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¿Anhelas el día en que puedas trabajar menos y viajar más? ¿Temes que nunca tendrás suficiente dinero para poder jubilarte? Siguiendo el enfoque de Warren Buffett en su libro Invertido, puedes aprender a construir una cartera de inversiones que te proporcionará la libertad financiera que necesitas.

La clave del enfoque de Buffett es buscar empresas que puedas entender, que tengan una ventaja competitiva intrínseca y duradera, y que cuenten con una dirección talentosa. Luego, calcula un buen precio para comprar las acciones de esa empresa.

La inversión en valor implica sumergirse en el mundo a veces complejo de los estados financieros, pero con práctica, puedes descifrar cuáles son los números más importantes en cualquier Estado de Resultados, Balance General y Estado de Flujo de Efectivo de una empresa, y usarlos para decidir si una empresa cumple con tus criterios de inversión.

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The economic environment can greatly impact value investing. In a strong economy, companies may perform well, increasing their intrinsic value and potentially providing good investment opportunities for value investors. Conversely, in a weak economy, companies may struggle, which could decrease their intrinsic value and make them less attractive to value investors. However, a weak economy could also present opportunities for value investors to buy stocks at a discount if they believe the company's intrinsic value is higher than its current market price.

Key financial indicators to consider in value investing include the company's income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. These can help you determine whether a company meets your investment criteria.

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Una vez que hayas calculado el precio correcto para tus empresas objetivo, espera hasta que el precio de la acción caiga a ese nivel y luego compra, confiado en el conocimiento de que tienes una cartera anti-frágil que no solo te dará una gran tasa de retorno sino que también será capaz de sobrevivir al próximo - inevitable - descenso del mercado.

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One can balance risk and reward in their investment portfolio by calculating the right price for their target companies and waiting until the share price falls to that level before buying. This creates an anti-fragile portfolio that not only provides a great rate of return but also survives market downturns.

For those who prefer a more aggressive approach, some alternative investment strategies could include investing in high-risk, high-reward assets such as cryptocurrencies, venture capital, and private equity. Other strategies could involve trading in derivatives, foreign exchange, or commodities. It's also possible to adopt a more aggressive stance within traditional asset classes, such as investing in growth stocks or high-yield bonds. However, it's important to note that these strategies come with a higher level of risk and should only be undertaken by investors who understand and are comfortable with these risks.

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El miedo nos impide a la mayoría de nosotros tomar nuestras propias decisiones de inversión, pero seguir el enfoque de inversión en valor de Warren Buffett puede darte libertad financiera. La clave es buscar un puñado de empresas que te proporcionarán grandes rendimientos de inversión a largo plazo. Hay cuatro reglas simples a seguir: elige un negocio que seas capaz de entender; uno con una ventaja competitiva duradera; cuya dirección tenga integridad y talento; y que puedas comprar a un precio que tenga sentido. De esta manera, puedes construir una cartera anti-frágil que no solo sobrevivirá al inevitable próximo descenso del mercado, sino que prosperará a largo plazo.

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Some challenges in following Warren Buffett's investment approach include understanding the business model of the company you are investing in, identifying companies with a durable competitive advantage, assessing the integrity and talent of the management, and determining a sensible price for the investment. Additionally, it requires patience and discipline to stick to this approach during market downturns.

You can apply Warren Buffett's investment approach in your own decisions by following his value investing approach. This involves looking for a few companies that will provide great investment returns over the long term. There are four rules to follow: choose a business you can understand; one with a durable competitive advantage; whose management has integrity and talent; and that you can buy for a sensible price. This way, you can build a portfolio that will not only survive the next market downturn but will thrive in the long term.

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1. Empezando

La mayoría de nosotros anhelamos algún nivel de libertad financiera, pero estamos ocupados equilibrando el estrés de la vida laboral, pagando préstamos estudiantiles, pagando una hipoteca, y quizás criando hijos mientras perseguimos una carrera. En medio de todo esto, es difícil dar el salto y crear tu propia cartera de inversiones. Muchos de nosotros tenemos demasiado miedo a los riesgos involucrados en cualquier cosa relacionada con los mercados financieros. Sin embargo, con algo de educación y práctica, es posible seguir los pasos de Warren Buffett y su estrategia de 'inversión en valor'.

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'Value investing' can help in achieving work-life balance by providing a potential source of passive income. This strategy, popularized by Warren Buffett, involves investing in stocks that appear to be undervalued by the market. With proper education and practice, one can build an investment portfolio that generates income over time. This can reduce financial stress and provide more freedom, potentially improving work-life balance. However, it's important to note that investing always involves risks and it's crucial to make informed decisions.

Patience plays a crucial role in 'value investing'. This strategy involves buying stocks that appear to be undervalued by the market, and then waiting for their market value to reflect their intrinsic value. This process can take a considerable amount of time, hence, patience is key. Investors need to resist the urge to sell off their investments at the first sign of profit, instead, they should wait for the full potential of their investments to be realized.

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En 1956 Warren comenzó la Buffett Partnership en Omaha, Nebraska, invirtiendo su dinero y el de amigos y familiares. Durante los siguientes catorce años, sus inversiones promediaron rendimientos anuales del 31.5%. En 1969 Buffett cerró esa sociedad y puso todo su dinero en Berkshire Hathaway, una empresa pública controlada por Buffett y su socio de inversión Charlie Munger. Berkshire compra las acciones de empresas cotizadas en bolsa como Coca-Cola, así como empresas enteras como Geico. Ahora conocido como el Oráculo de Omaha y el decano del mundo de la inversión en valor, la estrategia de Buffett es simple: compra una empresa maravillosa cuando es una ganga y solo cuando estés seguro de que valdrá más en diez años de lo que vale hoy; y aférrate a ella incluso si el precio baja.

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Warren Buffett, also known as the Oracle of Omaha, has invested in a variety of companies through his company, Berkshire Hathaway. Some notable examples include Coca-Cola and Geico. Buffett's investment strategy is simple yet effective: he buys shares in wonderful companies when they are a bargain, with the certainty that they will be worth more in ten years than they are today. He then holds onto these shares, even if the price goes down.

Warren Buffett's investment strategy, known as value investing, played a significant role in his success. His strategy is simple but effective: he buys shares of a wonderful company when it is a bargain and only when he is certain that it will be worth more in ten years than it is today. He then holds onto it even if the price goes down. This approach allowed him to average annual returns of 31.5% over fourteen years with the Buffett Partnership. He later put all his money in Berkshire Hathaway, a public company controlled by him and his investment partner Charlie Munger, further solidifying his success.

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El problema con la inflación

Las recesiones nos han enseñado que el mercado de valores es un socio voluble. Para muchos de nosotros, es tentador convertirse en un acaparador financiero y poner todo en el equivalente financiero de 'debajo del colchón', es decir, comprar bonos del Departamento del Tesoro de los EE. UU. o T-bills, que están garantizados por el gobierno federal y se consideran tan cerca del riesgo cero como es posible obtener. Desafortunadamente, ocurre la inflación. La inflación es algo bueno en el sentido de que aumentos de precios relativamente bajos y constantes conducen a lo que los economistas llaman un ciclo virtuoso de aumento de la producción y la demanda, lo que lleva a salarios más altos y más consumo. Por supuesto, una alta tasa de inflación es algo malo: devalúa el dinero tan rápidamente que los salarios y los empleos no pueden mantenerse al día. Sin embargo, incluso la inflación moderada es mala para los ahorradores, ya que erosiona el poder adquisitivo de tu dinero. Los $100 que tienes hoy no te comprarán tanto dentro de diez años, cuando los precios hayan subido un promedio del 3.0% cada año.

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The concept of a virtuous cycle, as explained in the book 'Invested', refers to a sequence of events where each step, through a beneficial effect on the economy, leads to the next. It's often used in the context of economics and finance. In the book, it's used to describe a situation where low and steady price increases lead to a cycle of rising production and demand. This, in turn, leads to higher wages and increased consumption. This cycle is 'virtuous' because it promotes economic stability and growth. However, it's important to note that high rates of inflation can disrupt this cycle, as it devalues money so quickly that wages and jobs can't keep up.

Traditional sectors like manufacturing or retail can apply the concept of value investing to safeguard against the impact of inflation by investing in assets that are undervalued but have strong fundamentals and potential for growth. This could include investing in their own business, such as improving production efficiency, investing in technology, or expanding their product line, which can increase the company's intrinsic value. They can also invest in other undervalued companies or assets. The key is to identify investments that are likely to yield returns above the inflation rate in the long run. This approach requires thorough research and analysis, and a long-term perspective.

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De hecho, tienes que obtener al menos un retorno del 3.0% en tu dinero cada año solo para evitar que su valor se erosione. Los mercados de valores suelen subir con la inflación, ya que los ingresos y las ganancias de las empresas también aumentan. Por lo tanto, la única forma de aumentar tus ahorros es a través de la inversión.

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Miedo al mercado

El problema con el mercado de valores, por supuesto, es que baja tanto como sube, y muchas cosas pueden hacer que el precio de una acción caiga. Las inversoras en particular tienden a tener una baja tolerancia al riesgo, lo que hace que muchas de ellas no estén dispuestas a invertir en el mercado. Parece más seguro pagar a un profesional para que maneje tu dinero, pero ese administrador de dinero tiene que ser pagado, ya sea que realmente te haga ganar dinero o no. Si aprendes a practicar la inversión en valor, puedes manejar tu propio dinero con confianza.

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The themes of the book "Invested" are highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates in the financial market. The book discusses the concept of value investing, a strategy endorsed by Warren Buffett, which involves buying stocks that are undervalued by the market. This approach is particularly relevant today as investors grapple with market volatility and seek strategies to manage risk and achieve sustainable returns. The book also addresses the issue of gender disparity in investing, a topic of ongoing debate in the financial world.

Potential obstacles when practicing value investing include market volatility, low risk tolerance, and lack of knowledge or confidence in managing one's own investments. Overcoming these obstacles involves educating oneself about the market and investment strategies, building confidence through practice and experience, and developing a balanced portfolio to mitigate risk. It's also important to stay patient and not be swayed by short-term market fluctuations, as value investing is a long-term strategy.

