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Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done Book Summary preview
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How do you translate strategy into results? Execution is both an organizational culture and a specific set of behaviors. Leaders must be hands-on and intensively involved with three core interlinked processes -the people process, the strategy process and the operations process.

In Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done, authors Ram Charan and former Honeywell CEO Larry Bossidy share leadership strategies about how to hire doers that energize others, make decisions quickly, get things done through delegation and follow through. Business leaders who understand the reality of markets, customers and resources must own the strategy process and use the operations process to design new programs and tie performance to incentives. These three core processes are the foundation of competitive advantage.

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Here are some good questions to ask when trying to identify what needs to change in the current culture:

1. What are the core values of our organization and how well are they being lived out in our daily operations?
2. How do our employees feel about the company's culture? Are they satisfied, or are there areas they feel need improvement?
3. How does our culture align with our business strategy and goals?
4. How does our culture influence our decision-making processes?
5. How does our culture support or hinder innovation and creativity?
6. How does our culture impact our customer relationships and service delivery?
7. How does our culture affect employee engagement, productivity, and retention?
8. Are there any behaviors or practices that are counterproductive to our culture?

Remember, culture change is a strategic process and requires a deep understanding of the existing culture, clear vision for the future, and strong leadership to drive the change.

Good cultural change in an organization refers to a shift in the values, attitudes, and behaviors of the company that leads to a more positive and productive environment. This could involve promoting diversity and inclusion, encouraging innovation and creativity, fostering open communication, or emphasizing customer satisfaction.

It's important to note that good cultural change is not a one-time event, but a continuous process that requires commitment from all levels of the organization. It often involves changing long-held beliefs and practices, which can be challenging.

However, when done correctly, cultural change can lead to improved employee morale, increased productivity, and a stronger competitive advantage. It can also make the company more attractive to potential employees and customers.

Remember, the key to successful cultural change is to ensure that it aligns with the company's mission, vision, and strategic goals.

