Ultimate Charts (Part 5) Spreadsheet preview
Actual vs target Sheet preview
Gauge chart (google sheets) Sheet preview
Gauge chart Sheet preview
Control chart Sheet preview
Trend chart Sheet preview
Variance over the previous month (%) Sheet preview
Variance Sheet preview
Calendar chart (google sheets) Sheet preview
Calendar chart Sheet preview
Scatter chart Sheet preview
Whiskers and box Sheet preview
Waterfall chart Sheet preview
Histogram Sheet preview
Gauge details Sheet preview
Waterfall chart (google sheets) Sheet preview
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In different business processes like product development, supply chain, operations, and finance – numbers and data drive critical decisions. Yet, standalone figures can sometimes be hard to decipher. This is where the power of visual aids like charts comes into play. With our Ultimate Charts (Part 5) spreadsheet template, we transform complex data into easily understandable visual stories. This template offers ten dynamic and customizable charts, tailored to distinct analytical tasks. They are grouped into four main categories: Progress, Timeline, Distribution, and Statistical charts. Each one has a specific role, be it in tracking trends, outliers, or analyzing complex data distributions.

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I'm sorry, but I can't provide a specific real-world example as the content does not mention any specific company using these charts. However, many companies across various industries use such charts for data analysis and decision making. For instance, a retail company might use progress charts to track sales performance over time, or a manufacturing company might use distribution charts to analyze the efficiency of their supply chain. These charts help in visualizing complex data and identifying trends, which can guide strategic decisions.

Some alternative methods for visualizing complex data distributions in the field of finance include using different types of charts such as progress, timeline, distribution, and statistical charts. Each of these charts has a specific role in tracking trends, outliers, or analyzing complex data distributions. Other methods could include using heat maps, scatter plots, or even 3D visualizations depending on the complexity and nature of the data. It's also important to use color coding and labeling effectively to make the data easier to understand.

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In this article, you'll learn:

  • How to customize these charts to reflect your data accurately;
  • How to interpret and extract the insights;
  • And the key filters we have added to our template for each chart to simplify your work.

And before we dive into our template, which you can download by the way – please remember that anything in blue is data that you can edit and replace with your own datasets. Text in black represents formulas that should not be altered.


Progress charts

Actual vs Target chart

The "Actual vs. Target" chart is favored by businesses that need comparative insights between real-time achievements and predetermined goals. For example, it could track two crucial metrics: 'budget' and 'forecast'. In retail sectors, for instance, the chart measures actual sales against projected figures across various branches or regions. In manufacturing, it's often used to compare actual production outputs against forecasted quantities. [text]Blue bars represent the actual sales figures, while the yellow and blue lines capture budgeted and forecasted values, respectively. Businesses can promptly discern which regions or departments outperform or lag behind their targets, facilitating more informed decisions. This chart integrates into diverse business scenarios, from monitoring employee performance in HR to tracking customer satisfaction in the service industry.

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I'm sorry, but I can't provide a specific real-world case study as the information in the content does not mention any specific company that used the "Actual vs. Target" chart. However, it's common for businesses in various sectors, such as retail and manufacturing, to use this chart to compare actual results with predetermined goals. This helps them understand which regions or departments are performing above or below their targets, which in turn aids in making informed decisions.

Businesses can use a variety of charts to track their performance against targets. Some alternatives to the "Actual vs. Target" chart include the Gantt chart, which is useful for tracking project timelines and milestones; the Pie chart, which can show the proportion of different components; the Bar chart, which can compare different categories; and the Line chart, which is useful for tracking trends over time. Other options include the Scatter plot, which can show the relationship between two variables, and the Histogram, which can show the distribution of data.

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Actual vs target

Gauge chart

The Gauge chart is a visual analytics tool designed to offer an immediate snapshot of performance against set benchmarks. With its speedometer-like appearance, this chart gives businesses an intuitive performance overview. It's particularly suited for corporate metrics representing a single value or a percentage within a defined range, such as quarterly sales achievements. It excels in situations with a clear target, effectively conveying how close a value is to a benchmark.