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A medida que avanzas en estos pasos, pasarás de la Incompetencia Inconsciente (no te das cuenta de lo poco que sabes), a través de la Incompetencia Consciente (sabes lo que necesitas hacer pero no sabes cómo), a la Competencia Consciente (¡sabes cómo hacer esto!), y finalmente a la Competencia Inconsciente (eres tan bueno en esto que ya no tienes que pensar en ello). Lo importante a tener en cuenta ahora es que no comprarás nada hasta que hayas trabajado en todos estos pasos y llegado a un nivel de Competencia Consciente.

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Warren Buffett's approach to value investing is based on the principle of buying stocks at less than their intrinsic value. The key case studies or examples used in his approach include companies like Coca-Cola, American Express, and Geico. Buffett invested in these companies when they were undervalued, and held onto the stocks for a long period of time, reaping significant returns. The broader implications of his approach suggest that patience, thorough analysis, and understanding of a company's business model are crucial for successful investing.

A small business can use Warren Buffett's approach to value investing by focusing on long-term growth rather than short-term profits. This involves investing in assets that are undervalued but have the potential to increase in value over time. It also means understanding the business thoroughly, including its financial health and competitive position in the market. Additionally, patience is key in value investing, as it often takes time for an investment to yield significant returns.

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Entonces, ¿cuánto necesitas invertir realmente? Para averiguarlo, necesitas entender cómo funciona el mercado y cuál es realmente tu número de inversión.

El mercado

'El mercado' es una abreviatura de las muchas bolsas de valores alrededor del mundo. En los EE. UU., la más conocida es la Bolsa de Nueva York o NYSE. El concepto de negociar acciones en el mercado ha existido desde que los holandeses inventaron la idea en la década de 1600, dividiendo una corporación en fracciones que pueden ser propiedad. Cuando compras o vendes una acción en una bolsa de valores, la estás comprando o vendiendo a otro inversor, no a la corporación en sí. Hoy en día, gran parte de la compra y venta real se hace electrónicamente en lugar de en una casa de café holandesa, pero el principio es el mismo.

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Some key strategies for successful trading on the stock market include:

1. Understanding the market: Knowledge about how the stock market works is crucial. This includes understanding the different types of stocks, how they are traded, and the factors that influence their prices.

2. Diversification: Spreading your investments across a variety of stocks can help to mitigate risk.

3. Long-term investing: Rather than trying to make quick profits through short-term trades, consider investing in stocks with solid fundamentals for the long term.

4. Regular monitoring: Keep an eye on your investments and the market conditions regularly. This will help you make informed decisions about when to buy or sell.

5. Risk management: Always be aware of the potential risks involved in stock trading and have a plan to manage them.

The principles of value investing can be applied to the modern stock market by focusing on buying stocks that are undervalued. This involves analyzing a company's fundamentals, such as its earnings, dividends, and assets, to determine its intrinsic value. If the current market price is less than its intrinsic value, it may be a good investment. This approach requires patience and discipline, as it may take time for the market to recognize the company's true value. It's also important to diversify your portfolio to spread risk.

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Asimetría del mercado

Unos cientos de años después de que los holandeses crearan la primera bolsa de valores, los británicos inventaron la idea de la compañía de responsabilidad limitada, exactamente lo que suena, esta es una estructura corporativa que limita la responsabilidad de los propietarios corporativos a los activos de la compañía, manteniendo sus activos privados a salvo. Esto es genial para fomentar el tipo de toma de riesgos necesaria para el emprendimiento, pero también puede llevar a corporaciones sin sentido de responsabilidad por sus acciones.

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Some potential challenges a company might face when applying the concept of limited liability include potential misuse of the protection, which can lead to irresponsible behavior and risk-taking. This can damage the company's reputation and trust with stakeholders. To overcome these challenges, companies can implement strong corporate governance structures, promote ethical business practices, and maintain transparency in their operations. Additionally, they can ensure they have adequate insurance coverage to protect against unforeseen liabilities.

The book "Invested" relates to contemporary issues in corporate responsibility and investment by discussing the concept of value investing, a strategy popularized by Warren Buffett. It emphasizes the importance of understanding a company's value and its potential for growth, which includes assessing its corporate responsibility. The book also discusses the history and implications of the limited liability company, a structure that can encourage risk-taking but may also lead to corporations lacking responsibility for their actions. This ties into modern discussions about the role and accountability of corporations in society.

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Otro aspecto del mercado de valores a tener en cuenta es que la dirección tiene mucha más información sobre la empresa que los accionistas. Teóricamente, los accionistas dirigen indirectamente la empresa al elegir una junta directiva; pero en realidad, esto es, en el mejor de los casos, un control a distancia, con la junta supervisando las decisiones importantes y nombrando a los ejecutivos para que realmente dirijan la empresa.

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A startup can use the key topics covered in the book 'Invested' to understand the role of shareholders and management in running a company by learning about the concept of value investing and the relationship between shareholders, board of directors, and executive officers. The book explains that shareholders indirectly run the company by electing a board of directors. However, the control is at arms-length as the board oversees major decisions and appoints executive officers to run the company. This understanding can help a startup establish a clear governance structure and make informed decisions about its management and operations.

The key takeaways from "Invested" that can be actionable for entrepreneurs or managers are: understanding the importance of value investing, recognizing that management has more information about the company than shareholders, and realizing that shareholders indirectly run the company by electing a board of directors. However, this control is often at arms-length, with the board making major decisions and appointing executive officers to run the company.

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Abdicando el control

Alrededor del 85% del dinero en el mercado de valores proviene de inversores individuales, personas comunes que intentan construir sus ahorros a través de planes 401k, IRAs y pólizas de seguro. Sin embargo, la mayoría de esta inversión se realiza a través de intermediarios:

  • Fondos mutuos: Una colección de acciones y bonos, elegidos por un asesor financiero que cobra una tarifa, ya sea que crezca tu dinero o no. [/item]
  • Fondos de índice de mercado: Un índice de mercado es un grupo de acciones que nos dicen cómo está funcionando el mercado en general, por ejemplo, el S&P 500, quinientas acciones que indican cómo están funcionando las 6,000 o más acciones en el mercado. Los fondos de índice de mercado compran las acciones en el índice para seguir pasivamente el mercado, cobrando una tarifa más baja que un fondo mutuo gestionado activamente. Buffett dice que esta es la mejor opción si no estás dispuesto a hacer tu propia inversión en valor, pero también significa que solo promediarás un retorno de alrededor del 7.0% al año. [/item]
  • Fondos cotizados en bolsa (ETFs): Otra idea de seguimiento de índices, pero un fondo que compras y vendes directamente de un corredor como una acción individual, las tarifas tienden a ser más altas que para los fondos de índice de mercado pero más bajas que para los fondos mutuos. [/item]
  • Robo-asesores: Un programa de computadora que ofrece las mismas opciones de inversión que un asesor humano, pero con una tarifa más baja. [/item]

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The lessons from the book 'Invested' can be applied in today's financial market environment by following Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. This involves building an investment portfolio that grows over time. The book suggests investing in mutual funds, market index funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), and using robo-advisors. However, it emphasizes that the best option, if you're not willing to do your own value investing, is to invest in market index funds, even though this means you will only average a return of about 7.0% a year.

The ideas from the book "Invested" have significant potential to be implemented in real-world investment scenarios. The book emphasizes the importance of value investing, a strategy used by successful investors like Warren Buffett. This approach involves buying stocks that are undervalued by the market, with the expectation that their price will eventually reflect their true value. It requires thorough research and analysis, as well as patience and discipline. However, it can yield substantial returns in the long run. The book also discusses various investment options such as mutual funds, market index funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), and robo-advisors, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the investment landscape.

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Todos estos administradores de dinero te cobran una tarifa para invertir tu dinero, ya sea que realmente aumenten tus ahorros; y, en el mejor de los casos, la mayoría apenas logra superar el promedio del mercado. Si el mercado sube un promedio del 7.0% al año, pero tu administrador de dinero te cobra el 2.0%, la ganancia real en tus ahorros es solo del 5.0%. En otras palabras, se vuelve aún más difícil superar la tasa de inflación y aumentar tu dinero lo suficiente para obtener libertad financiera.

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Yes, there are several real-world examples of individuals and companies successfully implementing Warren Buffett’s approach to value investing. Some notable examples include Charlie Munger, Buffett's long-time business partner at Berkshire Hathaway, and Lou Simpson, who managed GEICO's investment portfolio for many years. Other successful value investors influenced by Buffett include Seth Klarman, founder of the Baupost Group, and Mason Hawkins, founder of Southeastern Asset Management. These investors have all used value investing principles similar to those advocated by Buffett to achieve significant success in the financial markets.

The book "Invested" suggests overcoming the challenge of beating the rate of inflation in investment by following Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. This approach involves building an investment portfolio that grows your savings without relying on money managers who charge fees. The book emphasizes that most money managers barely manage to beat the market average and their fees can reduce your actual earnings, making it harder to beat the rate of inflation. Therefore, by investing yourself and avoiding these fees, you can potentially achieve higher returns and beat the rate of inflation.

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Por otro lado, los estudios han demostrado que la inversión en valor al estilo de Buffett devuelve más del 20% al año.

Calcula tu número

El primer paso para construir tu propia práctica de inversión es escribir lo que significa para ti la libertad financiera: ¿quizás la capacidad de trabajar menos, pagar tus deudas, viajar o simplemente sentirte menos estresado?

Para averiguar lo que necesitas para alcanzar tu propia libertad financiera, solo necesitas saber cuatro cosas: cuánto necesitas gastar realmente cada año; cuántos años te quedan para construir tu total de inversión; cuánto puedes permitirte invertir; y, en base a estas tres primeras cosas, tu tasa de rendimiento requerida.

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According to the book "Invested", the four key things you need to know to attain financial freedom are: how much you actually need to spend every year; how many years you have left to build your investment total; how much you can afford to put into investments; and, based on these first three things, your required rate of return.

The book 'Invested' suggests implementing Warren Buffett's approach to value investing for retirement planning by understanding your financial needs and goals. It emphasizes on knowing four key things: your annual expenditure, the number of years left to build your investment, the amount you can afford to invest, and your required rate of return based on these factors. By understanding these, you can effectively implement Buffett's value investing approach, which focuses on investing in undervalued, fundamentally strong companies and holding them for a long term.

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¿Cuál es tu misión?

