libre de 1 500 $ et que vous avez décidé que son taux de croissance du vent arrière est de 16%. Multipliez 1 500 $ par 16% et vous obtenez 240 $; maintenant, reportez le calcul en avant, cumulativement pendant huit ans. Le résultat est un prix de temps de remboursement pour le stand de limonade de 24 778 $ - si vous payez ce montant pour l'entreprise aujourd'hui, dans huit ans vous aurez récupéré l'intégralité de votre prix d'achat.

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The ideas from the book "Invested" can be implemented in real-world scenarios by following the approach of value investing as suggested by Warren Buffett. This involves researching a company's financial outlook and determining its 'windage growth rate'. This rate is then used to calculate the future free cash flow of the company. For instance, if you have a business with a free cash flow of $1,500 and a windage growth rate of 16%, you can calculate the future value of the business. This approach helps in making informed investment decisions and building a profitable investment portfolio.

The concept of payback time price is highly relevant in today's business environment. It is a valuation method used to determine the worth of a business or investment. It calculates the time it will take for an investment to generate enough cash flows to recover the initial investment cost. This concept is particularly useful in assessing the financial viability of a business or investment, helping investors make informed decisions. It's especially relevant in today's volatile business environment where investors seek to minimize risk and ensure their investments are sound.

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>Tableau de remboursement du stand de limonade de la page 205<

Évaluation de la marge de sécurité

Ceci est basé sur les bénéfices et c'est ainsi que vous calculez la valeur de l'entreprise. Vous ne devriez acheter que lorsque le prix vous offre une marge de sécurité ; la méthode de tarification à dix capuchons nécessite un rendement élevé, donc elle nécessite un prix d'achat bas (une belle grande marge de sécurité), tandis que la méthode de tarification du temps de remboursement vous rembourse votre argent en huit ans. Enfin, vous devez calculer une méthode d'évaluation qui a une marge de sécurité intégrée. Il s'agit d'une variation de ce que les comptables appellent l'analyse des flux de trésorerie actualisés.

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Investors might face several obstacles when applying the concepts from "Invested". One of the main challenges could be understanding and correctly applying the valuation methods, such as the ten cap pricing method and the payback time pricing method. These methods require a deep understanding of financial analysis and the ability to accurately calculate the value of a company. To overcome this, investors could educate themselves further on these methods, possibly through additional resources or financial courses. Another potential obstacle could be the patience required to wait for the right buying opportunity that offers a margin of safety. Overcoming this requires discipline and a long-term investment mindset.

The investment theories presented in the book 'Invested' challenge existing paradigms by advocating for a value investing approach, inspired by Warren Buffett. This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding the value of a company based on its earnings and buying at a price that provides a margin of safety. This is a deviation from more traditional methods that may focus more on market trends and less on intrinsic company value. The book also introduces the ten cap pricing method and the payback time pricing method, both of which require a low buying price and aim to ensure a high return or payback within eight years, respectively.

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D'abord, déterminez quel taux de rendement vous devez obtenir sur votre argent chaque année, pour que le risque de l'investissement en vaille la peine. Une bonne règle de base est que le taux de rendement minimum acceptable pour les actions est de 15%.

Décidez de ce que devrait raisonnablement être le prix de l'entreprise dans dix ans : prenez le bénéfice par action (du compte de résultat) et multipliez-le par (1 + votre taux de vent arrière), et faites cela dix fois. Le résultat est votre bénéfice par action futur sur dix ans.

Ensuite, prenez votre nombre de croissance de vent arrière et doublez-le ; comparez le résultat avec le ratio prix/bénéfice le plus élevé de l'entreprise dans l'histoire (que vous pouvez facilement trouver en ligne). Choisissez le plus bas de ces deux nombres et multipliez votre bénéfice par action futur sur dix ans par ce nombre. Maintenant, vous savez quel devrait être le prix futur d'une action, dix ans à partir de maintenant.

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The lessons from 'Invested' can be applied in today's volatile financial market by following Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. This involves careful analysis of a company's fundamentals, including its earnings growth and price/earnings ratio. By understanding these factors, you can make informed decisions about when to buy or sell stocks, even in a volatile market. It's also important to have a long-term investment strategy and not be swayed by short-term market fluctuations.