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Top 20 insights

  1. The process to create an execution culture is similar to the six sigma process for continual improvement. Leaders constantly look for deviations from desired tolerance levels in execution across areas like profit margins to promotions. They swiftly close the gap and raise the bar for the entire organization. Like Six Sigma, execution works only when people practice it continuously.
  2. Leaders who execute do not preside. They actively lead. The leader who presides takes pride in a hands-off style and does not deal with core issues or confront people responsible for poor performance. In contrast, those who actively lead are personally involved in the critical details of execution. They ensure people understand organizational priorities, assign tasks, follow up, and promote and reward people who execute.
  3. Lack of execution can cost CEOs their jobs. In 2000 alone, over 40 CEOs from the top 200 companies on the Fortune 500 list were removed by their board because they could not execute what they had committed to do. 20% of the top business leaders in America lost their jobs only because they failed to master the art of execution.
  4. The three core processes of execution are deeply interlinked. Strategy Plans must account for personnel and operational realities. People are chosen and promoted in light of strategic and operational plans, so operations must be linked to strategic goals and human capacities.
  5. Employees need a small number of clear priorities to execute well. When you speak to employees, emphasize only three or four key priorities that will influence the overall company performance. They have to make daily trade-offs because there is competition for resources and ambiguity over decision rights. Without carefully thought-out priorities, people can get caught up in endless conflicts.
  6. Companies don't execute because they don't measure, reward or promote people who know how to get things done. Ensure that there is a clear percentage differentiation in salaries, bonuses and stock options between top performers and other employees across the organization. This differentiation creates clarity in the organization that execution is rewarded and respected.
  7. Emotional fortitude gives you the courage to be open to unpleasant information. It also allows you to accept opposite points of view, be firm with underperformers and handle ambiguity in a complex organization. Few leaders are good at everything their role demands. Emotional fortitude makes you comfortable with your strengths and, most importantly, puts mechanisms in place to address your shortcomings. Authenticity is key to emotional fortitude.
  8. People watch a leader's behavior for ethical clues. If a leader behaves differently than what he preaches, the best will lose faith, and the worst will follow in his footsteps. Meanwhile, the rest will do what they can to survive in a muddy ethical environment. This toxic landscape becomes a barrier to get things done.
  9. Candid conversations are central to execution. Honesty helps the organization effectively gather accurate information, process it and reshape it to produce decisions. Informality is the key to truth-based dialogues, as it invites questions, encourages employees to air brutal truths instead of consensus and fosters critical thought.
  10. Executive development is a core competency. Leaders need to spend as much as 40% of their time and emotional energy in the selection, appraisal and development of people. As CEO of AlliedSignal, Larry Bossidy devoted 30-40% every day to guide future leaders. His effort created an extraordinary leadership pipeline that propelled organizational success. These candidates went on to become CEOs of American Standard, Raytheon, PerkinElmer and W.R Grace.
  11. Most companies look for leadership candidates who are thinkers and visionaries. However, there is little correlation between the ability to think and the ability to execute well. To build an execution culture, you must select the doer with a proven track record of execution over the thinker with elite academic credentials and a high IQ. Check if the candidate displays energy and enthusiasm for execution instead of just abstract ideation.
  12. To execute, you must learn how to get things done through others. People who cannot work through others reduce the organization's capacity and don't leverage the full capabilities of their team. If you work an 80-hour schedule and push others to do the same, it's a clear signal that you should learn to get things done through others.
  13. A robust people's process does three things. First, it evaluates individuals accurately and in-depth. Second, it provides a framework to identify and develop the leadership talent required to execute its strategy. Finally, it creates a strong leadership pipeline to enable succession.
  14. The people's process must be linked to strategic milestones in the near (0-2 years), mid (2-5 years) and long terms (5+ years). Leaders create this linkage to ensure that they have the correct number and types of people to execute their strategy. The ability to meet medium and long-term milestones depends significantly on a solid pipeline of promotable leaders.
  15. Organizations must have robust processes to analyze succession depth and retention risk. Succession depth analysis determines whether a company has enough high-potential candidates to fill positions. Retention risk analysis evaluates a person's potential for mobility and the risk faced if they leave. If the person is a business-critical high-risk candidate, the organization will take more vigorous efforts to retain them with rewards and career progression.
  16. Identify critical jobs and create talent pipelines for them. Critical jobs are those that are essential to execute the organization's strategic vision successfully. These jobs are not necessarily high-level ones. For a biotech company, someone who heads a clinical trial for a critical product is vital to the organization's three-year strategy. In the mid-'90s, when GE was recognized as the best pipeline of leadership talent, the division presidents became retention risks. GE's people process ensured that the company retained most candidates through financial rewards like stock grants which they could not cash until retirement. When a key person left, the process provided replacement within just 24 hours. When Larry Johnson, president of GE's appliance division, announced his departure, GE named a successor the same day.
  17. Talent reviews are best conducted in a group setting. Get five people who know the candidate to share their observations, argue differences and reach a conclusion. The diverse views converge to bring out an accurate, objective and composite picture of the candidate's capability, far better than the perspective of any single person.
  18. The strategy process must be designed and owned by those who will execute it. Staff can help through data collection and analysis. Still, the substance and detail of the strategy must come from the leaders because they best understand which ideas will work in the marketplace and what strategies will need new organizational capabilities. The people process and operating plan must be strongly linked to the strategic plan to be realistic. A link to the people process helps you evaluate if you have the right people to execute the strategy. A link to the strategic plan specifics to the operating plan aligns the different parts of the organization towards the strategic goals.
  19. Great strategists can detect patterns of change and relate them to their landscape, industries, competition and business far earlier than others. When the Asian Financial Crisis hit in 1997, most companies failed to detect the change till March 1998. But GE and AlliedSignal recognized the crisis before 1997 and changed their 1998 operating plans to deliver the promised results despite the new circumstances.
  20. Ensure your strategy does not lead to fragmentation or entry into too many markets. A fragmented strategy plan will result in more goods and services than the organization can handle. After two decades of unfocussed growth, Unilever ended up with over 1600 brands. In 2001, it confronted the problem and reduced the number of brands to 400. The consolidation resulted in higher margins and revenue growth.