Dada esta asimetría de información y el gran número de empresas que cotizan en bolsa, ¿cómo empiezas a reducir tus opciones? Encuentra tu misión: lo que realmente te importa, los valores que quieres llevar a tu práctica de inversión. Tómate un tiempo para elaborar la lista que define tu misión. Quizás tu enfoque está en tratar bien a los empleados, no explotar a los animales, apoyar a las comunidades locales, etc.

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Focusing on personal mission and values can significantly influence investment decisions. It helps in narrowing down the choices from a vast number of publicly traded companies. By identifying what you really care about, you can align your investments with your values. For instance, if your focus is on treating employees well, not exploiting animals, or supporting local communities, you would invest in companies that uphold these values. This approach not only provides financial returns but also contributes to personal satisfaction and societal well-being.

Warren Buffett's approach to value investing can be applied to support local communities by investing in local businesses that align with your mission and values. This could include businesses that treat their employees well, do not exploit animals, and actively support the local community. By investing in these businesses, you are not only potentially gaining a financial return, but also contributing to the welfare of the community.

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La misión es el primer paso que utilizarás para crear la historia de una empresa en la que estás considerando invertir.

2. Inversión en valor

Charlie Munger estableció los fundamentos de la estrategia de inversión en valor en cuatro principios simples, las cosas que deben aplicarse antes de invertir dinero en una empresa:

  • Debe ser un negocio que seas capaz de entender [/item]
  • Debe tener una ventaja competitiva duradera [/item]
  • Debe tener una gestión con integridad y talento [/item]
  • Puedes comprarlo a un precio que tenga sentido y ofrezca un margen de seguridad [/item]

Antes de analizar cada uno de estos principios en profundidad, necesitamos considerar cómo funciona realmente el mercado.


La Hipótesis del Mercado Eficiente o EMH asume que las personas son actores racionales que compran y venden una acción en función de su valor, y que el precio de una acción, por lo tanto, refleja toda la información disponible en cualquier momento dado. EMH dice que la razón por la que los profesionales rara vez 'ganan al mercado' es porque el precio siempre se ajusta tan pronto como hay nueva información disponible.

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Value investing, a strategy advocated by Warren Buffett, can be applied to achieve financial freedom by focusing on buying stocks that are undervalued. This involves thorough research and analysis to identify such stocks. The idea is to buy these stocks at a price less than their intrinsic value and hold onto them until their market price reflects their true value, thereby making a profit. This strategy requires patience and discipline, as it may take time for the market to recognize the stock's true value. It's also important to diversify your portfolio to spread risk. Remember, the goal is to build a solid investment portfolio that will grow over time and provide a steady income for retirement.

Warren Buffett's approach to value investing challenges the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) in several ways. Firstly, Buffett believes in the concept of 'intrinsic value', which suggests that a stock has an inherent value that may not be reflected in the current market price. This contradicts the EMH, which asserts that a stock's price always reflects all available information. Secondly, Buffett's success in consistently achieving above-average returns also challenges the EMH's assertion that it's impossible to consistently 'beat the market'.

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Y sin embargo, la original Buffett Partnership tuvo rendimientos anuales promedio de más del 30%. Un defensor académico de la EMH afirmó que Buffett simplemente tuvo suerte, como un mono lanzando monedas. En 1984, Warren publicó su respuesta, un artículo en la revista de la Escuela de Negocios de Columbia en el que señaló que si encontrabas un grupo de monos afortunados que todos venían del mismo zoológico en Omaha, ¡estarías bastante seguro de que estás en algo!

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A small business can use Warren Buffett's approach to value investing by focusing on long-term growth rather than short-term profits. This involves investing in businesses that are undervalued but have strong fundamentals and potential for growth. It also means being patient and not being swayed by market fluctuations. Additionally, it's important to understand the business you're investing in, its competitive position, and its future prospects.

The original Buffett Partnership, led by Warren Buffett, is a prime example of successful value investing. It boasted average annual returns of over 30%, a feat that critics attributed to luck. However, Buffett refuted this by arguing that consistent success cannot be merely luck. The broader implications of this case highlight the effectiveness of value investing when executed correctly. It suggests that thorough research, patience, and a keen understanding of the market can yield high returns, debunking the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) that all stocks are appropriately priced based on their inherent investment properties.

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De hecho, dijo Buffett, el mercado está lejos de ser eficiente porque los inversores pueden explotar las brechas entre el precio y el valor. Además, los gestores de fondos a menudo compran y venden basándose en la codicia o el miedo, no en decisiones racionales y totalmente informadas. En 1999, el profesor de economía de Yale, Robert Shiller, publicó el libro Exuberancia Irracional en el que demostró que el mercado se comporta regularmente de manera irracional. Nassim Nicholas Taleb luego intervino con su libro, El Cisne Negro, argumentando que el mercado no es ni aleatorio ni invencible; los supuestamente imposibles eventos del Cisne Negro ocurren con bastante regularidad.

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Yes, there are several companies that have successfully implemented the practices outlined in the book 'Invested'. One of the most notable examples is Berkshire Hathaway, led by Warren Buffett himself. The company's success is largely attributed to Buffett's value investing approach, which is the main focus of 'Invested'. Other examples include companies like Coca-Cola, American Express, and Wells Fargo, which are part of Berkshire Hathaway's portfolio and have also adopted similar investment strategies.

A small business can use the principles of value investing to grow by making rational and fully informed decisions, rather than acting out of greed or fear. They can exploit gaps between price and value, just like Warren Buffett suggests. This could mean investing in undervalued assets or opportunities that have the potential to yield high returns in the long run. It's also important to be prepared for Black Swan events, which are unpredictable but have significant impact. By doing so, a small business can build a strong and resilient portfolio that can help it grow.

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Investigaciones académicas adicionales han demostrado que las personas tienden a tomar decisiones basadas en sesgos y emociones, no en la búsqueda racional de su propio interés. En otras palabras, EMH está equivocado y la inversión en valor realmente funciona.

Cosas que pasan

Ocurren eventos: cosas que son inesperadas, que afectan a la empresa o al mercado en su conjunto, pero que son temporales y rectificables. Gracias a la naturaleza de su industria, los gestores de fondos reaccionan a los Eventos: no pueden esperar meses o incluso años para que una empresa se recupere. La clave de la inversión en valor es que, gracias a tu investigación sobre la empresa y la industria, sabrás cuándo algo es un Evento temporal en lugar de un problema terminal en una empresa mal gestionada.

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Warren Buffett's approach to value investing involves thorough research into the company and the industry. This research helps in understanding the nature of the problem a company is facing. If the problem is due to an unexpected event that affects the company or the whole market but is temporary and rectifiable, it's considered a temporary event. However, if the problem is inherent to the company's operations and is not rectifiable, it's considered a terminal problem. Fund managers often react to temporary events, but value investors like Buffett are patient and can wait for a company to recover from temporary setbacks.

Understanding the difference between a temporary event and a terminal problem in a company is crucial to successful value investing. Temporary events are unexpected occurrences that affect the company or the market but are rectifiable. These events may cause a temporary dip in the company's stock price, providing a good buying opportunity for value investors who understand that the company's fundamentals remain strong. On the other hand, terminal problems are serious issues that can lead to the downfall of a company. Identifying these problems can prevent value investors from investing in companies that are likely to fail in the future.

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Las burbujas y los desplomes ocurren en el mercado, y pueden parecer aleatorios e impredecibles. Sin embargo, hay dos buenas fuentes de información sobre precios de mercado que ayudan al inversor en valor a saber cuándo el mercado está mal valorado.

Shiller P/E

Robert Shiller ganó un Premio Nobel por crear este indicador que muestra cuán sobrevalorado o infravalorado está el mercado. Shiller calcula las ganancias ajustadas cíclica e inflacionariamente del S&P 500 durante los últimos diez años y divide ese número por el precio total de mercado del S&P 500. Durante los últimos 140 años, el promedio de Shiller P/E es 16.4, por lo que cuando el indicador sube mucho por encima (o por debajo) de este nivel, es una señal de que el mercado está mal valorado. Solo ha subido por encima de este nivel tres veces: en 1929 subió a 32, luego el mercado se desplomó un 90%; en 2000 alcanzó 44, luego el mercado cayó un 50%; y a finales de 2017, el Shiller P/E había subido a 31, lo que sugiere que se está preparando para otra caída fuerte.

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A high Shiller P/E ratio indicates that the market is overpriced, which could suggest a potential market correction or downturn in the future. For an investor following Warren Buffett's approach to value investing, this could mean that it's harder to find undervalued companies to invest in. Buffett's strategy involves buying stocks that are undervalued and holding them for a long period of time. Therefore, a high Shiller P/E might imply that there are fewer opportunities to find such stocks. However, it's important to note that market conditions are just one factor to consider in value investing, and Buffett's approach also involves thorough analysis of a company's fundamentals.

The Shiller P/E indicator, developed by Nobel laureate Robert Shiller, can be used to predict market crashes by indicating when the market is over- or under-priced. It calculates the cyclically- and inflation-adjusted earnings of the S&P 500 over the past ten years and divides that number into the total market price of the S&P 500. The average Shiller P/E over the past 140 years is 16.4. When the indicator significantly deviates from this average, it suggests that the market is mispriced. For instance, it rose to 32 in 1929, 44 in 2000, and 31 in late 2017, each time followed by a market crash. Therefore, a high Shiller P/E can be a warning sign of an impending market crash.

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Wilshire GDP

Buffett dice que la mejor medida de dónde se encuentran las valoraciones en cualquier momento dado es la relación entre el mercado en su conjunto y los ingresos nacionales. El Banco de la Reserva Federal de St. Louis calcula una de estas relaciones, conocida coloquialmente como el Wilshire GDP, que toma la capitalización del índice bursátil Wilshire 5000 (es decir, cuánto valen las 5,000 empresas del índice) y la divide por el PIB de los EE. UU. Si la relación está muy por debajo del 100%, entonces el mercado en su conjunto está infravalorado; si está muy por encima del 100%, entonces el mercado está sobrevalorado. El índice superó el 100% en 2000 y nuevamente en 2008, y cada vez el mercado se desplomó posteriormente. A finales de 2017, el Wilshire GDP se situó en un máximo histórico del 155%.

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When the Wilshire GDP ratio is well over 100%, it indicates that the market is overpriced. Historically, when the index has exceeded 100%, it has been followed by a market crash, as seen in 2000 and 2008. Therefore, a high Wilshire GDP ratio could potentially signal an upcoming market downturn.