The real-world potential of the investment strategies discussed in the book 'Invested' is significant. The book outlines Warren Buffett's approach to value investing, which has proven to be successful over many decades. By following this approach, investors can build a portfolio that will grow over time, providing a solid financial foundation. This strategy involves careful analysis of companies, including their growth potential and price/earnings ratio, to determine their future value. However, like all investment strategies, it requires patience, discipline, and a willingness to learn.

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Maintenant, travaillez à rebours pour déterminer quel devrait être le prix aujourd'hui, en supposant un rendement de 15% chaque année. Prenez votre prix d'action futur sur dix ans et divisez-le par 4 ; le résultat est le prix raisonnable d'aujourd'hui pour cette entreprise. Enfin, prenez ce prix d'étiquette et divisez-le par deux : c'est votre marge de sécurité.

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Warren Buffett's investment strategy involves determining the reasonable price for a company by working backwards. First, you need to estimate the future ten-year share price of the company. This is done by projecting the company's earnings and growth over the next ten years. Once you have the future share price, divide it by 4 to get today's reasonable price for the company. This is based on the assumption of a 15% rate of return every year. Finally, take that sticker price and cut it in half. This gives you your margin of safety, which is a buffer to protect against any unforeseen negative events or miscalculations.

The concept of margin of safety in value investing is a principle that involves buying securities at prices significantly below their intrinsic value, which is determined through fundamental analysis. This difference between the intrinsic value and the purchase price is the 'margin of safety'. It provides a cushion against errors in estimation or unforeseen market developments. In the context of the content provided, the margin of safety is calculated by taking the reasonable price for a company's share and cutting it in half. This ensures a safety net in case the actual returns are lower than the expected 15% rate of return.

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>tableau de calcul de la marge de sécurité du stand de limonade à partir de la page 217<

Après avoir exécuté ces trois modèles de tarification, vous pouvez vous retrouver avec trois résultats très différents. À ce stade, vous prenez une décision sur ce que vous pensez être un prix raisonnable à payer, en fonction de tout ce que vous savez maintenant sur l'entreprise.

5. Écrivez - et inversez - l'histoire

La dernière étape de la préparation à l'investissement est de raconter l'histoire de pourquoi vous devriez acheter cette entreprise - puis de l'inverser et de raconter l'histoire de pourquoi vous ne devriez pas. Revenez sur tout le travail que vous avez accompli jusqu'à ce point et rédigez votre histoire d'investissement.

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Comprenez-vous cette entreprise et répond-elle à vos critères de mission d'investissement ? A-t-elle une valeur intrinsèque, un fossé solide et durable, et ses quatre grands chiffres sont-ils en croissance ? Quelle est votre opinion sur l'équipe de direction ? Et, quel est un bon prix pour acheter ?

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Ensuite, énumérez trois bonnes raisons d'acheter cette entreprise. Maintenant, décrivez l'Événement (quel qu'il soit) qui a conduit à la mise en vente de cette entreprise.Êtes-vous confiant que l'entreprise peut se remettre de l'Événement en trois ans ou moins ?

Maintenant, inversez l'histoire. Trouvez trois bonnes raisons de ne pas acheter cette entreprise et voyez si vous pouvez réfuter chaque raison de ne pas posséder. Si vous ne pouvez pas, ou si vous êtes indécis, alors cette entreprise est retirée de votre liste de souhaits. Cela peut sembler sévère après avoir passé tout ce temps à construire votre profil d'entreprise et à faire tous ces calculs, mais l'intention ici est d'éviter une erreur coûteuse. Il y a de fortes chances que vous puissiez utiliser une grande partie de vos recherches de fond sur une autre entreprise du même secteur ; aucune recherche d'investissement n'est jamais une perte de temps.

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Yes, there are many investors who have successfully implemented the practices outlined in the book 'Invested'. The most notable example is the author himself, Warren Buffett, who is considered one of the most successful investors in the world. His approach to value investing, as outlined in the book, has been adopted by many other investors around the world. However, specific names or case studies are not mentioned in the book.