Execution requires leaders to be hands-on and intensively involved with their people and organizations. They must put vital leadership behaviors in place and create a culture of execution to run the core processes effectively. In this way, execution is a systematic way to expose reality and act on it.

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Leaders can improve their execution skills by being more hands-on and intensively involved with their teams and organizations. They should implement essential leadership behaviors and foster a culture of execution to manage core processes effectively. Execution is a systematic approach to expose reality and act on it, thus leaders should be open to reality and take appropriate actions based on it.

Organizations with a culture of execution are characterized by hands-on leadership, intensive involvement with their people, and effective running of core processes. They use execution as a systematic way to expose reality and act on it. On the other hand, organizations without a culture of execution may lack these characteristics, which can lead to inefficiencies and a disconnect between strategy and implementation.

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Seven essential leadership behaviors

Here are seven things you must do to execute:

  1. Know your people and your business — Leaders must make an effort to engage with their staff actively and have candid discussions on operational realities. A leader who asks superficial questions at significant and casual interactions leaves the team with a sense that said leader is clueless. In contrast, a leader who actively discusses operational realities shares the organizational vision and opens a space for candid conversation, which earns the team's respect.
  2. Insist on Realism — Leaders have to be realistic and ensure that realism is the goal of all dialogues in the organization. An excellent way to start is to ask employees frequently, ""What are we doing right, and what are we doing wrong as a business?""
  3. Set Clear Goals and Priorities — Focus on a few clear priorities that can produce the best results from the resources at hand. Well-thought-out priorities can help people make better trade-offs between priorities daily and avoid organizational politics.
  4. Follow Through — Ensure accountability and create follow-through mechanisms to ensure that everyone does what they are supposed to do. Regular follow-through meetings send the signal throughout the company that others can expect follow-through on tasks from each other.
  5. Reward the Doers — Performers must get a better bonus, stock options or even stock grants. A leader needs to ensure that distinctions based on performance become a way of life through the organization.
  6. Coach to Expand Capabilities — Leaders must regard every encounter as an opportunity to coach their people. Provide specific feedback and point out behavior and performance that require changes. Do not preach. Ask incisive questions that bring out the reality of a situation and give stakeholders the help they need to correct problems.
  7. Know Yourself — Emotional blockages result in conflict evasion, procrastination on decisions and failure to deal with underperformers. Build emotional fortitude to be honest with yourself, accept opposite points of view and give people honest assessments. Leaders earn confidence when followers can see their inner strength, confidence, ability to help others deliver results, and efforts to expand their capabilities. Four core qualities make up emotional fortitude: authenticity, self-awareness, self-mastery and humility.

Frameworks for cultural change

Efforts at cultural change fail because they are not linked to business outcomes. Usually, values don't need to be changed. Instead, work to change the limiting beliefs that affect behavior. Behaviors are beliefs turned into actions. Behaviors deliver results.

Beliefs are conditioned by experience, what people hear inside and outside the organization, and perceptions about their leaders. If employees believe that those who perform less will gain the same rewards, they will be unmotivated and work poorly.

Four steps to a culture of execution

There are four steps to create a culture of execution.

  1. Be transparent with your team about what results are needed.
  2. Coach and support them to achieve the results.
  3. Reward people for positive results.
  4. If people come up short, coach them, withdraw rewards, offer other jobs or let them go.

Link rewards to performance

A business culture ultimately tells the people in the organization what kinds of behaviors are valued and rewarded. The compensation system must reward not just substantial achievement on numbers but also desirable behaviors that people adopt.

Social operating mechanisms

A vital part of the organizational software is ""Social Operating Mechanisms,"" which include any place where dialogue occurs in an organization. Social Operating Mechanisms could be formal or informal meetings, emails, presentations etc.