Specific company names are not mentioned in the content. However, it's known that many successful investors and companies use various economic indicators, like the Wilshire GDP, to guide their investment strategies. The Wilshire GDP, which is the ratio of the Wilshire 5000 stock market index capitalization to the U.S. GDP, is a measure of market valuation. If the ratio is well below 100%, the market as a whole is underpriced; if it's well over 100%, the market is overpriced. This indicator can be used to make informed decisions about when to invest or divest. It's likely that companies following value investing principles, like those advocated by Warren Buffett, would use such indicators.

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Tomados en conjunto, estos dos indicadores indican que se avecina una corrección.

Ser capaz de entender el negocio

Para reiterar, el primer principio de Charlie Munger es invertir tu dinero en un negocio que seas capaz de entender. Nota, esto no es lo mismo que decir que tienes que entenderlo ahora mismo, solo que es algo que eres capaz de entender en el futuro después de poner un poco de trabajo. Eso significa, elige una industria que sea fácil para ti entender: ¿qué te apasiona (como la alimentación saludable, los coches, el snowboarding, etc.); dónde gastas realmente tu dinero (¿qué tiendas y servicios utilizas regularmente); y dónde ganas tu dinero (en qué industria estás involucrado). Donde estas tres cosas se superponen es donde encontrarás las industrias que son más fáciles para ti de entender.

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The theories presented in "Invested" challenge existing paradigms in the field of investing by emphasizing the importance of understanding the business you are investing in. Traditional investing practices often focus on market trends and financial analysis, while the approach advocated in "Invested" is more about understanding the industry and the business itself. This includes understanding what you are passionate about, where you spend your money, and where you make your money. This approach challenges the conventional wisdom of diversification and instead promotes focused investing in industries and businesses that the investor understands and is passionate about.

The book 'Invested' discusses the relevance of its themes to contemporary issues and debates by focusing on the concept of value investing, a strategy popularized by Warren Buffett. It emphasizes the importance of investing in businesses that one understands and is passionate about. This is particularly relevant in today's world where there is a plethora of investment options and information available, making it crucial for individuals to make informed decisions. The book also addresses common concerns such as retirement savings and financial independence, which are key issues in current financial debates.

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También puedes tener una idea de qué empresas empezar a investigar al ver qué están comprando gurús de la inversión como Buffett, Munger y otros. Sin embargo, estos inversores solo hacen públicas sus compras una vez al trimestre, por lo que no puedes simplemente seguir sus inversiones sin hacer tu propia investigación para ver si esto sigue siendo una buena compra para ti. La carta anual de Warren Buffett a los accionistas de Berkshire Hathaway también es una gran fuente de información sobre sus pensamientos e inversiones en valor. También es una buena idea empezar a leer la sección de negocios del Wall Street Journal de manera regular.

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The book 'Invested' provides insights into value investing by teaching readers how to build an investment portfolio following Warren Buffett's approach. It emphasizes the importance of doing your own research on companies, rather than blindly following the investments of gurus like Buffett and Munger. The book also suggests regularly reading the Wall Street Journal's business section and Warren Buffett's annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway's shareholders for valuable information on value investing.

Potential obstacles investors might face when applying the concepts from "Invested" could include lack of understanding of the value investing approach, difficulty in identifying undervalued stocks, and the challenge of patience required for long-term investing. To overcome these, investors could educate themselves more about value investing principles, use various tools and resources to aid in stock analysis, and cultivate patience and discipline to stick to their investment strategy. It's also important to do their own research rather than just following what investment gurus are buying.

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3. El foso y la gestión

El segundo principio de Charlie Munger de inversión en valor es elegir una empresa con una ventaja competitiva intrínseca y duradera. Buffett llama a este concepto el foso: la ventaja competitiva que hace que el castillo/empresa sea casi intocable por los competidores. Esto no es lo mismo que la empresa haciendo un buen trabajo en resolver un problema particular o llenar una necesidad particular; tiene que ser algo que sea intrínseco al negocio, y duradero, tan difícil o costoso de superar que ningún competidor va a intentarlo.

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A company with a durable and intrinsic competitive advantage has a unique aspect that is integral to its business model and is difficult or costly for competitors to replicate. This could be a patented technology, a strong brand, or a dominant market position. This advantage is not just about solving a problem or fulfilling a need, but about doing so in a way that is unique and sustainable. On the other hand, a company that is simply good at solving a problem or need may not have such a unique or hard-to-replicate advantage, making it more vulnerable to competition.

Warren Buffett's concept of 'the moat' refers to a company's durable and intrinsic competitive advantage that protects it from competitors, much like a moat protects a castle. This competitive advantage could be a unique product, a strong brand, cost advantages, or access to scarce resources. It's not just about solving a problem or filling a need, but something that is inherent to the business and difficult or expensive for competitors to replicate. This 'moat' contributes to the company's long-term success and profitability.

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Tipos de foso

Hay varios tipos de foso. Un foso de marca es algo como Coke o Kleenex, donde la gente piensa en términos del nombre de la marca en lugar del producto. Un foso de cambio es uno donde es muy complicado o costoso para un cliente cambiar, como cambiar de Apple a Microsoft para todos tus sistemas operativos; de manera similar, un foso de red es algo como Facebook, donde el acto de cambiar no es difícil pero si lo haces, pierdes acceso a toda una red.

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Small businesses can leverage the concept of a brand moat by focusing on building a strong, recognizable brand that customers associate with quality, reliability, or other positive attributes. This can be achieved through consistent branding, high-quality products or services, and excellent customer service. A network moat can be built by creating a product or service that becomes more valuable as more people use it. This can be achieved through referral programs, building a community around the product or service, or integrating with other popular platforms or services.

In investing, moats refer to a business' ability to maintain competitive advantages over its competitors in order to protect its long-term profits and market share from competing firms. There are several types of moats. A brand moat is when a company's brand name is so strong that it becomes synonymous with the product itself, like Coke or Kleenex. This can increase a company's value as it often leads to loyal customers and stable revenues. A switching moat is when it is difficult or expensive for customers to switch to a competitor's product, like switching from Apple to Microsoft for operating systems. This can also increase a company's value as it secures a steady customer base. A network moat is when a company's value increases with more users, like Facebook, where switching is not difficult but users lose access to the network. This can greatly increase a company's value as it can lead to rapid growth and high user engagement.

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Un peaje es cuando una empresa tiene un monopolio cercano o real en su industria, este puede ser un foso creado por la regulación gubernamental o por la ubicación geográfica. Los secretos propietarios, como las patentes u otra propiedad intelectual, son un foso efectivo. Y finalmente, el precio puede ser un foso, cuando una empresa es el proveedor de bajo costo porque puede hacer su producto o servicio más barato que cualquier otro.

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Being the low-cost provider in an industry can contribute to a company's competitive advantage in several ways. Firstly, it allows the company to offer its products or services at a lower price than its competitors, which can attract more customers and increase market share. Secondly, it can also increase the company's profit margins as it spends less to produce its goods or services. Lastly, being a low-cost provider can act as a barrier to entry for other companies, as they may not be able to compete on price.

Proprietary secrets, such as patents, serve as an effective moat for a company by providing it with exclusive rights to produce, use, and sell a particular invention or process. This exclusivity prevents competitors from copying or using the patented technology, thus creating a barrier to entry. It gives the company a competitive advantage, allowing it to potentially charge higher prices and earn higher profits. Furthermore, patents can also enhance a company's reputation and credibility in the market, attracting more customers and investors.

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El foso de Coca-Cola

Tomemos el caso de Coca-Cola: ya no tiene realmente un foso de secretos, solo una historia de origen muy fuerte que perpetúa la idea de una receta secreta; no tiene un foso de cambio ni ningún tipo de peaje; y ciertamente no es el productor más barato. Lo que sí tiene, sin embargo, es un foso de marca muy fuerte. Ese foso de marca puede no ser duradero, dado que los refrescos azucarados están perdiendo popularidad en los EE. UU. y Europa; sin embargo, una pequeña investigación revela que Coca-Cola está ocupada comprando marcas asociadas con la salud y la nutrición, como Honest Tea y Odwalla. Eso sugiere una empresa que se está preparando para el futuro, lo que puede explicar por qué Buffett posee acciones de Coca-Cola.

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Warren Buffett's investment in Coca-Cola reflects his approach to value investing in several ways. Firstly, Coca-Cola has a strong brand moat, which is a key characteristic Buffett looks for in his investments. A strong brand moat means the company has a unique advantage that sets it apart from competitors, making it difficult for others to replicate their success. Secondly, Coca-Cola's move to acquire brands associated with health and nutrition shows that the company is forward-thinking and preparing for future trends, another quality Buffett values in his investments. Lastly, despite the changing consumer preferences, Coca-Cola's strong origin story and brand recognition continue to make it a valuable investment.

Some examples of health and nutrition brands that Coca-Cola has acquired include Honest Tea and Odwalla.

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Foso por números

La historia de Coca-Cola da una idea de cómo es su foso, pero la mejor manera de realmente juzgar el foso de una empresa es mirando algunos números clave en sus estados financieros. Todas las empresas públicas tienen que presentar estos estados de acuerdo con un conjunto de principios contables (aunque puede haber alguna variación en la terminología precisa utilizada).

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The principles of value investing, as explained in the book 'Invested', can be applied to traditional sectors like manufacturing or retail by focusing on companies with a strong 'moat'. A moat refers to a business's ability to maintain competitive advantages over its competitors in order to protect its long-term profits and market share from competing firms. Look for companies with strong brand recognition, proprietary technology, or high customer switching costs. Additionally, value investors should look at key financial statements to judge a company's financial health. This includes looking at the company's debt levels, cash flow, and profit margins.

An investor might face several challenges when trying to understand a company's 'moat' from its financial statements. Firstly, financial statements may not provide a complete picture of a company's competitive advantage or 'moat'. They primarily focus on financial performance and position, not strategic factors like brand strength, customer loyalty, or intellectual property. Secondly, financial statements are historical and may not reflect future potential or threats. Thirdly, they may be subject to creative accounting practices, making it difficult to assess the true economic moat. Lastly, understanding a company's 'moat' requires industry knowledge and comparative analysis, which may not be evident from the financial statements alone.