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A customer support team can use a Gauge chart to track and improve their customer satisfaction ratings by collecting customer feedback after each interaction. The feedback can be quantified and plotted on the Gauge chart. If the pointer leans towards the green, it indicates high customer satisfaction, while a pointer towards the red suggests there's room for improvement. By continuously monitoring this chart, the team can identify areas of improvement and take necessary actions to enhance customer satisfaction. This real-time visual representation of customer satisfaction can help the team to make data-driven decisions and improve their service quality.

Sales teams can use a variety of methods to track their performance apart from Gauge charts. Some of these include Line charts for tracking sales trends over time, Bar charts for comparing sales performance across different products or regions, Pie charts for understanding the distribution of sales among different categories, and Scatter plots for identifying correlations between different sales variables. Additionally, sales teams can also use Dashboard software that provides real-time tracking of key performance indicators (KPIs).

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Sales teams, for instance, frequently utilize it to showcase monthly revenue against set targets. A pointer towards the green indicates that the team is either on track or exceeding expectations, while a nudge towards the red suggests there's room to improve. Similarly, in customer support, the Gauge chart can depict satisfaction ratings. After a round of customer feedback, a green-leaning chart is an encouraging sign of positive customer experience.

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Gauge chart
Gauge chart (google sheets)
Gauge details

In our implementation of the Gauge chart, you can define categories and view the gauge for each one. The "Sum of Value" display is used to compare a category's performance relative to others, while the "Goal" is used to compare performance against a specific target. In our template, you can also give a custom name to each gauge section and the percentage of the gauge said section should include.

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Timeline charts

Trend chart

The "Trend chart" visualizes long-term patterns and fluctuations in your data. It's usually employed in sectors that need consistent monitoring of time-based metrics. Whether you want to monitor sales, customer feedback, or inventory levels, some insights can only be offered by observing how these numbers change over time. For instance, in retail, it can show sales trajectories over quarterly periods, pinpointing spikes or declines. Similarly, in operations, it can map out inventory levels over time, helping managers anticipate restocking needs or identify surpluses. In essence, wherever there's a need to comprehend how a metric evolves over time, the Trend Chart provides a straightforward visualization using a continuous line.

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Trend chart

By tracing the line, one can spot seasons of high performance, recognize potential bottlenecks, and strategize accordingly. Meanwhile, the dotted line offers a glimpse into potential future trends based on the present data. Our template includes a date filter, for which you can view the trend line within a subset of your data. That way, you can see the trend line for a 30-day, 60-day, or 90-day window, or any custom timeframe you define.

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The Variance chart is a powerful tool for tracking monthly sales fluctuations in a business. It provides a visual representation of the percentage changes in sales for each month compared to its predecessor. This allows businesses to identify short-term fluctuations and evaluate the immediate impact of their decisions. The chart can help in identifying trends, outliers, and analyzing complex data distributions. It can also aid in strategic planning and decision making by providing insights into sales performance and growth or decline patterns.

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Variance chart

The 'Variance chart' is used to discern short-term shifts in metrics, emphasizing month-to-month changes. Instead of painting a broader, long-term picture like the Trend Chart, the Variance chart zeroes in on monthly fluctuations, presenting the exact percentage differences between consecutive months.

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The Control chart aligns with digital transformation initiatives in data analysis by providing a digital tool for monitoring the stability of a process. It maps out data points with set control limits, emphasizing consistency and predictability. This digital tool aids in flagging anomalies that stray beyond these limits, enabling organizations to manage and improve quality proactively. In the context of digital transformation, it allows for real-time data analysis, predictive analytics, and process optimization, which are key aspects of digital transformation initiatives.

The Control chart enhances business strategy by ensuring process consistency in several ways. Firstly, it monitors the stability of a process by mapping out data points with set control limits. This emphasis on consistency and predictability allows for the identification of any anomalies that stray beyond these limits. By flagging these anomalies, the Control chart aids in ensuring that processes remain consistent. This enables organizations to manage and improve quality proactively, thereby enhancing their business strategy.

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This dual view holds an understanding of data nuances that could be lost in more straightforward visualizations. The Variance chart shows the percentage changes in sales for that month compared to its predecessor.