Social Operating Mechanisms cut across functions, disciplines, work processes and hierarchies. They create new information flows, working relationships and improve transparency and collective action. Social Operating Mechanisms are critical to share the leader's behaviors, beliefs and mode of dialogue throughout the organization. Other leaders who are present adopt these as their mode of operation

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The book "Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done" emphasizes the importance of Social Operating Mechanisms in an organization. These mechanisms cut across functions, disciplines, work processes, and hierarchies, creating new information flows and improving transparency and collective action. They are critical for sharing the leader's behaviors, beliefs, and mode of dialogue throughout the organization. Other leaders who are present adopt these as their mode of operation, thus ensuring a consistent approach across the organization.

Social Operating Mechanisms contribute to the creation of competitive advantage by improving transparency, fostering collective action, and creating new information flows and working relationships. They cut across functions, disciplines, work processes, and hierarchies, which allows for a more integrated and efficient operation. By sharing the leader's behaviors, beliefs, and mode of dialogue throughout the organization, other leaders can adopt these as their mode of operation, leading to a unified and effective leadership approach. This can give an organization a competitive edge in terms of execution and strategy implementation.

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Robust dialogue

These candid and open dialogues improve the organization's ability to gather information, process it and make decisions. Informality encourages questions, helps colleagues take risks and surfaces out-of-the-box ideas.

Block 3: the right people in the right place

The best long-term competitive differentiator is the quality of an organization's talent pool. Leaders need to spend up to 40% of their time and emotional energy in the selection, appraisal and development of people. While a CEO may not interview every leadership candidate, employees will follow the standard set by the CEO for hires across the organization.

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The book "Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done" does not provide specific case studies or examples in its content. It primarily focuses on the importance of execution in an organization and how leaders should be involved in the people process, the strategy process, and the operations process. However, it emphasizes that the best long-term competitive differentiator is the quality of an organization's talent pool and that leaders should spend a significant amount of their time in the selection, appraisal, and development of people.

The themes of "Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done" are highly relevant to contemporary business issues. The book emphasizes the importance of translating strategy into results, which is a critical aspect of modern business operations. It highlights the role of leaders in driving execution through involvement in people processes, strategy processes, and operations processes. In today's competitive business environment, the ability to execute strategies effectively can be a key differentiator. Furthermore, the book's focus on talent management aligns with the current emphasis on human capital as a crucial business resource.

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What Kind of People to Hire: You can spot the doers by their work habits. Here are qualities to look for in candidates:

Energize People: Some leaders drain energy from people while others create it. Hire candidates who energize their fellow employees.

Be Decisive on Tough Issues: Some candidates waver, procrastinate and avoid reality. Choose candidates with the emotional fortitude to decide on complex issues swiftly and act on them.

Get Things Done Through Others: Without this ability, leaders cannot get the full benefit of the team's capabilities. Leaders who cannot get work done through others put in 80-hour weeks and push their team to do the same. If a candidate cannot get things done through others, they are sure to burn out.

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The principle of "getting things done through others" has significant potential in real-world scenarios. It is a crucial leadership skill that allows for effective delegation and utilization of team capabilities. Leaders who master this principle can avoid burnout and ensure tasks are completed efficiently. They can leverage the strengths of their team members, fostering a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility. This principle is not just theoretical but is applicable in various settings, from businesses to non-profit organizations, and even in personal life management.

A startup can use the principle of "getting things done through others" by delegating tasks effectively and efficiently. This involves identifying the strengths and capabilities of each team member and assigning tasks accordingly. It also requires creating a culture of trust and accountability where team members feel responsible for their tasks and are motivated to perform them well. This approach not only reduces the workload on the leaders, but also empowers the team, leading to increased productivity and growth.

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Follow Through: Every leader who is good at executing follows through religiously. Follow through ensures that people do the thing they have committed to do on time. Never finish a meeting without follow-throughs.

The people process

The people process is more important than the strategy or operations process. People make market judgments, create strategies and translate them into operational realities. A people process accurately evaluates individuals, provides a framework to identify and develop leadership talent and creates a leadership pipeline that builds a strong succession plan. There are four building blocks to a robust people's process.