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El Estado de Resultados muestra los ingresos de la empresa (cuánto está ganando) y los gastos; los ingresos menos los gastos dan el beneficio de la empresa. El Balance muestra lo que la empresa posee (activos), lo que debe (pasivos), y lo que queda. El Estado de Flujo de Efectivo muestra en qué se ha gastado el efectivo, en qué aspectos del negocio, y cuánto hay realmente en la cuenta bancaria.

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Warren Buffett's approach to value investing remains highly relevant in the contemporary financial landscape. His strategy focuses on investing in companies that are undervalued but have strong fundamentals, such as solid earnings, strong balance sheets, and good cash flow. This approach is designed to minimize risk and generate steady, long-term returns, which is particularly important in today's volatile and uncertain market conditions. Furthermore, Buffett's emphasis on understanding a company's business, rather than just its stock price, encourages investors to make more informed and rational investment decisions.

A startup can utilize the principles of the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement to ensure growth by using these financial statements as tools for strategic planning and decision making. The Income Statement can be used to analyze revenue streams and control expenses to maximize profit. The Balance Sheet can help in managing assets and liabilities effectively, ensuring the company's financial health. The Cash Flow Statement provides insights into the company's liquidity and can guide decisions related to investments, budgeting, and cash management. Regular review and analysis of these statements can help identify trends, potential issues, and opportunities for growth.

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Hay cuatro números clave en estos estados que predicen aproximadamente cuán fuerte y duradero podría ser el foso de la empresa:

  • Ingresos Netos: También llamado Beneficio Neto o Ahorros Netos, esto está en el Estado de Resultados. Muestra el beneficio de la empresa después de que se han deducido todos los costos. [/item]
  • Valor en libros + Dividendos: El Valor en libros (también llamado Patrimonio) está en el Balance y los Dividendos (si los hay) están en el Estado de Flujo de Efectivo. Sumados, estos dos números muestran el valor del negocio si se cerrara, después de que se hayan vendido todos sus activos y antes de que se hayan pagado los dividendos. [/item]
  • Ventas: Encontrado en el Estado de Resultados, este número muestra la cantidad que la empresa gana de la venta, es decir, sus ingresos. [/item]
  • Efectivo Operativo: Parte del Estado de Flujo de Efectivo, esto muestra el efectivo real que la empresa recibe de sus operaciones comerciales. [/item]

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The combination of Book Value and Dividends can provide a snapshot of a company's value. The Book Value, also known as Equity, represents the net assets of a company, i.e., its total assets minus its total liabilities. It essentially shows what the company would be worth if it were to be liquidated and all its assets sold off. Dividends, on the other hand, are a portion of a company's earnings that are distributed to shareholders. They represent a return on investment for the shareholders. Therefore, the combination of Book Value and Dividends can reflect the intrinsic value of a business, showing both its net worth and its ability to generate returns for its shareholders.

Net Income is a key indicator of a company's financial health. It represents the company's profit after all costs, including operating expenses, taxes, and cost of goods sold, have been deducted from its revenues. A positive net income indicates that the company is profitable, which can attract investors and increase the company's stock price. Conversely, a negative net income may signal financial distress, which could lead to bankruptcy if not addressed. Therefore, monitoring net income can help stakeholders make informed decisions about investing in, lending to, or working for the company.

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Para un foso fuerte y duradero, cada uno de estos cuatro números debería estar creciendo al 10% o más cada año. Las subidas y bajadas periódicas no son un problema, siempre y cuando la tendencia a lo largo del tiempo sea de crecimiento constante. Cuando hay un año de bajada en cualquiera de los cuatro números, comprueba cuál fue la razón y cuán rápido la empresa volvió a encarrilarse.

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Yes, there are numerous examples of companies that have quickly recovered from a down year in their growth trend. For instance, Apple Inc. had a significant downturn in 2016, but quickly recovered in 2017 with the release of new products. Similarly, Microsoft had a down year in 2015 but bounced back in 2016 due to its successful transition to cloud-based services. It's important to note that recovery often depends on the company's ability to innovate and adapt to market changes.

Investors might face several obstacles when applying the 'moat' concept. One of the main challenges is identifying a true economic moat and differentiating it from a temporary competitive advantage. This requires deep understanding and analysis of the company and its industry. Another challenge is that even companies with strong moats can face disruption from technological changes or shifts in consumer behavior. To overcome these obstacles, investors should conduct thorough research, stay updated with industry trends, and diversify their portfolio to mitigate risks.

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Encuentra la tasa de viento

Esos cuatro números clave muestran cómo le fue a la empresa en el pasado; el siguiente paso es averiguar cuál crees tú, el inversor, que es una buena tasa de crecimiento general para la empresa en el futuro. Esto es una decisión basada en tu propia investigación, similar a tener en cuenta el 'viento' al disparar un arma.

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La mayoría de los estados financieros tienen de tres a cinco años de datos en ellos; si encuentras el 10-K más reciente (el informe financiero anual de la empresa, disponible en el sitio web de la empresa) y el de hace cinco años, puedes calcular las tasas de crecimiento promedio para los cuatro números clave durante, digamos, períodos de tres, cinco y diez años. Combinado con las predicciones de los analistas de cómo se espera que crezca la empresa en el futuro y tu mejor suposición, ahora puedes llegar a una tasa de crecimiento general para la empresa.

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The resource 'Invested' has influenced corporate strategies and business models by promoting the approach of value investing, popularized by Warren Buffett. This approach encourages businesses to focus on long-term gains and invest in companies that are undervalued but have strong fundamentals. It has led many corporations to reevaluate their investment strategies and shift towards value investing. This has also influenced business models, with companies placing more emphasis on sustainable growth and long-term value creation.

The theme of value investing is highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates in the financial world. Value investing, a strategy of buying stocks that are undervalued in the market, is a timeless approach that has been proven successful by investors like Warren Buffett. It's a strategy that encourages long-term investment based on fundamental analysis, which is always relevant in any financial discussion. In the current financial climate, with market volatility and economic uncertainty, the principles of value investing can provide a stable and rational approach to investing. However, it's also subject to debates, especially with the rise of new investment strategies and financial technologies.

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Investiga la gestión

El tercer principio de inversión de Charlie Munger es encontrar una empresa cuya gestión tenga integridad y talento. Para la mayoría de nosotros, esto es algo que tenemos que deducir a través de fuentes secundarias. Busca artículos sobre la biografía y el estilo de gestión del CEO y la historia del fundador de la empresa. Busca también información sobre el consejo de administración y cómo pueden haber manejado los problemas; y ve si los fundadores de la empresa o los ejecutivos tienen grandes participaciones de propiedad, es decir, están literalmente invertidos en el futuro a largo plazo de la empresa. Analiza las cartas públicas a los accionistas y cualquier otra declaración pública. ¿Son directas o parecen ocultar cuidadosamente cualquier información real?

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The principles outlined in "Invested" can be applied to today's business environment by focusing on value investing, a strategy used by Warren Buffett. This involves finding a company whose management has integrity and talent. You can do this by researching the CEO's biography and management style, the story of the company founder, and the board of directors. Look for information about how they have handled problems and if company founders or executives have large ownership stakes, indicating they are invested in the company's long-term future. It's also important to analyze public letters to shareholders and other public statements to see if they are straightforward or seem to conceal information.

Some examples of companies that have successfully implemented Charlie Munger's third investing principle, which is to find a company whose management has integrity and talent, include Berkshire Hathaway, Amazon, and Apple. These companies have demonstrated a strong commitment to integrity and talent in their management teams, and their success can be attributed in part to these principles.

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Además de estas fuentes secundarias, hay tres números clave que dan una idea de la calidad de la gestión de la empresa.

Retorno sobre el patrimonio

Esto se calcula a partir de los datos en los estados financieros: Ingresos Netos (del Estado de Resultados) divididos por el Patrimonio (del Balance). El ROE muestra cuántos dólares de beneficio genera una empresa con cada dólar de patrimonio de los accionistas. Sin embargo, el ROE puede ser inflado artificialmente si la empresa toma prestado mucho dinero; por lo tanto, tiene que ser mirado junto con los otros dos números clave de gestión.

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The concept of Return on Equity (ROE) challenges existing paradigms in finance and investment by providing a measure of a company's profitability in relation to shareholder equity. Traditional financial analysis often focuses on raw profit numbers or earnings per share. However, ROE provides a more nuanced view by considering the efficiency with which a company uses its equity. This can challenge the practice of simply looking at gross profits or revenue, and instead encourages investors to consider how effectively a company is using its resources. However, it's important to note that ROE can be manipulated through high levels of debt, which is why it should be considered alongside other financial metrics.

The lessons from "Invested" can be applied in today's business environment by adopting Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. This involves analyzing a company's financial statements to understand its true value, and investing in companies that are undervalued. It's important to look at key management numbers such as Net Income and Equity, and understand how these figures can be influenced by factors such as borrowing. By doing so, you can build an investment portfolio that will provide you with a steady income, allowing you to work less and travel more.

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Retorno sobre el capital invertido

Esto es de nuevo el Ingreso Neto, pero esta vez dividido por el Patrimonio más la Deuda. Como inversor en valor, busca una empresa con un ROE y un ROIC del 15% o mejor cada año durante la última década. Menos de diez años y no hay suficiente historia para mostrar que la empresa es duradera a largo plazo.

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Finalmente, mira el nivel de deuda de la empresa; una forma rápida de determinar esto es comparar el ROE y el ROIC; si los dos números son iguales, la empresa no tiene deuda. Si la empresa tiene deuda a largo plazo, debería ser capaz de pagarla con un máximo de dos años de ganancias.

Con toda esta información, estás listo para el siguiente paso: empezar a construir una lista de deseos de empresas.

Construyendo una lista de deseos

La única manera de construir la lista de deseos de las empresas en las que estás interesado, es empezar a sumergirte en los informes anuales corporativos. Pueden ser una lectura aburrida, pero es la única manera de empezar a tener una sensación profunda de su estado financiero y de lo que les hace funcionar. Es probable que puedas decir en unos pocos minutos de lectura si eres capaz de entender esta empresa - si es demasiado difícil o simplemente demasiado aburrida, deséchala en tu pila de rechazos.