Investors might face several obstacles when applying the concepts from the book "Invested". One of the main challenges could be the difficulty in finding companies that meet the criteria for value investing. This requires extensive research and understanding of the company's financials, which can be time-consuming and complex. Another obstacle could be emotional bias, which might lead to making investment decisions based on emotions rather than rational analysis. To overcome these obstacles, investors should dedicate sufficient time for research and analysis, seek professional advice if needed, and practice emotional discipline to avoid making impulsive investment decisions.

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Cependant, si après tout cela vous aimez toujours vraiment cette entreprise, alors elle va sur votre liste de souhaits. Maintenant, vous attendez juste que le prix soit correct.

Mise en place d'un compte de courtage

Pendant que vous attendez le bon moment pour acheter dans l'une de vos quelques entreprises de votre liste de souhaits, créez un compte de courtage chez l'une des entreprises en ligne comme TD Ameritrade ou Schwab. C'est aussi simple que de décider où ouvrir un compte bancaire.

Lorsque vous êtes prêt à effectuer un achat, vous allez sur votre compte, tapez le symbole de l'entreprise que vous voulez acheter et spécifiez combien d'actions. Le courtier vous demandera probablement de confirmer qu'il s'agit d'un ordre à cours limité - ce qui signifie que le vendeur vous le vendra au prix que vous spécifiez, ou moins.L'investisseur guru Mohnish Pabrai a déclaré qu'il ne passe jamais un ordre d'achat lorsque le marché est effectivement ouvert, car il ne veut pas se concentrer sur les fluctuations de prix du jour.

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The investment strategies in the book 'Invested' can be used by a small business to grow by applying the principles of value investing. This involves identifying undervalued assets and investing in them. A small business can apply this by investing in undervalued resources or opportunities that have the potential to yield high returns in the future. Additionally, the book emphasizes the importance of not being swayed by market fluctuations, which can be applied in business by not making impulsive decisions based on temporary market conditions.

The real-world implications of the investment strategies discussed in the book "Invested" could be significant. By following Warren Buffett's approach to value investing, individuals may be able to build a robust investment portfolio. This could potentially lead to financial stability and even early retirement. However, it's important to note that investing always comes with risks, and the strategies discussed in the book may not be suitable for everyone. It's recommended to thoroughly research and consider one's financial situation and risk tolerance before making investment decisions.

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Lorsque vous décidez d'acheter, souvenez-vous que vous avez choisi votre prix d'achat sur la base de recherches solides ; vous ne pourrez presque certainement pas prédire le creux du prix de l'action ; et, vous êtes dans cet investissement pour le long terme.

6. Votre portefeuille antifragile

La clé pour construire un portefeuille qui résistera aux fluctuations régulières du marché et aux événements ponctuels - un portefeuille antifragile, pour utiliser la terminologie de Nassim Nicholas Taleb - est la patience. Pensez à vous comme un chasseur traquant sa proie, attendant que le prix soit juste sur votre poignée d'entreprises de votre liste de souhaits. Vos entreprises ont toutes des fossés durables, ce qui signifie qu'elles peuvent non seulement résister, mais probablement bénéficier, des événements. Les entreprises sont antifragiles car elles reviendront plus fortes que jamais. Donc, jusqu'à ce que le prix baisse, attendez en espèces et soyez prêt à agir lorsque le chaos frappe. Ne vous arrêtez pas et pensez, "Peut-être que je devrais attendre encore plus longtemps pour que le prix baisse encore plus."

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A company with a durable moat has a long-term competitive advantage that protects it from competitors. This could be a unique product, a strong brand, or a cost advantage. This moat allows the company to withstand market fluctuations and unexpected events, making it antifragile. An antifragile company not only survives these events but also benefits from them, coming back stronger than before.

A company can benefit from market fluctuations and one-off events by building an antifragile portfolio. This involves patiently waiting for the right price on a handful of wishlist companies that have durable moats, meaning they can not only withstand, but likely actually benefit from, such events. These companies are antifragile because they will come back stronger than ever. Therefore, it's important to wait in cash and be ready to take action when the chaos hits.