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The book 'Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done' does not explicitly mention the four building blocks to a robust people's process. However, it emphasizes the importance of the people process and suggests that it should accurately evaluate individuals, provide a framework to identify and develop leadership talent, and create a leadership pipeline that builds a strong succession plan.

Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done" has significantly influenced corporate strategies and business models by emphasizing the importance of the people process. The book argues that the people process is more critical than the strategy or operations process. This perspective has led many organizations to focus more on their human resources, recognizing that people make market judgments, create strategies, and translate them into operational realities. The book's influence has also led to the development of a people process that accurately evaluates individuals, provides a framework to identify and develop leadership talent, and creates a leadership pipeline that builds a strong succession plan.

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Link people to strategy and operations

Leaders must have the correct numbers and kinds of people to execute their strategy. The people's process must be linked to strategic milestones in the near (0-2 years), mid (2-5 years), and long-term. These milestones must also be linked to operational targets to understand what new talent to hire and what capabilities to develop.

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The book 'Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done' emphasizes the importance of having the right people to execute a strategy. It suggests that the people process should be linked to strategic milestones in the near (0-2 years), mid (2-5 years), and long-term. These milestones should also be linked to operational targets to understand what new talent to hire and what capabilities to develop. Therefore, the book provides insights on hiring new talent and developing capabilities by aligning these aspects with the strategic and operational goals of the organization.

The book 'Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done' suggests that leaders should have the correct numbers and types of people to execute their strategy. The people process should be linked to strategic milestones in the near (0-2 years), mid (2-5 years), and long-term. These milestones should also be linked to operational targets to understand what new talent to hire and what capabilities to develop. This approach ensures that the organization has the right people in place to achieve its strategic goals.

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Develop leadership principles

A pipeline of promotable leaders is essential to meet mid and long-term targets. The people's process must assess candidates and decide what they need to do to become ready for leadership responsibilities.

The leadership assessment summary

The Leadership Assessment Summary is a matrix with performance and behavior as axes, both with a scale of low, medium and high. The Leadership Assessment Summary gives an overview of candidates who are high-potential and promotable. Similarly, it shows those who exceed performance standards but need coaching on behavior and vice-versa.

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A small business can use the Leadership Assessment Summary to identify high-potential employees who can be promoted to leadership roles. This tool can also help identify employees who exceed performance standards but need coaching on behavior. By focusing on these areas, a small business can develop a strong leadership team that can drive growth and development.

The book "Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done" has significantly influenced corporate strategies and business models by emphasizing the importance of execution in achieving business goals. It has shifted the focus from just strategic planning to the actual implementation of these plans. The book's principles have led many organizations to reassess their processes and place a higher emphasis on performance and behavior. It has also encouraged leaders to be more hands-on and involved in the core processes of their organizations. This has resulted in more effective strategies and improved business performance.

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Retention risk analysis evaluates a person's potential for mobility and the organization's risk if they leave. If a candidate is both high mobility and critical to the future of the business, the organization will take actions like recognitions and rewards to retain them.

Succession depth analysis evaluates if the company has the talent pipeline to fill critical positions. It also evaluates if high-potential people are stuck in the wrong jobs.

Retention and success at GE

In the mid-1990s, when GE was widely seen as the best producer of leadership talent, every senior leader was a retention risk. GE's people process swiftly moved to retain critical candidates. GE offered them long-term financial rewards like stock grants that they could not cash in until retirement. However, if a critical person left, GE's succession depth approach could replace them within 24 hours.

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The book "Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done" suggests retaining critical leadership talent by offering long-term financial rewards like stock grants that they could not cash in until retirement. This approach was used by GE in the mid-1990s when it was seen as the best producer of leadership talent. If a critical person left, GE's succession depth approach could replace them within 24 hours.

The book presents several innovative ideas. One of them is the concept of execution as a discipline and a core business strategy, not just a set of tasks. It emphasizes the importance of leaders being deeply involved in three core processes: people, strategy, and operations. Another surprising idea is the 'people process' where GE swiftly moved to retain critical candidates by offering them long-term financial rewards. If a critical person left, GE's succession depth approach could replace them within 24 hours. This shows a proactive and strategic approach to talent management and succession planning.