Variance over the previous month (%)

By identifying such short-term fluctuations, businesses can evaluate the immediate impact of their decisions. Each monthly bar portrays the figures, while the percentage markers show the month-over-month growth or decline.

Control chart

The 'Control chart' is fundamental for monitoring the stability of a process. It maps out data points with set control limits, emphasizing consistency and predictability. By flagging anomalies that stray beyond these limits, the chart aids in ensuring that processes remain consistent, enabling organizations to manage and improve quality proactively.

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It's particularly instrumental for industries where even minor deviations can have significant consequences and aim for operational excellence. In essence, it serves as an early warning system where organizations can detect and address process deviations before they escalate into more substantial issues or defects.

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Control chart

The central yellow line represents the average of the data points, serving as a benchmark for understanding general performance. The green and red lines, on the other hand, represent the Upper and Lower control limits. Any data point straying beyond them suggests unusual variation that may need further investigation. Our template includes a date filter to select the period you want to analyze. Additionally, all control limits are automatically calculated and updated based on the range entered.

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Distribution charts

Waterfall chart

The 'Waterfall Chart' focuses on the accumulative effect of sequential data points, detailing how an initial value is affected by subsequent positive or negative changes. This chart is essential for businesses that need a concise representation of events over a timeline, emphasizing incremental shifts toward an outcome.

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A battery manufacturer might collect data on the lifespan of their batteries in use. This data could be divided into bins, each representing a range of lifespan, for example, 0-6 months, 6-12 months, 12-18 months, and so on. The manufacturer would then count the number of batteries that fall into each bin. The resulting histogram would show the distribution of battery lifespans. This could help the manufacturer identify the most common lifespan range, any outliers, and overall trends in battery lifespan.

Bins in a histogram are used to divide the data into intervals or ranges. They play a crucial role in data analysis as they help in understanding the distribution of data. By plotting the number of occurrences in each bin, one can identify patterns, trends, and outliers in the data. For instance, in the context of battery lifespan, bins could represent different lifespan durations, and the number of batteries falling into each bin would help determine the most frequent lifespan duration before replacement.

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Waterfall chart
Waterfall chart (google sheets)

Given a starting amount, each bar represents an incremental change—green for growth and red for reductions. To the right of the chart one can see the final value, the accumulation of all changes. For instance, in retail inventory management, the Waterfall Chart visualizes the sequential impact of product inflows and outflows. Starting with a month's initial count, the chart displays additions from supplier deliveries as green bars and deductions from sales or damages as red bars. By month-end, the chart offers a clear account of inventory changes, aiding precise replenishment decisions.

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Histogram chart

The "Histogram" is used to understand the distribution of variables by dividing the data into buckets, or "bins", and then plotting the number of occurrences in each bin. For example, manufacturers might use histograms to understand the lifespan of batteries, determining the most frequent duration before they need replacement.

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Similarly, e-commerce businesses can analyze the distribution of customer purchase amounts, helping to define pricing strategies or unique offer thresholds. In essence, a histogram is the distribution curve of an occurrence. In our template, it's possible to use a filter to categorize the histogram view further. You can analyze different characteristics with a single click, or change the bucket size you prefer – that way you can see your distribution in more detail.

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Calendar chart

The "Calendar chart" provides a concise visual representation of task distribution across a month. By selecting a specific month, it's possible to instantly view the distribution of completed versus pending tasks. This chart highlights productivity patterns – green markings signify days in which tasks were completed. On the other hand, red markers are days when set targets weren't achieved, representing potential challenges or areas that may require intervention. Gray dots represent days on which no tasks were listed.

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Scatter charts are unique in their ability to show the correlation between two variables, making patterns, clusters, or outliers immediately evident. Unlike bar or line charts that display data along a single axis, scatter charts plot data along two axes. This allows for a more nuanced view of data distribution and can reveal trends not immediately apparent in other chart types. However, scatter charts may not be as effective for showing clear-cut categorical data or time series data, where bar, line, or pie charts might be more appropriate.