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The themes in the book 'Invested' are highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates in finance and investing. The book emphasizes the importance of value investing, a strategy endorsed by Warren Buffett, which involves buying stocks deemed to be undervalued by some form of fundamental analysis. In today's volatile market, this approach is more relevant than ever. Furthermore, the book encourages readers to dive deep into corporate annual reports to understand a company's financial status, which is a crucial skill in today's data-driven investment landscape.

The theories presented in "Invested" challenge existing paradigms or practices in the field of investing by advocating for a more hands-on, personal approach. Instead of relying on financial advisors or complex investment algorithms, the book encourages individuals to take control of their own investments. It promotes the idea of value investing, a strategy used by Warren Buffett, which involves buying stocks that are undervalued by the market. This approach requires a deep understanding of the company, which is achieved by reading and analyzing their annual reports. This is a departure from the more passive investment strategies commonly used.

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Las empresas que tienen potencial pero simplemente no parecen emocionantes puedes ponerlas en tu pila de 'observación' - vuelve a ellas más tarde después de que seas más hábil como inversor en valor. Muy pocas empresas llegarán a tu lista de deseos, pero eso está bien. Recuerda: estás buscando un puñado de empresas que seas capaz de entender; que tengan fosos duraderos; y que tengan una gestión con integridad y talento.

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Management integrity and talent are crucial in value investing because they directly influence the performance and future prospects of a company. A management team with integrity ensures ethical business practices, which builds trust with investors and stakeholders. This can lead to a sustainable competitive advantage, or a 'durable moat', as Warren Buffett calls it. Talented management, on the other hand, can effectively utilize resources, drive innovation, and make strategic decisions that enhance the company's value. Therefore, investing in companies with such management teams can yield significant returns in the long run.

In the context of value investing, a "durable moat" refers to a company's sustainable competitive advantage over its competitors. This term is often used by Warren Buffett, who looks for companies with wide, durable moats when investing. These moats can be in the form of brand recognition, patents, cost advantages, or efficient scale. A durable moat helps protect a company's profits and market share from competitors, thus making it a potentially good investment.

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Ahora, es hora de abordar el último principio de inversión en valor de Charlie Munger: encontrar el precio correcto.

4. Tres formas de calcular el precio

La versión corta del cuarto principio de Charlie es: averigua un precio razonable para las acciones de esta empresa, luego espera hasta que el precio caiga por debajo de ese nivel. Este es el punto en el que los inversores principiantes pueden empezar a entrar en pánico, pensando, "¡Pero esto implica matemáticas! ¡No puedo hacer matemáticas!" Sí, aquí se involucran números pero hay poco "matemáticas" reales, es más bien un caso de pensamiento lógico.

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First-time investors can overcome their fear of dealing with numbers and logical thinking in value investing by starting with the basics. Understanding the fundamental concepts of investing and financial metrics is crucial. They can take online courses, read books, or seek advice from financial advisors. Practicing with virtual trading platforms can also help to build confidence. Remember, it's not about complex mathematical equations, but about logical thinking and making informed decisions based on the available data.

Some strategies to determine a reasonable price for a company's shares, as suggested in the book 'Invested', include understanding the company's financial health, its future growth prospects, and the overall market conditions. It's also important to consider the company's earnings, its price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, and its intrinsic value. The book emphasizes the importance of waiting until the share price falls below the calculated reasonable price before investing.

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En su carta de 2014 a sus accionistas, Buffett expuso la forma más sencilla de poner un precio a un negocio: piensa en ello como una compra de bienes raíces. Sabes cuánto cuesta el condominio, cómo es el vecindario, y cuáles serán los gastos de mantenimiento y las cuotas anuales; y sabes cuánta hipoteca puedes permitirte. Con esos números, puedes averiguar si este condominio en particular es el que deberías comprar. Ponerle precio a una empresa no es más complicado, una vez que sabes dónde encontrar los números y qué hacer con ellos.

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Potential obstacles companies might face when applying the concepts from "Invested" could include a lack of understanding of value investing principles, difficulty in finding accurate and relevant financial information, and resistance to change from traditional investment strategies. To overcome these obstacles, companies could invest in education and training to ensure all relevant staff understand the principles of value investing. They could also use reliable sources for financial information and employ financial analysts to interpret this data. Lastly, companies could gradually implement value investing strategies, allowing time for staff to adapt to new ways of working.

A small business can use the key topics covered in the book 'Invested' to grow by applying Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. This involves understanding the value of the business, similar to how one would assess the value of a real estate property. By knowing the worth of the business, its potential for growth, and the costs associated with running it, a small business owner can make informed decisions about investments and growth strategies. This approach can help in building a robust investment portfolio, which is crucial for the financial stability and growth of the business.

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Phil Town utiliza tres formas diferentes para poner precio y valorar las empresas. Al usar las tres, puedes entender mejor la empresa y estar seguro de que has determinado un buen precio a pagar.

Precio de diez cap

El precio de diez cap se basa en los ingresos del propietario; cap es la abreviatura de capitalización. En su carta de 2014, Buffett describe el uso de este método para pagar una granja en Nebraska y un edificio en la ciudad de Nueva York. Una tasa de cap es la tasa de retorno que el propietario de la propiedad obtiene cada año sobre el precio de compra de la propiedad. Si compras una granja por $500,000 y al final del año tienes $50,000 en tu bolsillo, entonces tu tasa de cap fue del 10% - un diez cap. Buffett y Munger requieren un diez cap en sus inversiones.

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The ten cap price is a method used in value investing, often associated with Warren Buffett. It's based on owner earnings and is short for capitalization. In real-world scenarios like buying a farm or a building, the ten cap price is the rate of return the property owner gets each year on the purchase price of the property. For instance, if you buy a farm for $500,000 and at the end of the year you have $50,000 in your pocket, then your cap rate was 10% – a ten cap. This is a requirement for investments made by Buffett and his partner, Charlie Munger.

The concept of capitalization rate, or cap rate, is integral to Warren Buffett's investment approach. It is the rate of return on the purchase price of a property, calculated annually. For instance, if a property is bought for $500,000 and yields $50,000 at the end of the year, the cap rate is 10%. This is also known as a ten cap. Buffett and his partner, Munger, require a ten cap on their investments, meaning they expect a 10% return on their investments annually. This strategy ensures a steady and significant return, contributing to the success of their investment approach.

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La fórmula es simple: ingresos del propietario multiplicados por diez. En su carta de 1986 a los accionistas, Buffett es característicamente franco, llamando a los ingresos del propietario, "el ítem relevante para propósitos de valoración—tanto para los inversores en la compra de acciones como para los gerentes en la compra de negocios enteros." Buffett señala en su carta de 2014 que mientras que las operaciones inmobiliarias con un diez cap son bastante raras, son mucho más comunes en el mercado de valores, donde los comerciantes reaccionan a emociones a corto plazo como el miedo y la avaricia y bajan los precios.

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The stock market's reaction to short-term emotions like fear and greed can significantly affect the application of the 'owner earnings times ten' formula. When traders react to these emotions, they can drive prices down, making stocks more affordable. This can present opportunities for value investors to buy stocks at a lower price, potentially leading to higher returns when the market stabilizes. However, it's important to note that this approach requires careful analysis and understanding of a company's true value, as well as patience to wait for the market to correct itself.

Potential obstacles investors might face when applying the principles of value investing include market volatility, emotional decision-making, and lack of patience. Market volatility can lead to short-term losses, which can be discouraging. However, value investing is a long-term strategy, and temporary market fluctuations should not deter an investor. Emotional decision-making can lead to buying high and selling low, which is contrary to the principles of value investing. Investors should make decisions based on thorough analysis rather than emotions. Lack of patience can lead to premature selling. It's important to remember that value investing often requires a longer time horizon for the investment to realize its full potential.

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Los ingresos del propietario no son una línea en los estados financieros estándar, pero es fácil de calcular a partir de esos estados. La fórmula de Buffett es muy simple:

Ingresos del propietario = ingresos netos + depreciación/amortización – gasto de capital anual promedio

Para calcular los ingresos del propietario, suma seis números (aunque algunos pueden ser negativos, súmalos; es una cosa de contabilidad). Los ingresos netos suelen ser la primera línea en el Estado de Flujo de Efectivo. Justo debajo está la entrada para la depreciación y amortización (un gasto no en efectivo que tiene en cuenta la disminución del valor de ciertos activos). Todavía en la misma parte del Estado de Flujo de Efectivo habrá líneas que citan el cambio neto en las cuentas por cobrar y las cuentas por pagar del año anterior - añade esos dos números al cálculo también. A continuación, añade el impuesto sobre la renta pagado, que se puede encontrar en el Estado de Resultados. Finalmente, añade los gastos de capital de mantenimiento - este número (que será uno negativo) puede no estar listado por separado de los gastos de capital totales, por lo que tendrás que estimar el costo de mantenimiento anual promedio, basado en lo que sabes sobre el negocio. Suma estos seis números y multiplica por diez; ahora tienes el precio de diez cap de la empresa.

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The ten cap price is a valuation metric used in Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. It is calculated by adding together six numbers related to a company's financials: net income, depreciation and amortization, net change in accounts receivable, net change in accounts payable, income tax paid, and maintenance capital expenditures. This sum is then multiplied by ten to get the ten cap price. This price can give an indication of the company's financial health. If the ten cap price is lower than the company's market cap, it could suggest that the company is undervalued, which may indicate a good investment opportunity. Conversely, if the ten cap price is higher than the market cap, it could suggest that the company is overvalued, which may indicate a risky investment.

Maintenance capital expenditures play a crucial role in the calculation of owner earnings. They represent the average annual cost required to maintain the current operating level of a business. This number, which is usually a negative one, may not be listed separately from total capital expenditures, so it's often estimated based on what is known about the business. When calculating owner earnings, maintenance capital expenditures are added to other factors such as net income, depreciation and amortization, net change in accounts receivable and payable, and income tax paid.

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Sin embargo, esta es una imagen estática de la empresa; no tiene en cuenta el crecimiento.

Precio de tiempo de recuperación

Este cálculo se basa en el flujo de efectivo libre de la empresa y sí tiene en cuenta el crecimiento. Calcula cuántos años tardará en recuperar todo el precio de compra: flujo de efectivo libre, crecido por la 'tasa de crecimiento del viento' compuesta durante ocho años. Para calcular el flujo de efectivo libre, vaya al Estado de Flujo de Efectivo y sume las líneas llamadas 'efectivo neto proporcionado por las actividades operativas', 'compra de propiedad y equipo' (de nuevo, un número negativo pero lo suma), y cualquier 'otros gastos de capital para mantenimiento y crecimiento' (también un número negativo).