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Deal with nonperformers

A robust people's process must distinguish between candidates who need to be moved to a lesser job and those who need to be fired. When you have to let people go, it's best to do it with as much dignity as possible. It reinforces the positive nature of the performance culture.

Lastly, link HR to business results. Apart from people skills, the HR representative in charge must be a business leader with a point of view on how the people process can help achieve a business objective or a strategic plan.

The strategy process

A good strategy emerges from people closest to the action who understand the market, customers, and resources. While staff can help with numbers and analysis, ultimately, business leaders must develop a strategic plan.

To be realistic, leaders must link their strategy to the people process. The organization must have the right people in the right place to execute the strategy. The operational plan must link the strategic plan specifics to align the different parts of the organization towards its target goals. A business unit strategy must be less than 50 pages and easy to read. You should present its essential components within one page and describe your strategy in 20 minutes in simple language. If you find this difficult, it means that you will have to clarify your thought process.

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A manufacturing company can apply this approach by first identifying the key components of its strategy. These could include its mission, vision, key objectives, and core strategies. Once these are identified, they should be succinctly summarized in a one-page document. This document should be clear, concise, and free of jargon, making it easily understandable to all stakeholders. The company can then prepare a 20-minute presentation based on this one-pager. The presentation should be engaging, using simple language and visual aids where possible to convey the strategy effectively. If the company finds this process difficult, it may indicate that the strategy is not clear enough and needs further refinement.

Linking strategic plan specifics to the operational plan challenges existing practices in business strategy execution by necessitating a more integrated and holistic approach. Traditionally, strategic and operational plans have often been developed and executed in silos. However, linking the two requires that they be closely aligned, which can challenge existing structures and processes. It requires the right people in the right places, clear and concise communication of strategy, and a thorough understanding of how each part of the organization contributes to the overall goals. This can lead to a more effective execution of strategy, but it also requires a shift in mindset and potentially significant changes to existing practices.

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The assessment of the external environment

The strategic plan must explicitly state assumptions it makes about the social, political and macroeconomic context. Successful strategists can perceive patterns of change and relate them to their landscape and business far before everyone else.

Understanding customers and markets

Sometimes organizations can lose awareness of consumers' needs and purchase patterns due to excessive focus on the production and sales of their products.

Paths to profitability and obstacles to growth

Market segment maps are helpful to define growth opportunities. A.T.Cross, the pen manufacturer, has three primary consumer segments: individual buyers, gifters and corporate purchases for institutional gifts. Each product segment will have different competitors, channels, economics and price.

A robust strategic plan must address these questions:

  1. Who is the competition? Sometimes unlikely competitors can have more attractive value propositions for customers. While Staples and Office Depot competed for the discounted office supplies market, they missed the emergence of Walmart as a competitor.
  2. Can the business execute the strategy? Many strategies fail because businesses don't accurately assess whether their organization can execute the plan. If the leader has been actively involved in all three core processes and runs robust dialogues, they would have a decent sense of the organization's capabilities.
  3. What are important milestones to execute the plan? Milestones make a strategic plan realistic. Periodic interim reviews can help the organization understand the current state and what changes might be required to get back on track.
  4. Are short-term and long-term needs balanced? Most plans don't address what a company must do, from when the plan is made to when peak results are expected. When the CEO is clear that long-term projects don't mean an earnings holiday, stakeholders can develop remarkable ways to meet earnings requirements without damage to the long-term project.
  5. What are critical issues for the business now? Every business has some critical issues that can prevent the achievement of strategic goals. These have to be explicitly mentioned in the strategic plan. In strategy review meetings, these issues are discussed and handled periodically. The strategic plan provides a foundation for candid dialogue, the strategy review that links strategy to operations and people process.