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Alors, combien investir dans chaque entreprise ? Une bonne règle de base est de mettre 10% de votre portefeuille d'investissement dans chaque entreprise, mais ce n'est qu'une ligne directrice. Quoi qu'il en soit, ayez un plan pour l'ordre dans lequel vous achèterez votre liste de souhaits si tout le marché s'effondre en même temps.Et, quand il s'agit de décider par où commencer, Buffett dirait, "Achetez votre favori," parce que c'est l'entreprise à laquelle vous avez consacré le plus de temps à réfléchir.

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The investment strategies in "Invested" have a high potential to be implemented in real-world scenarios. The book outlines Warren Buffett's approach to value investing, which has been proven successful over many decades. It suggests investing 10% of your portfolio in each company you believe in, which is a practical and manageable strategy for most investors. However, it's important to note that while the strategies are theoretically sound, their success in the real world depends on a variety of factors including market conditions, individual investor's knowledge, and their ability to stick to the plan.

The theme of "Invested" is highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates in the financial world. It discusses the approach of value investing, popularized by Warren Buffett, which is a strategy of picking stocks that appear to be trading for less than their intrinsic or book value. This strategy is still widely used and debated today. Furthermore, the book addresses common financial concerns such as retirement planning and investment strategies, topics that are always pertinent in financial discussions.

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L'un des plus grands secrets de Buffett pour réduire le risque et augmenter le rendement global est d'acheter des entreprises qui, avec le temps, réduisent le montant qu'il a investi en elles en lui envoyant une partie de leur flux de trésorerie disponible - en d'autres termes, des dividendes. Idéalement, vous récupérerez tout votre argent grâce aux dividendes. Cependant, les entreprises sont sous une grande pression pour continuer à verser des dividendes, quoi qu'il arrive; et parfois ce n'est pas la meilleure utilisation de leurs fonds. N'achetez pas en fonction de si une entreprise verse un dividende régulier, mais plutôt sur si la direction utilise judicieusement son argent disponible.

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Dividends play a significant role in Warren Buffett's investment strategy. He prefers buying companies that, over time, reduce the amount he has invested in them by sending him some of their free cash flow, which is essentially dividends. This strategy lowers risk as it allows for a return of investment over time, irrespective of market fluctuations. It also raises the overall return as the dividends can be reinvested to compound the growth. However, Buffett doesn't buy based on whether a company pays a regular dividend, but rather on whether management is using its free cash wisely.

Small businesses can apply Warren Buffett's approach to value investing by focusing on companies that generate free cash flow and use it wisely. This approach involves investing in companies that, over time, reduce the amount invested in them by returning some of their free cash flow, ideally through dividends. However, the focus should not be on whether a company pays a regular dividend, but rather on whether the management is using its free cash wisely. This strategy can help small businesses reduce risk and increase overall return.

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Une tactique à utiliser est d'acheter en tranches ou en portions. Lorsque le prix de votre entreprise cible atteint votre niveau d'achat, achetez 25% de ce que votre objectif d'achat total est pour l'entreprise; lorsque le prix baisse davantage, achetez les 25% suivants, et ainsi de suite. Cela aide à atténuer votre peur de ce qui se passe si le prix continue de baisser après votre achat. N'oubliez pas que l'objectif est d'acheter et de conserver à long terme.

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The book "Invested" has influenced corporate investment strategies by promoting the approach of value investing, popularized by Warren Buffett. It encourages buying in tranches or slices when the target company price hits the buying level. This strategy helps to alleviate the fear of price drops after purchase. The book emphasizes a long-term hold strategy, which can influence corporations to adopt a more patient and strategic approach to their investments.

The specific examples of companies that have successfully implemented the tranche buying strategy are not mentioned in the content. However, many investment firms and individual investors use this strategy. It's a common practice in the stock market and is used by investors worldwide. The strategy is not company-specific but rather a method used by investors to mitigate risk and potentially maximize returns.

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Quand vendre

Ne prévoyez pas de vendre votre entreprise à moins que son histoire ne change - peut-être que son avantage concurrentiel est compromis par un changement fondamental dans l'industrie, une nouvelle invention technologique majeure, ou la direction se transforme en traîtres envers les parties prenantes (la dette augmente, le ROIC commence à baisser, etc.).L'exercice d'inversion de l'histoire que vous avez effectué avant de mettre l'entreprise sur votre liste de souhaits vous donnera des indices sur ce qui pourrait ruiner l'entreprise et vous amener à vendre.