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Invested" provides several actionable takeaways for aspiring investors. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of understanding the value of a company before investing. This involves analyzing the company's free cash flow and growth rate. Secondly, it encourages investors to follow Warren Buffett's approach to value investing, which involves buying stocks at a price less than their intrinsic value. Lastly, it suggests that investors should be patient and focus on long-term gains rather than short-term profits.

The lessons from the book 'Invested' can be applied in today's investment environment by following Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. This involves building an investment portfolio that focuses on companies with strong free cash flow and potential for growth. It's about understanding the company's financials, particularly the Cash Flow Statement, and calculating the 'windage growth rate'. This approach allows you to estimate how many years it will take to get your whole purchase price back. It's a method that requires patience and discipline, but can lead to financial security and the possibility of early retirement.

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Recuerde, usted llegó a la tasa de crecimiento del viento cuando estaba investigando el foso y las perspectivas financieras de la empresa. Ahora, compone ese flujo de efectivo libre cada año por su tasa de crecimiento del viento, durante un período de ocho años. Por ejemplo, digamos que tiene un puesto de limonada con un flujo de efectivo libre de $1,500 y ha decidido que su tasa de crecimiento del viento es del 16%. Multiplique $1,500 por el 16% y obtendrá $240; ahora lleve la cálculo hacia adelante, acumulativamente durante ocho años. El resultado es un precio de tiempo de recuperación para el puesto de limonada de $24,778: si paga esa cantidad por la empresa hoy, en ocho años habrá recuperado todo el precio de compra.

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The ideas from the book "Invested" can be implemented in real-world scenarios by following the approach of value investing as suggested by Warren Buffett. This involves researching a company's financial outlook and determining its 'windage growth rate'. This rate is then used to calculate the future free cash flow of the company. For instance, if you have a business with a free cash flow of $1,500 and a windage growth rate of 16%, you can calculate the future value of the business. This approach helps in making informed investment decisions and building a profitable investment portfolio.

The concept of payback time price is highly relevant in today's business environment. It is a valuation method used to determine the worth of a business or investment. It calculates the time it will take for an investment to generate enough cash flows to recover the initial investment cost. This concept is particularly useful in assessing the financial viability of a business or investment, helping investors make informed decisions. It's especially relevant in today's volatile business environment where investors seek to minimize risk and ensure their investments are sound.

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>Gráfico de tiempo de recuperación del puesto de limonada de la página 205<

Valoración del margen de seguridad

Esto se basa en las ganancias y es cómo calcula el valor de la empresa. Solo debe comprar cuando el precio le brinde un margen de seguridad; el método de precios de diez tapas requiere un alto rendimiento, por lo que requiere un precio de compra bajo (un buen margen de seguridad grande), mientras que el método de precios de tiempo de recuperación le devuelve su dinero en ocho años. Finalmente, tiene que calcular un método de valoración que tenga un margen de seguridad incorporado. Esta es una variación de lo que los contadores llaman Análisis de Flujo de Efectivo Descontado.

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Investors might face several obstacles when applying the concepts from "Invested". One of the main challenges could be understanding and correctly applying the valuation methods, such as the ten cap pricing method and the payback time pricing method. These methods require a deep understanding of financial analysis and the ability to accurately calculate the value of a company. To overcome this, investors could educate themselves further on these methods, possibly through additional resources or financial courses. Another potential obstacle could be the patience required to wait for the right buying opportunity that offers a margin of safety. Overcoming this requires discipline and a long-term investment mindset.

The investment theories presented in the book 'Invested' challenge existing paradigms by advocating for a value investing approach, inspired by Warren Buffett. This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding the value of a company based on its earnings and buying at a price that provides a margin of safety. This is a deviation from more traditional methods that may focus more on market trends and less on intrinsic company value. The book also introduces the ten cap pricing method and the payback time pricing method, both of which require a low buying price and aim to ensure a high return or payback within eight years, respectively.

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Primero, averigüe qué tasa de rendimiento necesita obtener en su dinero cada año, para que valga la pena el riesgo de la inversión. Una buena regla general es que la tasa de rendimiento mínima aceptable para las acciones es del 15%.

Decida cuál debería ser razonablemente el precio de la empresa en diez años: tome las ganancias por acción (del Estado de Resultados) y multiplíquelo por (1 + su tasa de viento), y haga esto diez veces. El resultado son sus ganancias futuras por acción en diez años.

A continuación, tome su número de crecimiento del viento y duplíquelo; compare el resultado con la relación precio/ganancias históricamente más alta de la empresa (que puede encontrar fácilmente en línea). Elija el número más bajo de estos dos y multiplique sus ganancias futuras por acción en diez años por este número. Ahora sabe cuál debería ser el precio futuro de una acción, dentro de diez años.

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The lessons from 'Invested' can be applied in today's volatile financial market by following Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. This involves careful analysis of a company's fundamentals, including its earnings growth and price/earnings ratio. By understanding these factors, you can make informed decisions about when to buy or sell stocks, even in a volatile market. It's also important to have a long-term investment strategy and not be swayed by short-term market fluctuations.

The real-world potential of the investment strategies discussed in the book 'Invested' is significant. The book outlines Warren Buffett's approach to value investing, which has proven to be successful over many decades. By following this approach, investors can build a portfolio that will grow over time, providing a solid financial foundation. This strategy involves careful analysis of companies, including their growth potential and price/earnings ratio, to determine their future value. However, like all investment strategies, it requires patience, discipline, and a willingness to learn.

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Ahora, trabaje hacia atrás para averiguar cuál debería ser el precio hoy, asumiendo una tasa de rendimiento del 15% cada año. Tome su precio futuro de acciones en diez años y divídalo por 4; el resultado es el precio razonable de hoy para esa empresa. Finalmente, tome ese precio de etiqueta y córtelo por la mitad: ese es su margen de seguridad.

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Warren Buffett's investment strategy involves determining the reasonable price for a company by working backwards. First, you need to estimate the future ten-year share price of the company. This is done by projecting the company's earnings and growth over the next ten years. Once you have the future share price, divide it by 4 to get today's reasonable price for the company. This is based on the assumption of a 15% rate of return every year. Finally, take that sticker price and cut it in half. This gives you your margin of safety, which is a buffer to protect against any unforeseen negative events or miscalculations.

The concept of margin of safety in value investing is a principle that involves buying securities at prices significantly below their intrinsic value, which is determined through fundamental analysis. This difference between the intrinsic value and the purchase price is the 'margin of safety'. It provides a cushion against errors in estimation or unforeseen market developments. In the context of the content provided, the margin of safety is calculated by taking the reasonable price for a company's share and cutting it in half. This ensures a safety net in case the actual returns are lower than the expected 15% rate of return.

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>tabla de cálculo del margen de seguridad del puesto de limonada de la página 217<

Después de ejecutar estos tres modelos de precios, puede terminar con tres resultados muy diferentes. En este punto, toma una decisión sobre lo que cree que es un precio razonable a pagar, basado en todo lo que ahora sabe sobre la empresa.

5. Escriba - e invierta - la historia

La etapa final en la preparación para dar el salto a la inversión es contar la historia de por qué debería comprar esta empresa, y luego invertirla y contar la historia de por qué no debería. Vuelva sobre todo el trabajo que ha hecho hasta este punto y escriba su historia de inversión.

¿Entiende esta empresa y cumple con sus criterios de misión para invertir? ¿Tiene un foso intrínseco, duradero y sólido y están creciendo sus cuatro grandes números? ¿Cuál es su opinión sobre el equipo de gestión? Y, ¿cuál es un buen precio para comprar?

A continuación, enumere tres grandes razones para comprar esta empresa. Ahora, describa el Evento (cualquiera que sea) que ha llevado a que esta empresa esté en venta. ¿Está seguro de que la empresa puede recuperarse del Evento en tres años o menos?

Ahora, invierta la historia. Encuentre tres buenas razones para no comprar esta empresa y vea si puede refutar cada razón para no poseer. Si no puede, o está indeciso, entonces esta empresa se quita de su lista de deseos. Eso puede parecer duro después de pasar todo este tiempo construyendo su perfil de empresa y ejecutando todos esos números, pero la intención aquí es evitar un error costoso. Es probable que pueda utilizar gran parte de su investigación de antecedentes en otra empresa de la misma industria; ninguna investigación de inversión es nunca una pérdida de tiempo.

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Yes, there are many investors who have successfully implemented the practices outlined in the book 'Invested'. The most notable example is the author himself, Warren Buffett, who is considered one of the most successful investors in the world. His approach to value investing, as outlined in the book, has been adopted by many other investors around the world. However, specific names or case studies are not mentioned in the book.

Investors might face several obstacles when applying the concepts from the book "Invested". One of the main challenges could be the difficulty in finding companies that meet the criteria for value investing. This requires extensive research and understanding of the company's financials, which can be time-consuming and complex. Another obstacle could be emotional bias, which might lead to making investment decisions based on emotions rather than rational analysis. To overcome these obstacles, investors should dedicate sufficient time for research and analysis, seek professional advice if needed, and practice emotional discipline to avoid making impulsive investment decisions.

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Sin embargo, si después de todo esto todavía le gusta mucho esta empresa, entonces va a su lista de deseos. Ahora, solo espera a que el precio sea el correcto.

Configuración de una cuenta de corretaje

Mientras espera el momento adecuado para comprar en una de sus pocas empresas de la lista de deseos, configure una cuenta de corretaje en una de las empresas en línea como TD Ameritrade o Schwab. Esto no es más complicado que decidir dónde abrir una cuenta bancaria.

Cuando esté listo para hacer una compra, vaya a su cuenta, escriba el símbolo de la empresa que desea comprar y especifique cuántas acciones. Es probable que el corredor solicite confirmación de que se trata de una orden limitada, lo que significa que el vendedor se la venderá al precio que especifique, o menos. El gurú de los inversores, Mohnish Pabrai, ha dicho que nunca pone una orden de compra cuando el mercado está realmente abierto, porque no quiere estar enfocado en las fluctuaciones de precios del día.