Operations process

The operations process breaks long-term strategic outputs into short-term targets. It looks at the programs like product launches, sales plans and manufacturing plans that the business must complete to achieve desired objectives. The leader has to set goals actively, link details of the operations process to the people and strategy processes and lead operating reviews to align the organization to the plan. The operating plan is fundamentally different from a budget, which usually uses the previous year's numbers to set targets. In contrast, an excellent operating plan begins with the strategy document and breaks down long-term strategic goals into short-term targets. Many companies prepare an operating plan based on the budget. In reality, the budget should be a financial expression of the operating plan.

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The operations process contributes to the competitive advantage of a business by breaking down long-term strategic goals into short-term targets. This allows for the implementation of programs such as product launches, sales plans, and manufacturing plans that are necessary to achieve the desired objectives. The leader plays a crucial role in setting these goals, linking the details of the operations process to the people and strategy processes, and leading operating reviews to align the organization with the plan. Unlike a budget, which is often based on the previous year's numbers, an effective operating plan starts with the strategy document. This approach ensures that the operations process is directly tied to the strategic goals of the business, thereby providing a competitive advantage.

Examples of programs that might be included in the operations process are product launches, sales plans, and manufacturing plans. These programs are crucial for a business to achieve its desired objectives. The operations process breaks down long-term strategic goals into these short-term targets. It's important to note that an operating plan, which includes these programs, is fundamentally different from a budget. While a budget usually uses the previous year's numbers to set targets, an excellent operating plan begins with the strategy document and breaks down long-term strategic goals into short-term targets.

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Debate every assumption

There is usually an inherent conflict of interest as people see the review through their respective lenses. In a formal budget review, they negotiate to achieve compromise. Instead, the operating review aims to surface all assumptions, debate them out and validate them with customers and suppliers. An operating review must thoroughly debate every assumption, not only big-picture assumptions but little assumptions and their effect on business, item by item. You cannot set realistic goals unless you have examined the assumptions behind them.

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A startup can use the concepts from "Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done" to grow by implementing the three core interlinked processes mentioned in the book: the people process, the strategy process, and the operations process. The people process involves hiring the right people and nurturing their growth. The strategy process involves setting realistic goals and strategies to achieve them. The operations process involves reviewing and adjusting the operations to align with the goals and strategies. The startup should also foster a culture of execution where everyone is hands-on and intensively involved in these processes.

Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done" has significantly influenced corporate strategies and business models by emphasizing the importance of execution in achieving strategic goals. The book advocates for a culture of execution where leaders are hands-on and intensively involved with core interlinked processes. It has encouraged businesses to focus on people, strategy, and operations, and to thoroughly debate and validate assumptions. This approach has led to more realistic goal-setting and improved performance in many organizations.

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Strategy review

As it offers the last chance to test and validate the strategy before it faces the real world, the strategy review must feature a robust debate with all key players present. People must leave with closure on the discussion and clear accountability for their parts of the plan. Leaders should ensure everyone is clear about outcomes.

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A small business can use the strategies discussed in the book by focusing on three core interlinked processes: the people process, the strategy process, and the operations process. The people process involves selecting, developing, and assessing the people who can execute the strategy. The strategy process involves turning strategic plans into actions. The operations process involves monitoring the company's performance and making necessary adjustments. Leaders should be hands-on and intensively involved in these processes. They should also ensure that everyone is clear about outcomes and their accountability for their parts of the plan.

The lessons from "Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done" can be applied in today's business environment by incorporating the three core interlinked processes mentioned in the book: the people process, the strategy process, and the operations process. Leaders should be hands-on and intensively involved in these processes. They should ensure that everyone is clear about outcomes and their accountability for their parts of the plan. This approach helps in translating strategy into results, which is crucial in today's competitive business environment.

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The Strategy Review is a good place for leaders to learn about and coach other team members. At the end of the review, the leader gets a good perspective of the strategic thinking capabilities of the people involved and their potential for promotion. At the strategic review, the same questions raised when the team formed the strategic plan will be raised again with a broader group with more diverse views.

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The book 'Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done' has significantly influenced corporate strategies by emphasizing the importance of execution in achieving business goals. It has shifted the focus from solely creating strategies to implementing them effectively. The book promotes a culture of execution, suggesting that leaders should be hands-on and intensively involved with three core interlinked processes - the people process, the strategy process, and the operations process. This approach has led many corporations to reassess their strategies and place a greater emphasis on execution, thereby improving their overall performance.