The Scatter chart is a powerful tool for identifying trends and outliers in business data. It plots individual data points on a graph, which allows for the visualization of patterns, clusters, or outliers. For instance, a company might use a Scatter chart to determine if there's a correlation between product quality and sales, or the time dedicated to a task and its eventual outcome. By looking for trends in how the dots are grouped, one can decipher patterns and identify potential outliers that deviate from these patterns.

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Calendar chart
Calendar chart (google sheets)

For example, let's say you are the operations manager of a factory and you need to ensure that a machine is cleaned each day. In the data section you can list out the days the machine needs to be cleaned, and your team can mark whether or not they cleaned the machine. By looking at the "Calendar chart" in a single glance, as a manager, you'll be able to tell which days the machine was not cleaned – as opposed to trying to analyze your data row by row.

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Statistic charts

Scatter chart

The 'Scatter chart' helps to illustrate how one variable might affect another. A company might want to figure out if there's a link between product quality and sales. Or perhaps be curious about the link between the time dedicated to a task and its eventual outcome. This chart maps out each data point, making patterns, clusters, or even outliers immediately evident. To decipher patterns, look for trends in how the dots are grouped:

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The 25th and 75th percentiles, represented by the bottom and top hinges of the box in the chart, help in identifying outliers by establishing the interquartile range (IQR), which is the range between these two percentiles. Any data point that falls below Q1 - 1.5*IQR or above Q3 + 1.5*IQR is considered an outlier. Thus, these percentiles provide a reference frame for identifying unusually high or low values in the dataset.

The box in the chart, often referred to as the 'box' in a box plot, is significant as it contains the middle 50% of the dataset's values. This means that half of all the data points lie within this box. Inside the box, there's a line that represents the median, marking the exact middle of all data points. The top and bottom edges of the box, known as 'hinges', represent the 75th percentile (Q3) and the 25th percentile (Q1) respectively. They frame the range of this central half of the data. This box aids in understanding data trends by providing a visual representation of the data's dispersion and skewness. It allows for a quick visual interpretation of the data's spread and central tendency.

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  • An upward trend indicates a positive correlation: as one variable increases, so does the other.
  • A downward trend indicates a negative correlation
  • Densely packed clusters indicate common or frequent occurrences.
  • Outliers are dots that stand apart from the general cluster. They represent unusual cases or exceptions and can often be points of interest or investigation.
Scatter chart

However, if dots appear dispersed without a clear pattern, it signifies no strong association between the two variables. Also, if two variables are correlated, it is hard to identify what causes that correlation. If you're unfamiliar with this chart please search online "correlation vs. causation".

Box and whiskers chart

The 'Box and Whiskers chart', commonly called a 'Box plot', is a graphical representation that provides a snapshot of a dataset's distribution. It's handy when you want to spot outliers, determine data symmetry, or get a sense of data spread. This template enables you to examine values within an entire dataset or to isolate specific variables to observe their unique behavior.

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Whiskers and box

Here's how to read each box: the centerpiece of the chart is a rectangle, often called the 'box', which contains the middle 50% of the dataset's values. In other words, half of all the data points lie within this box. Inside it, there's a line that divides the box into two. This line represents the median and marks the exact middle of all data points. So, when you look at this line, you see the value where half of the data points are above it and the others are below. The top and bottom edges of the box are called 'hinges'. The top hinge represents the 75th percentile (Q3), and the bottom hinge represents the 25th percentile (Q1). Together, they frame the range of this central half of the data.

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The span between these hinges (Q3 - Q1) is known as the Interquartile range, which, as explained, represents the range of the central 50% of the data. There are two lines extending out from the box, the 'whiskers'. These whiskers stretch to the smallest and largest data values within a calculated range. Any data point beyond these whiskers is typically considered as outlier, meaning they are unusual. If you're familiar with a histogram, imagine if each box with its whiskers represents a single distribution. Each bar is a histogram with only four buckets representing 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. Our box chart template also has a filter to segment data by any category in the dataset.

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We hope you've enjoyed our Ultimate Charts (Part 5) template, and that these charts can ultimately help you save hours of work. If you work in the industry and noticed we missed some essential charts, please let us know so we can add it to our next version of this template.

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