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The investment strategies in the book 'Invested' can be used by a small business to grow by applying the principles of value investing. This involves identifying undervalued assets and investing in them. A small business can apply this by investing in undervalued resources or opportunities that have the potential to yield high returns in the future. Additionally, the book emphasizes the importance of not being swayed by market fluctuations, which can be applied in business by not making impulsive decisions based on temporary market conditions.

The real-world implications of the investment strategies discussed in the book "Invested" could be significant. By following Warren Buffett's approach to value investing, individuals may be able to build a robust investment portfolio. This could potentially lead to financial stability and even early retirement. However, it's important to note that investing always comes with risks, and the strategies discussed in the book may not be suitable for everyone. It's recommended to thoroughly research and consider one's financial situation and risk tolerance before making investment decisions.

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Cuando decida comprar, recuerde que ha elegido su precio de compra basado en una investigación sólida; casi con seguridad no podrá predecir el fondo del precio de la acción; y, está en esta inversión a largo plazo.

6. Su cartera antifrágil

La clave para construir una cartera que resistirá las fluctuaciones regulares del mercado y los Eventos únicos, una cartera antifrágil, para usar la terminología de Nassim Nicholas Taleb, es la paciencia. Piense en usted mismo como un cazador acechando a su presa, esperando que el precio sea correcto en su puñado de empresas de la lista de deseos. Sus empresas tienen fosos duraderos, lo que significa que no solo pueden resistir, sino que probablemente se beneficien de los Eventos. Las empresas son antifrágiles porque volverán más fuertes que nunca. Entonces, hasta que el precio baje, espere en efectivo y esté listo para actuar cuando llegue el caos. Solo no dude y piense, "Quizás debería esperar aún más para que el precio caiga aún más".

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A company with a durable moat has a long-term competitive advantage that protects it from competitors. This could be a unique product, a strong brand, or a cost advantage. This moat allows the company to withstand market fluctuations and unexpected events, making it antifragile. An antifragile company not only survives these events but also benefits from them, coming back stronger than before.

A company can benefit from market fluctuations and one-off events by building an antifragile portfolio. This involves patiently waiting for the right price on a handful of wishlist companies that have durable moats, meaning they can not only withstand, but likely actually benefit from, such events. These companies are antifragile because they will come back stronger than ever. Therefore, it's important to wait in cash and be ready to take action when the chaos hits.

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Entonces, ¿cuánto invertir en cada empresa? Una buena regla general es poner el 10% de su cartera de inversión en cada empresa, pero eso es solo una guía. De cualquier manera, tenga un plan para el orden en que comprará su lista de deseos si todo el mercado baja de una vez. Y, cuando se trata de decidir por dónde empezar, Buffett diría, "Compra tu favorito", porque esa es la empresa en la que has pasado más tiempo pensando.

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The investment strategies in "Invested" have a high potential to be implemented in real-world scenarios. The book outlines Warren Buffett's approach to value investing, which has been proven successful over many decades. It suggests investing 10% of your portfolio in each company you believe in, which is a practical and manageable strategy for most investors. However, it's important to note that while the strategies are theoretically sound, their success in the real world depends on a variety of factors including market conditions, individual investor's knowledge, and their ability to stick to the plan.

The theme of "Invested" is highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates in the financial world. It discusses the approach of value investing, popularized by Warren Buffett, which is a strategy of picking stocks that appear to be trading for less than their intrinsic or book value. This strategy is still widely used and debated today. Furthermore, the book addresses common financial concerns such as retirement planning and investment strategies, topics that are always pertinent in financial discussions.

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Uno de los mayores secretos de Buffett para reducir el riesgo y aumentar el rendimiento general es comprar empresas que, con el tiempo, reduzcan la cantidad que ha invertido en ellas enviándole parte de su flujo de efectivo libre, en otras palabras, dividendos. Idealmente, recuperará todo su dinero a través de los dividendos. Sin embargo, las empresas están bajo una gran presión para mantener el pago de los dividendos, sin importar qué; y a veces eso no es el mejor uso de sus fondos. No compre en función de si una empresa paga un dividendo regular, sino en función de si la administración está utilizando su efectivo libre de manera inteligente.

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Dividends play a significant role in Warren Buffett's investment strategy. He prefers buying companies that, over time, reduce the amount he has invested in them by sending him some of their free cash flow, which is essentially dividends. This strategy lowers risk as it allows for a return of investment over time, irrespective of market fluctuations. It also raises the overall return as the dividends can be reinvested to compound the growth. However, Buffett doesn't buy based on whether a company pays a regular dividend, but rather on whether management is using its free cash wisely.

Small businesses can apply Warren Buffett's approach to value investing by focusing on companies that generate free cash flow and use it wisely. This approach involves investing in companies that, over time, reduce the amount invested in them by returning some of their free cash flow, ideally through dividends. However, the focus should not be on whether a company pays a regular dividend, but rather on whether the management is using its free cash wisely. This strategy can help small businesses reduce risk and increase overall return.

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Una táctica a utilizar es comprar en tramos o rebanadas. Cuando el precio de su empresa objetivo alcanza su nivel de compra, compre el 25% de lo que es su objetivo total de compra para la empresa; cuando el precio baja más, compre el siguiente 25%, y así sucesivamente. Esto ayuda a aliviar su miedo a lo que sucede si el precio sigue cayendo después de comprar. Solo recuerde que el objetivo es comprar y mantener a largo plazo.

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The book "Invested" has influenced corporate investment strategies by promoting the approach of value investing, popularized by Warren Buffett. It encourages buying in tranches or slices when the target company price hits the buying level. This strategy helps to alleviate the fear of price drops after purchase. The book emphasizes a long-term hold strategy, which can influence corporations to adopt a more patient and strategic approach to their investments.

The specific examples of companies that have successfully implemented the tranche buying strategy are not mentioned in the content. However, many investment firms and individual investors use this strategy. It's a common practice in the stock market and is used by investors worldwide. The strategy is not company-specific but rather a method used by investors to mitigate risk and potentially maximize returns.

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Cuándo vender

No planee vender su empresa a menos que su historia cambie, quizás su foso sea violado por un cambio fundamental en la industria, una nueva invención tecnológica importante, o la administración se convierta en traidores a los interesados (la deuda aumenta, el ROIC comienza a caer, etc.). El ejercicio de inversión de la historia que realizó antes de poner la empresa en su lista de deseos le dará pistas sobre lo que podría arruinar la empresa y hacer que venda.

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The principles of value investing can be applied in traditional sectors like manufacturing or retail by focusing on companies that have a strong competitive advantage or 'moat'. This could be a strong brand, cost advantages, or efficient scale. These companies are often undervalued by the market, providing an opportunity for investors. Additionally, investors should look for companies with a good return on invested capital (ROIC) and low debt levels. It's also important to understand the company's story and be prepared to hold onto the investment for a long time, unless the company's story changes significantly.

1. Embrace Value Investing: The book emphasizes the importance of value investing, a strategy used by Warren Buffett. This involves buying stocks that are undervalued in the market and holding onto them for a long time.

2. Understand the Company's Story: Before investing in a company, understand its story. This includes its business model, industry position, and potential threats.

3. Monitor for Changes: If the company's story changes significantly, such as a major shift in the industry or management issues, it may be time to sell your stake.

4. Focus on Return on Invested Capital (ROIC): The book highlights the importance of ROIC. A drop in ROIC could be a warning sign of trouble.

Remember, these takeaways are not just for investing, but can also be applied to managing a business.

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Siga la historia de la empresa a través de su informe anual y la reunión de accionistas; lectura regular de las noticias de negocios; y controles periódicos sobre lo que están haciendo sus gurús de inversión favoritos. Mantenga un ojo en el mercado general revisando el P/E de Shiller y el PIB de Wilshire. Y finalmente, siga investigando para encontrar posibles nuevas empresas de la lista de deseos.

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Warren Buffett's investment approach, as discussed in the book 'Invested', can be applied to find potential new wishlist companies by following a few key steps. First, keep track of the company's story through its annual report and shareholders meeting. Regular reading of the business news and periodic checks on what your favorite investment gurus are doing can also provide valuable insights. Keep an eye on the overall market by checking the Shiller P/E and the Wilshire GDP. Finally, continue doing the research to find potential new wishlist companies. This approach requires patience and diligence, but it can lead to successful long-term investments.

The Shiller P/E and the Wilshire GDP are both indicators that can be used to assess the overall health of the market. The Shiller P/E, also known as the cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio, is a valuation measure that uses real earnings per share over a 10-year period to smooth out fluctuations in corporate profits that occur over different periods of a business cycle. A high Shiller P/E suggests that stocks may be overvalued, while a low Shiller P/E suggests they may be undervalued. The Wilshire GDP, on the other hand, is a measure of the total market value of all goods and services produced in a country in a specific time period. It can be used to gauge the overall economic activity and health of a country. By monitoring these two indicators, investors can get a sense of whether the market is overvalued or undervalued, and adjust their investment strategies accordingly.

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A medida que comienza a construir su práctica de inversión, se volverá más hábil para hacer la investigación, encontrar la información, ejecutar los números y tomar decisiones. Comenzará a ver el mundo a su alrededor a través de los ojos de un inversor, no solo de un consumidor pasivo. Obtendrá nuevas ideas sobre sus pensamientos sobre el dinero y una nueva confianza en su capacidad para resistir el inevitable próximo colapso del mercado.

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The shift from a passive consumer to an active investor can significantly contribute to financial freedom and retirement planning. As an active investor, you're not just spending money, but strategically placing it in investments that can grow over time. This approach can lead to wealth accumulation, providing financial security for retirement. Moreover, active investing involves continuous learning and decision-making, which can lead to better financial literacy and independence. This shift in perspective can help you better prepare for market fluctuations and make informed decisions about your financial future.

Value investing, as advocated by Warren Buffett, challenges traditional approaches to building an investment portfolio in several ways. Traditional investing often focuses on diversification and buying stocks based on market trends. Value investing, on the other hand, emphasizes on buying stocks that are undervalued by the market, often due to temporary issues. This requires a deep understanding of the company's fundamentals and a willingness to go against the market trends. It also requires patience, as the true value of the stocks may take time to be recognized by the market. This approach can be more risky as it often involves concentrating investments in fewer stocks, but it can also offer higher returns if the investor's analysis is correct.

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