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The principles of value investing can be applied in traditional sectors like manufacturing or retail by focusing on companies that have a strong competitive advantage or 'moat'. This could be a strong brand, cost advantages, or efficient scale. These companies are often undervalued by the market, providing an opportunity for investors. Additionally, investors should look for companies with a good return on invested capital (ROIC) and low debt levels. It's also important to understand the company's story and be prepared to hold onto the investment for a long time, unless the company's story changes significantly.

1. Embrace Value Investing: The book emphasizes the importance of value investing, a strategy used by Warren Buffett. This involves buying stocks that are undervalued in the market and holding onto them for a long time.

2. Understand the Company's Story: Before investing in a company, understand its story. This includes its business model, industry position, and potential threats.

3. Monitor for Changes: If the company's story changes significantly, such as a major shift in the industry or management issues, it may be time to sell your stake.

4. Focus on Return on Invested Capital (ROIC): The book highlights the importance of ROIC. A drop in ROIC could be a warning sign of trouble.

Remember, these takeaways are not just for investing, but can also be applied to managing a business.

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Suivez l'histoire de l'entreprise à travers son rapport annuel et l'assemblée des actionnaires ; une lecture régulière des actualités économiques ; et des vérifications périodiques sur ce que font vos gourous d'investissement préférés. Gardez un œil sur le marché global en vérifiant le P/E de Shiller et le PIB de Wilshire. Et enfin, continuez à faire des recherches pour trouver de nouvelles entreprises potentielles pour votre liste de souhaits.

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Warren Buffett's investment approach, as discussed in the book 'Invested', can be applied to find potential new wishlist companies by following a few key steps. First, keep track of the company's story through its annual report and shareholders meeting. Regular reading of the business news and periodic checks on what your favorite investment gurus are doing can also provide valuable insights. Keep an eye on the overall market by checking the Shiller P/E and the Wilshire GDP. Finally, continue doing the research to find potential new wishlist companies. This approach requires patience and diligence, but it can lead to successful long-term investments.

The Shiller P/E and the Wilshire GDP are both indicators that can be used to assess the overall health of the market. The Shiller P/E, also known as the cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio, is a valuation measure that uses real earnings per share over a 10-year period to smooth out fluctuations in corporate profits that occur over different periods of a business cycle. A high Shiller P/E suggests that stocks may be overvalued, while a low Shiller P/E suggests they may be undervalued. The Wilshire GDP, on the other hand, is a measure of the total market value of all goods and services produced in a country in a specific time period. It can be used to gauge the overall economic activity and health of a country. By monitoring these two indicators, investors can get a sense of whether the market is overvalued or undervalued, and adjust their investment strategies accordingly.

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Au fur et à mesure que vous commencerez à construire votre pratique d'investissement, vous deviendrez plus habile à faire des recherches, à trouver des informations, à faire des calculs et à prendre des décisions. Vous commencerez à voir le monde autour de vous à travers les yeux d'un investisseur, et non pas simplement d'un consommateur passif. Vous gagnerez de nouvelles perspectives sur vos pensées concernant l'argent et une nouvelle confiance en votre capacité à surmonter le prochain crash du marché inévitable.

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The shift from a passive consumer to an active investor can significantly contribute to financial freedom and retirement planning. As an active investor, you're not just spending money, but strategically placing it in investments that can grow over time. This approach can lead to wealth accumulation, providing financial security for retirement. Moreover, active investing involves continuous learning and decision-making, which can lead to better financial literacy and independence. This shift in perspective can help you better prepare for market fluctuations and make informed decisions about your financial future.

Value investing, as advocated by Warren Buffett, challenges traditional approaches to building an investment portfolio in several ways. Traditional investing often focuses on diversification and buying stocks based on market trends. Value investing, on the other hand, emphasizes on buying stocks that are undervalued by the market, often due to temporary issues. This requires a deep understanding of the company's fundamentals and a willingness to go against the market trends. It also requires patience, as the true value of the stocks may take time to be recognized by the market. This approach can be more risky as it often involves concentrating investments in fewer stocks, but it can also offer higher returns if the investor's analysis is correct.

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