A retail business can apply the execution strategies discussed in the book by incorporating the three core interlinked processes: the people process, the strategy process, and the operations process. The people process involves selecting, developing, and assessing the performance of the team. The strategy process involves turning strategic plans into actions. The operations process involves monitoring the company's performance and making necessary adjustments. Regular strategy reviews can be conducted to assess the strategic thinking capabilities of the team and their potential for promotion. This approach ensures that the business strategy is effectively translated into actionable steps, leading to desired results.

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Here are some additional questions to consider:

Is the plan scattered or sharply focused?

In a quest for expansion, sometimes businesses can end up with far more goods and services than they can manage. Check if your strategy avoids fragmentation of effort and if the company plans to enter too many market segments simultaneously.

Are these the right ideas?

Companies can strategize themselves into markets and business ideas they cannot succeed in. Irrespective of how well you execute, the odds are highly stacked against the company's success when ideas don't fit into current capabilities or require costly acquisitions.

Three steps to build an operations plan

First, set targets like revenues, productivity, market share and operating margin from the outside-in and top-down. Outside-in means that the numbers must reflect economic and competitive realities. Top-down means leaders set goals from the organization level to the business unit level.

Second, develop action plans and make necessary trade-offs. These include significant programs for the year across sales, marketing, production and capital spends. The plans originate from business units as a response to the targets set. Leaders look at the assumptions that might be the most vulnerable and create and ask people to develop contingency plans for those scenarios.

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In the book 'Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done', contingency plans are considered as a crucial part of the strategy process. They are developed as a response to potential vulnerabilities in the business strategy. These plans are created for scenarios that might pose a risk to the achievement of set targets. They serve as a backup plan to ensure that the business operations can continue smoothly even if the original plans fail or face unforeseen challenges. The leaders are responsible for identifying these potential risks and asking their teams to develop contingency plans accordingly.

The lessons from the book "Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done" can be applied in today's business environment by focusing on three core interlinked processes: the people process, the strategy process, and the operations process. Leaders should be hands-on and intensively involved in these processes. They should develop action plans and make necessary trade-offs across various business units such as sales, marketing, production, and capital spends. They should also anticipate potential vulnerabilities and create contingency plans for those scenarios.

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Finally, the leader gets agreement and closure from all participants and establishes follow-through measures. An excellent way to ensure follow-through is to send a memo that outlines the details of the agreements. Quarterly reviews keep the plan up to date and reinforce synchronization.

Apart from clarity on achievable targets, the operations process is an excellent opportunity to coach for leadership. Leaders who participate see the company as a whole, think about every facet of the business and understand how they fit in. They learn to allocate and reassign resources when the environment changes. People get to practice trade-offs to balance the short and long-term.

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Startups can apply the principles of "Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done" to their growth strategies by incorporating the three core interlinked processes mentioned in the book: the people process, the strategy process, and the operations process. The people process involves hiring the right people and developing their skills. The strategy process involves setting clear and achievable targets. The operations process involves allocating and reassigning resources when the environment changes. By practicing these trade-offs, startups can balance short and long-term goals, leading to sustainable growth.

The book 'Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done' challenges traditional business practices in several ways. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of execution in addition to strategy. While traditional business practices often focus on planning and strategy, this book argues that execution is equally, if not more, important. Secondly, it promotes a hands-on leadership style, where leaders are intensively involved in all core processes of the business. This contrasts with traditional practices where leaders may be more detached. Lastly, it encourages leaders to see the company as a whole and understand how all facets of the business fit together, challenging the traditional siloed approach to business.

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Finally, the operations process builds confidence. The team knows they can meet the targets because leadership based them on realistic assumptions. Additionally, the company has simulated the moves necessary to achieve those targets in all but the most uncertain circumstances.

These three processes complement each other to create a virtuous spiral of excellence in execution. These three core processes, when done right, are the differentiation between you and your competitors.

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